Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFJCE OF THE A’ITORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN - l&r,Conred 2. ttlndranr, page 3 to a $poal fron t,“.n urder of the Cotission to tho oourts of thla Stete s!~ould bo raL:ullSedto p?ovids fho 0..urt ooato incurred in suoh a groceedLne. !PhQ ~9&SlQtWQ rJAt SO far 03 t0 lidii 6he faoa thamt en attorney aould oherge the oilant for the bend- liw of this tJrBgCC aotion. You em t!xrefors nd.vfseb t!rat thoro is 50 xi&t in the 6ourb ta os:3Qf338aad oollcot oourt cost8 from a alaimnt in a p?ocrasdi~ by t!:R olaIz~aszBfor judloial mviow OS tt;e deal- ei05 or th8 ct3m.mdon.