Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF rEXAS AUSTIN flonoro blo Tra~lor RWMll County Attorney Titw- County ‘In meoh aqm ot oobvlotlonln 8 oettntp Court; or a CountyCaurt notLaw, whetherby & jwy or br l,Cnurt,them &all b8 tared ,ag9iast th9.,d9~9dant or a~alnat all doian&- utt8, uhon rovqrcll 8re held jofotly,8 trial fee ot Flvo uOllnri8, thm 66~6 to be oalleot 66 and p&l4 aver.llkthe rem0 m*nner a8 in the owe OS a Jury fete,and 1x1the JuatlaeOowt tho trial foe ehaU be the mm of POW D01lerr.~ PO think the above #t&s6 ~ua8tfoa I8 aiwurrsdin the ns&tlve by the &ate Court of CrinrlnalAppcialr in the fo1lonlngCeIOSI iil4lardeon v. state,4 8. %i.(86)99 Vera v. Stat.,10 S. ti.(0d) 383j cod &tnwte bll~, 10 a. w. @a) 703. 7brercrs, we ruqe0tsuUy aaswer your puerr- tlon in tha.n~atlve. ttuly anaworryous in- Txwtiag mat mhe rorcr&olAg pulpy,we cre A#toG