Eonorable Rmer Garrison, Jr., Dirsotor
Department or Fubllo sarety
Camp Xabrg
Dear Sir; opieion HO. o-248e
Rat Should the ds8orlbed oombina-
tion of vehiols -be operated
p6olal petit rrom
?. a Highway Departc33nt
d the rams be regls-
r of reaent date re-
ent upon the abms
P stated question. 8 r0uwps:
&with a photograph of a
that haa a ziotor permsn-
sk rrame at the rear or
$h 0r e&ht (8 rest
# to this reh 1 ole is a
bight (8) reet 80~~~3 (7)
nt, and the total length
ruok and trailer is rorty-
8(b) or &tuae ~3111 6 Chapter 88
he General Laws of td ~eaond Caded
t3 lorty-rirst Le~lalature prorides
,*No vshiole shall be registered and
th a total outside width, inoludlng
r more thaa ninety-six (96) lnahw,
esoept &at the linltations as to size of the
vehicle shall not apply to lmplsments of husbandry,
and highway building and maiatsnanoe maohinery
tenporarlly propelled or moved upon the public
hlghwft y, '
*SoOtion 3(a) oi Rouse ~111 336, Chapter 288,
Fags 507, General Laws of the Regular tieselon of
Ronorable Eoaer Garrison, Jr., Director, page 8 ”
the Porty-aeoond Legislature, provides In part
th6t *No vehlole shall exaeed a total outside
width lnoludlng any load thereon, of nlnety-
six (96 inches, exoept that the 1Izltatlocs
as to s 1z.8 of the vehicle stated in this seo-
tlon shall not apply to Implenenta of husbandry
including mohlnery solely used for the purpose
of drilling water wells, and highway building
amintenanoe naohinery temporarily prqpslled or
moved upon the public hlghway.1
~Thls conblnatlon of vehlale in questlon
&u~selor the purpose or pull@ casing from
*In your oplnlon, should this cosbina tl on
of vehlole be operated upon a speolal permit
froin the Texers Highway impertmmt, or should the
sane be registered?
The registration and lIcansl~ clause respeatlng
notor vehloles is shown by the various sactions of .atlcle
6675a-l-Ob, Vernon’s Civil Statutes. 0tlcle fM75a-8 Fro-
rides in part:
*Every owner of a motor vehlofe, trailer
or semi-trailer us6d or to be used upon the
publlo highways of this State, and each ohauf-
feur, shall apply each year to the State II&h-
way Cepartnent through the county Tax Colle.otor
of the County in whloh he resides for the recis-
tratlon of each suoh vehicle owned or controlled
by him, or for a ohaufSeurfs license, for the
ensuing or ourrent calendar year or unex>lred
portion thereor; . . .m
EStiole 6078a-Sb provides in part:
nprovlded that no vehicle shall be register-
ed with four wheels, or less, whose gross weight,
Inaluding loads, 6xoeeds 22,000 pounds; that no
vehlole shall be registered with six wheels,
whose gross weight, lncludin& load, exceeds
30,000 pounds; (.kxles of the latter type to be
spaced not less than 40 fnohes apart),
Honorable Rome? Garriatm, Jr., Diteatoz, pago 3
“ind provided tither that
no rotor rehloh
shall be regiotored and lloenae8wblch h44 a
total outride width, lnoludlng a&g load thereon,
of more t&en ninety-six :nchos, exoopt that l he.
wldth of a fame tractor 3tail not exceed P reet,
and e.xOeptIng furthar, thct the linitatiom as
to sixa of rahialo atafad in thIa seotlor shall.
not apply to impls~lents of hua!?andry and hi hwar
building and ntllntenanoe mcrohlnory tmporm f ,I,r
propelled or muved upon the publla h.&hwayaI ,,.a
Artlole iHUla, imrnon~a cfril Statuter, prorfdea
i.8 Dart!
~Ssotlon 1. When any p&-son, firs or oor-
poratlea shall desire to ogarate over a state
hlghwar auper-heavy or OYW-olza aquipmnt ror
the trtmaportotlon i;i such aomoditlea as oannot
be reasonably dlamantled, where thr gross weight
or size exaeeda the llptttr allowed by law to ba
transports6 over a state highway, the State ~tgh-
uay Dopartmnt any, 11~oa applioation ia~2r a
pemlt ror the operat 1 on or aald l aui wt with
said occmmdItles, T&W lald State f?Q PBLY mF-
lant la of the opInIon that the acne zq be
operated witbout material damage to the hlghwsy.
Frovlcled, howavar, that nothlqz in tbla aet shell
prevent the full control of such morements or
operations on the atreeba or aItIa6 an6 town8 b;r
the ordlaanoes of euoh aumIclpal1t.y.~
Seotlon 3 or raid aot provider in auistenoe that
before the i#mmiOs of lueh petit the epglIOant tot aaw
etdl rile with the Gtate it !niey Dupartmmt a bond in an
maount to be set and approva % br the Departzient, payable to
the Department, and oonditlened thnt the applloant wIl1 pay
to aaid Dopartwint any dmaage that night be auatained to
the h&hways by virtus of the operation of the epul ent,
emd shall acwqmny tha applioation wlth a fea Ot fl .oo pay-
able to tha Highway Dapart8snt to be dapoaltad in the Treasury
or tha St&a or ‘ferar to the oredIt of tha ~I@wap ~bitenanos
Section 4 oi lald eat proribea in rubataneo that
suah permit, when laaued, shall show the name of tha appu-
oant, the date or the applloatlon, algnature of the State
Uonorablr &msr Garrison, Jr., Direator, page 4
Highray $agIne@r OP Mti6ion &@nse.r, ths kind ot equip
ment to be trtmsported OTOP the highway togothsr with the
artlght and dimenefoas 02 the S~BNJ, and i t shall atate the
highways and dlstanos over whioh the Sam is to bs trens-
sy the very word oi Artisle 669ba-8 and 8b,
supra, the oomblnation vshlci"p s lnvolmd in the Instant crane
Is not subject to registration under said ast, &us to Its
extraordinary weight and size. 'fherefora If such vehiole
Is to bo moved UQOIIthe highways of this stati, It must be
by rirtus of tha speolal perrdts granted to $hm owner by the
state Highway GepaPtment.
our Opinion No. O-16ll, a oop of whloh Is SnolossQ
hrrewlth ior youourInformation,treat@ wf th substantially this
ldsntioal quostlon, and this opinion ls In all rsspsots eon-
firmed. No quote from this opinion as follawrr
-The sam LegIslaturs that enacted Senate
Bill No. 10, Chapter 41, Bssoab calls& Session
oi ths Forty-first Lsglslaturs, nhloh 18 the aot
providing ror emIt to oporatr ors~sisr an6
OteFw6ight equ lpplC#At Upon the &a.itatIOnS diS-
ousseti, also snaots6 Bouso ~111 No. 6, whloh is
Chapter 08 o? tho Aots ot said Legislature, and
which, amng othsr things, provided for ths
re istratfon an% lioonsing O? JlkOtOFrshiolss.
Thf s later aot exprsasly repealed a number of
statutes and prior aots of the Legislature, an&
provided generally that all oi the lawa in oon-
niot therewith were repralsd~ but Chapter 41
was not msntlonod ammg thr statutos and sots
that word expressly repealed.
"It is the oonoluslon oi this bspartmsnt
that these two aots of tha sam Legislature do
not aeoessarily OorUliat and afo not repugnant
the one to ths other, when oormtrusd as this
department has oonstruod them, ln that th8
first enaotment muet ti aonstrued as a linita-
tion 0 sxoeption to the provisions of ths later
aot , 8 his oonolusion Is ln nocord with well es-
tablirhed p~Inolples oi‘law. In 39 Texas furis-
prutlenoe, pago 146, It I8 saIdI
Honorable 3omer Garrison, JF., Director, pa&-s S '
a* The Legislature is supposed to be gov-
orned by one spirit and pollay during a session,
and nsthing short of ?rdireot repeal In express
tam, or such lrraconollable repugmnop as that
both %cts cannot stand together, will justify.a
court in holding an aot lo recealed by another
act passed at the sam session. . . .
"'4 liberal construction is pe~nlsslble for
the pur$oss of sustalrinp, itn 3ct .a8 statit sn
i?npliostion of its repeal by another act passed
at the same session. Thd tW0 aOtt3 Hill be CCUl-
strued togetlxm, regarded as one atntrtte, sad it
possible they will be so oonstrusd that- 30th my
stand us one snbodimnt of tie lezlslutire will.
i?‘ortble purpose, the lamer act .my be regerded
a8 an erceptior. to the gro+iaiona of the later. 9
**~mmrous case.3 are oltad in the footnotes.
see espeoinlly &?in vs. Taxas, 20 '=0x. 353;
Gillan vs. I.:atthewa, 122 3, ii. (kd) 343."
Thsraforo, you ars respeatfully ~iStised that it
is the o?nion of this deptlrtment that the combinfitlon ve-
Nale, tns subject of your request, should be operated upon
the hl@vays of this Stste by virtue of ;r egeclnl perxlt
Ise~ed by the TQXUS Tiigtr.?ay itspartndi*
‘Trusti* that this satlvtactorily disposes of
your inquiry, we ran&n
?ourm vury truly