Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

, OFFICE OFTHE ATTORNEYGENERALOFTEXAS AUSTIN OIuroCyurr) -- IIonorable'ToaColemn, Jr., Page 2 '. 'provisionsof Sehato Ml1 tI0.43, Acts of tha 47th LeCislaturo, are lwbcr ooqxmles pomitted to resistor their'truoks at the 'reduced~rateathgreia I;rovidcdif~thoy ara usod orclusively to haul Umber Cram on lands o-med.by the eaid ooqany to their tills for ,rrocessinS?" j3qytio~,Gof 'Satiate Bill 43 provfdes as follows: nAmxid Aots 1929, 4lstLegislature. Second Called Session, paSe 172, Chapter SS, Section 6a, as added Aots 1933, Grd Leglslatuse, First Called Gssoion, page 02, Chapter 27, Section 1, as mended M;%i;;34, 43rd Le2Lslature, Third Called P , paSo 75, Chapter 36, Sootion 1, so as to koraaftor read as follms: w(Section Ga. E3mn a ooiw3rolti motor vchiclo so.u$Aito be reGistered aa& used by the owne,rthmeof only in thetmas- portation of his own poultry dairy, livo- stock, livestock products, tLber in its natural state, aad farm products to narket, or to other points for oale.,orprocesolx:g, I_ or the trwsportation by the ownor.therooT of laborers fro=1thafr &lam of residence, and neterlals, tools, ec,uilxent and sup- plies, \?ithoutchar@, fro3 tto @ce of ,, purohase or storqe, to his cm fam or ranch, cxolusively Por Itioown use, or use on such far3~or rmch, the registration license fee, for the mi@t classifioatlona . herein mntione&, shall be fifty (5ic,$) per eeat oP the resistration Poegreswibed ITOr ’ weight clasoificationoin Geotion 6 of the Act hereby mended, a3 tiAer?ded in 'this Aot; provided further, that it shall bo the duty of the f:i&m;~ Comission to provide licease platosdistJ.nguishablefros license pl.atos used for cthzr comercial m&or vohiolo~ u31ii~ the hi&weys; provided fwthor, ,ifthe Oi~GS~ of '6nyao;meroial IZOtOX WhiClOj COD- - Ing vrithkntho provisions of.Chla hot, ahall . lTonoYabl0Toza%olmzan, Yr., Bige S Us6 or pamtt to be used any%suoh Pehiole for any other purpose than those provided for-in this AotL he shall be guilti;of a nlsdeaeanor, and upon conviction,. shall be .fincd in any suu not less .thanTwenty-five $25.CO) Dollars nor snorethau TwofIundred ,I $200.00) ?Iollars, and eabh use of such.ve- ,. :Jd.olc axd each perixissionfor such use of .,.sueh vbhiole shall oonotitute a separate offense;..?rovidod, however,'~tinat all COEI- Eieroial notor vehicles, truck tractors, road tractors, trailera ahd sci&trailers as dofinoil ~JIYeotion 1 of Chapter 25 of : tho Gonazal Laws of the Pifth Cal.lstl:Ges- . sion of the 41st Legislature, not'+@%g .svlthin the provlslons of this Act ahail. '._ .. -be reqtired to pay all rogistration'and 1Zaenso fees‘pzcscribedby t&o other pro- ', .., visions of Chapter 88, General Lam of the 4Lat Zc&3lnturo, second.caUe$ Ges-. slon aa mendcd by thin AC?;*; T+1. . The above quoted auendmqC 'inoludodwithin . Article 667Sa-Ga of Vernon*s Annotated CivI3.Btatutea then olaasificationof **tinborin its jmtural stats* for the firat tine. &bsequent to ths above quotoclariendmnt this departmnt ruled 5x1opinion X0. 0-3357~a9 qo&l.o:$a: KSn t!m above onactient ttielc&lature '~included for the firat time, 'theclassifica- ..tlonof *timber in its ~Raturalstate.' t?n- quostbonablyoeder posts wou$d ooze within this legiolatfve olasaifioation. Therefore au $ndividual nay in our spinion, oporato a vehiole with a fnm license %hero.onas provided in jeotioa Ga, supra, and haul ceder posts cut off of land that said in- dividual owns. " * * 'ft is the opinicn of Ihis ai3pdnent thereforo that the i.ndividual who purchases tiubcr fron others or who . . IIotiorablo TOSIColomu, Jr., Pa50 4 leases l.aadfor the solo yurpose of remov- in5 tiuber t!xrcfrouwould not be entitled to tho 9fm.m license**p;,ogi~odf~orin Arti- . -. 010 6675~6u, oupra. Under thofocts aet out in your latter the ooqmny owns tha 1anQ fro?xwhich the 105s aro being:out. It is our opinion that fin such a case the coxym~y%ould be In the saze position as the individual who haul3 cedar posts whioh he has cut fron his om lasd - that 13 entitled to a lio'ensoet the reduced foe sot out in Sootiou 6a of the Registration Law, aupra. Xe further boliove $hat from a readins of mid . 5ection it is clear that tho.Le5islatureintended for any- one operattn5 Eotor vehicles to tranoyort titiex in its natural state (;rom on h%s'oxn land to be ablo to ~30 said vehiolo for the purpose of trcmportin5laborors to the land for purpose of rezovin5 said tiszberin its na"uura1state. i% do not believe that ahg company or individual. oould haul tir&er in its natural state which he hod sur- I . Ohesed fron others or which he had taken off of land leased for purposes of rcuovinp,tha tizbcr therofroa in o.cmmroial motor vehiolo with a license obtslned under Section 6a, supra. Viealso do not balievetiuat any individualcould haul lmber .or shy other oozzoditymde fro= tiiiberafter the tixabq in its mtural #tat6 had been processed,regardless of whether the ttier in its natural state had been takes off land owed by the individual or not. It is our opinion also, that if a oonpany omsland It zny use a ruotorvehfole which has a Xi- oonse soourod under Section 6a,:supra, to haul logs in their natural state cut fron suoh lazd and also to haul laborers - to tho land for the purpose of cutting suoh timber. You.133 very tru& . . PIRST ASSISTANT ATTORNEY GENERAL .