-~.~orcbleJObn 8. 8hOOk
::lj&a2DUtriOt Attoma~
&a&tola.lo, Ttusr .
CM&?alrr Attentioic Boa
z ion requestof re-
curt data,8aldalu+te
ml0 of hoa-
by Bexar county9
onmlerlonerr~Court author%aed
desiringto purahase suoh
e the aitidatitprovided
7 of the R.&S. of Texae9
e Comty JwQe requiredto offiolal-
1~ slga bonds issuedby the Cotiasionera~ Court
literhavinr~been f8voroblgvoted upoa by the
Qualifiedvoters of Bexar County in R bond eleo-
tlon,a1thou.hhe may be opposedto the is;awlnoe
of the bonds or to the nothodof their oontem-
:. I
. -’ ..
w&o Join R. shook, PW’J. 8,
%. -I* the ff.lk& at a single bid, joined
in by sconeaeven or .eight dffferent MfvS&als
0r fimru, a violation or tho lam relating to
tralsta cd oonspiraoloo a@nst tradaaa the
suma ara defiuedby Artioloa163S snd 1934 of
the Penal Code and drticles7426 and 7430 of
the B. C. S. oi Tsxa~?“
Par firat qbsbn i8 answeredin tba negative. ce
bve been unable to find auy statutoryrerplrezentfor mquestlng
0~ advert.isin(:
for bids in the sale of countyhospitalbonds. '&Q
& etatutoayrequirementne to sale prioe being AxMole 708,
vemonls AnnotatedCivil Statutes, ‘tbiah reads aia follovsr
@Bada shnllnever be sold at lesr than
theirpar value nnd aooumulatedinterest,ex-
elusiveor ooEmIsoior?eP
In the nbsenoeof apeoiflc statutorypro&lon, it is
ocr oplsxlon that bids be advertised
that thore is M requirso?lsnt
0~ reQAeatedin order for a countyto se&l oountyhospital.
fn reply t.ayburaocandquestionwe advtse tbat we know
of noreason &y the Cozx&sslonersJ Court oould not advertleeOE
mquest bids In a sale of oountyhospitalbonds, even thou& It
¬ requlmd by statute.In our opl.nLon, the Comlssloners~
Courtmay imposewbatevor roasoneblerequirementsit aoes fit,
w?hh nay iuoludethe af~idavltroqutred by Article 2367, Rs-
Wad WAl Statutes.
na reply'toyour third questlonwe advise &at &tFtiole
724,RevisedCivil Statutes,providesthat bonds sheLlbe slgzed
by the County Judge and eowitoralgned by the County Clericand
m$rterod by the.CouutyTreasurerbefore delis-erg;The County
h-l@, bolng a simxborof the Gormisbioxiers' Onmt, is governed
bJ a majority of the court. Onoo tha Commissioners* Court has
actad,we believe it becomesthe mSnieteriolduty of the county
to sim the bon& IihLchare'lsauod, wbther or not he fuvors
t% iasunnooof enid bonds. Siq%mn vse 'r;'illiamS R.H.S.D.,153
3.L. (26)0%; err VI).ikrrs, 47 9.'1:'. (2d) 420.
ti x-@Y. to ~IW fourth qusationwo advise that the
of ahother or not a jointbid violates the Anti-trust
z s or ‘IGXaS dei>ondm1=&y On the UOtiVO of the Party joinins
i-3tha bid. It j.3iuposaibleto detem'no fron the facts sub-
*ktod hother or not th.lsporti&.ar bid violates the A&l-tr%st
km of DiIxaa.
i ..
Ue oill your attentloato the case or ba:ly V,
r,lus, 66 9. Wi SB& which wo bellove olearlyeets OVA t>ti
&W of this State in ~efmito jo2qtblds.
Trustiogthat thla unawarsyour que8tlonslvb 0rrl