Honorable5ert Ford, Addnlstrmtor
Toras Liquor Control Board
PAustin, Texmo
Dear Sir: opinionHo. o-w9
Your letter of Oot
opinion ot 8hlB department o
ma&m am follevflr:
are nm to11owa
seib ArtLolea.
*2. Shor$ly th~reaflmr in the year 1913,
the oitl or Harton pmwad an ordinaoo in keep-
ing with rraidArtlelea 0r aha stebotea 8nd by
HonorableBert For&, MmInIstratar, Pqs a
the terms thereoflx teml~d Its l&Its for the
lirsitedpurgosesnamedla the ststute r0r sppra.x-
lmstelftwnSy atIles down the Ruffslobayou iram
the olty llmlts es then fixed, and the lend lying
on each side thereofror 8 distance0r 2500 feet
rpomthe thmad 0r the stress.
“3. In the latter part or the year 1928
the olty 0r Pasadeuswas Iaoorporatedas e olty
uader the generallaw o? Texas, sinoeuhloh
t&w It has funotloneda8 mob. At the time or
Its InooxporstIon the olty oi Psssdeaafixed Its
no Hh 0m boundsrylt the nor&h line oi .%oond
Strsst ror some dIst8aos both ee8t and west rr08h
Shaver Stree4. Shsrsr strast is s muin thorough-
ram manIn north and south throughthe oIty or
Pasadsnmlul la Its extmk3lenbsyead ths e1ty
limits northwardat SeoondStrost,it lb8 be-
tnsn the propertiesor ths Cmm CenOrsl Pe8ra-
leoa RsflnlngCoapaayon the mast side and the
OhmmploaPspsr and Fibex Gompanfs plant UA the
wst side until it resohe8Burrs10Bapu et w&t
Is known as ths PasadenaPerry. Crow Oentr,al
P~taolmua compmnyowns the lamI just north 0r
said Seaond Street UA% erst of said ShsterStmet,
0twid8 0r trid ooxporsSe iirits’0r thr Ofty or
Posmdena*, sad 8 I&. Erylsos 6UM a *mob of lsad
lfing on the ss6t aid0 or Shs~or Sfmet and 8dOth
of 8soaad kSU-est,aad has leortdl on said txaot
or land a oats build- ju8t aomms SeoosAStrsst
fmts Ohe Crown CentralRailnaryand wIthIn tho
oorporatelimitsor the oIty or l?sssdens as tina
St tho tIma or its inoorporstIon.
-4. since the time 0r Its InoosparstIon the
oity 0r Pssmdenmhas runotiose In rU respOots
under the laws of Terar as 8 city, aad ha8 levied,
reme8se6,and oolleotodtazos upon the prraperties
wlohin the ooxporsto1-w es iixed at the tIma I
or inonrporstion sad furtherhas lxaroI8edpelloo
Jurisafetlae Oontimt0wly rr00l time et inoomm-
tion over the entim area inoludsdwithin its
corporate li4uSts IneludIngthe mea whem mid
cafe bulldingIs now loeatsdon th4 Hu@es pro-
HonorableBsrt Ford, AdmhI8br~OOr, Psp 3
*Also sInos
Its Inoorporation the elty or
Pasadena hw issued seteml series or bonds, II
large portionot whloh bonded indobtednsss Is
still outstaudiagand unpaid,amsg whleh bond
Issuesare the tolloulngr Plre StationTax lI)oods,
Water Works Tax Bonds, Sewer Byatom Tar Bonds
and 1929 ReMdine; Tax Bonds,all dated Septem-
her 25, 1929, 1931 ElerusdtagTax Bonds dated
February 10, 1931, W8tsr sn4 Sower Bevenus&&la
dated Xaroh 1, 1934, Bmmr Syshrn Tax Bonds dated
Maroh 10, 1938, 9trsetXmprmemsnt Tax Bands
dated Ysroh 10, 1938, all or whlcrhwsrs spprorsQ
by the Attorney Denoral of !ibus snd transorIp~s
or whlah are on .rile In that orrioe.
“5. The north llue at SeoentlSt~ot at itrs
Interssotlon with Shaver SWeot Is spproxhatoly
2100 feet math from the thread or the etmsm or
ButfsloBayou snb thst a lIm dzsus so~oss Shsvor
Strsetparsllslto t&e thlwd Ot the 08reama2
Bu!YaloBayou 8nQ at 2500 reot distant thersfia
would probablyores8 JheterStzsst and the aarth
pati of bhe oity of Fasa&eM aa fixed by tts In-
oorpontlon proaeodIngssbotlt400 reet south of
said oah buIlbSnLn(l
oa the Eu&es wopsrty. Ia
otherwords, the said oafs WUdIug WI the Eu&es
propertyisdthIathes3vm lylag betweenthe
thawed or BufrsloBsyou and said 2500 tee line
as rixe44by the osdlinurse or the olty 0r Bowton
in 19lf. also that said oare bulldln~an8 the
Hugher properly are within the sm~s~iaolubdin
the elty or Pesodensas flwd at the time at its
"6. The oity 0r Bow*on has never ecqutred
any laua llther by purohase,son4emsatiouor gljt
1yIw wI8hInthe slsisd OorgOmte limitsat ths
olty or Pamdens se ilad at the time or its ta-
oorpor8tion, that 18 south 0r ~;eoan~ Vwaet, r0x
the Improv*ment f5r n8~i~aa9Ioa,or r0r the purpose
or estsblishingand amIntainiag[ whnr~~~a, dooks,
rsllwsytsrmlnsls,side trsoks, rarshotues,@r
any other tsollitfesor si68 wh~Wme+er to either
ns~ip*ion or wharves, or r0r any other purposs,
and the olty of-Houstonhas not b;l ordlaaneeor
EenorsbleBert Ford, Admini8trmterr,
Pogs 4
otherwIseexwoised any golloe $arietiotIon what+
ever over wy part at the ems wIWn tie sorpomtb
llrmits0r the olty 0r P8~a0~8. as rlzed at the
time 0r its inoorporatIon.
"7. An elsotlonuse hsld on Ihey22, 1937,
In the oity or Pmsadsnaiar the purposeofdetsr-
mining whetheror not the sale oi liquorend bwr
shall bs prohibitedwithintha olty oi Pmsadsns,
in Harris @ounty,mse~ and thmt 8 majority of
*he votersvo*lng 8% ssid elsetiosvoted In r8v0r
or prshlbltingthe sale of 811 liquors,Inoludlng
beer and wine, and the oosmIssIoners~ oourt oaa-
teemed the returnssnd tiolsrsdthe results,and
by retwon thereofi% has ewr slnae &hat tlm bssn
lull4 to sell llquws, bsor or tiae within the
Ye lidto or l&e aity 6r ?momdoar.Tbo
oorpormtellmlts or tha oity at tks tlm or meld
lleotlonwre the maw es than ilxsd at the tlmo
0r inoorgomtlon,6he nor@ Une themor bawfng
at SeoondE&mot, an& 8616 sure buildingu& Eu&&s
propertythea es new balagdthln the olala*dssr-
poratelirits or the olty or Pmosde~.
?7mlterOrowd*r I8 Sow sngmgsdio epwst-
Isqg8% busIne88In the sbwe wntIow6 omio
?s%Ildlsgon the S&a&es preporty,and has mpp&iod
to the oounty judgs and rsssltoda lioeussdmtrd
September 17, 19U, WIQ;~WILI~& him to BO%& and
disponsabeer at said losmtlon,the Is8usnos0r
said lleensshsrUg bass spproYedby the Ihxm
Liz? ControlBoard end number thsrsolbsing
"9. Them has basn ems eosq!laInt that sin40
Walter Crolber*s plaoo at businsssis wfthln tha
oorporstelimitsoi the oity or Pssmdeasaa oL&ssd
ever slnoe the Inaorporstion tboreoi,a liosnroor
permit to sell beer at that losatlousould not ba
hur~I.LyIesuodto hIxa,and 8~ sale of beer st
that plsos of businesswcwld bs awful by NSSBB
or the r80t8 and olrw5st4mws hersiambevsset out.
0s the o&her head, WalterUrowdsrbslIens ha is
sntltlsdto the lioenssand to as11 hser St 8814
loostion r0r the remscm thst It Is situatedwIthin
EonorableBerC ?0rd, Admlnl8tretoor.
P*ga 5
2300 feet or the threador the strvam of Buffale
Bayou aa rlxrd by the 1913 ardlamnaeor the olty
0r Iiountonand by mason themor under the pollee
juriedlotlou or the olty or HourtonexolurlVely.
*Wo theretoredeelra your opinionupon the
r0iiorring queetlons:
*I. Is the looritlon or Walter OroWar*a
oaie as h@relnaboVedeseribd undor the polioo
jurieaiotion or the oIt]ror Permlena,or or the
oity or Howton?
*2. Is the looatlonor Walter Orowdor*a
oare as her&mborcl de8OPlkd rdthln a 'dry ema*
by rmaon or the abom mentionr4boor eleotlon
in the oity or Pasadena,OS‘is raid oar* loonted
within the oitt o? HouNon, or to aate it aimP-
lntlyr Could a lloonsebe le&ly irrmmd80 Walter
Crowderauthorlrlagthm ~010 of beer at sold loea-
"Atteahodhereto Is a rup @hatingths laaatiou
0r the atreetaand preporbism honinberore kun-
th nr dand th 0lppromte loeatlon or the 2500
root line rr0m the thxead or the ohannmlto murala
Under the iaata atate In your Bettor the sat8 in
question *Is wl8hlnthe axee l#ngf betmea the thread or
Iiwr~lo Bayou and mid 2500 root line aa fired by the or-
dlnanoeor the olty or Bowton In 1913. . . . aud also with-
in the area lnoludedin the olty or Pasadenaaa rlxed at t&e
time 0r its lnao~ratlon.w
It'18 statedby MaQuufllin
on MunlaipalQorporstioa8,
2nd Edition,VolunmI, page 713;
oorp+ratloas@annethave jtiiadlotion and oontrol
at one the 0r the mm qmlatlon aid terrftav
and exeralm like or 8s lap pewer8 in b&s *tam
bcsunaarle8. i?owwer, in t&u ebtmnoeor oom~tilbo-
tional rs~tristloas, no abjertlonexlato to the
BonorableBert Ford, Administrator,
Paga 6
power of the legislatureto authorize the forma-
tion of two munlolpaloorporatlonein tha same
territoryat the same time for dlrrerentpurposas,
anr!to authorizethem to oo-operateao far as
oooperationmay be oonalstentwith or desirable
for the aooorlpllshment
of theirrespectivepur-
%bnloipel oorporatlons organlzadror dlf-
rerent purposesmay lnoludethe name territory,
as a olty and a oountr,or a oltp and a board
of eduostlon,or a sohooldlstrlot,or a olty
and a port dlstriot. A drainagedltitrlot may
includewIthin its limitspart of the territory
or an lnoorporated rl1laga.
"The rule that there eannot be two mniol-
pal oorporatlonsor like kind and powsra In the
s=a area at the same tlma must be undorrtoed
as neanlng two legal and effeotlvaoorporatlonsi
There may be a de raoto oorporatlonwithoutright,
and a oorporatlonlegal11organiaedbut not In
aotual governmentuntil the de faoto oorporatlon
16 ourted. The f%uWtionsof the legal oorpon-
tlons ara in abeyanoruntil tha ouster,when thsy
then oame ln*o sotltitg. For like reasons two
~latlnotchartersfor OQOatidtha 6ame oorpora-
tfon oannotaxlet at the same ttio, and, hanoe,
a munlsipal &rpomation alreadyin ~xletsnoeand
having e valid charter aannot ba reiaoorporetsd
by a oourt havingno authorityto repaal,annul
or deolareforfeitedthe rxlrtiag ohartar,but
whose powers are, on the oontrary,sxpreasly
limitedby statuteto the Inoorporatlon of places
and inhabitanta*not inoorporatsd*.*
In the osse 0r city or GalanaPark, et al. 1. Gltr
of muston, 133 s. ‘8. (2d) 162, (writoz error refuredl it
was held In affaotthat two munlolpaloorporationaoannot
have 4exlstentcontrolover the stum territorfand contam-
poraneouslpaxerolse essentiallythe aama gmarnB@ntal parers
In it*. IO was furtherheld in this taaaethat the oity a?
Houstonby enaatmentof an ordinanoeoxtsndiqgits boundarie8
along BuffaloBayou and the HoustonWhip Canal as authorimd
by emergenagstatutesto provide wharrageraeiiitIa8r0r
HonorableFort Ford, Administrator,
Page 7
oltlsa on narlgablestreaiaa,did not aoqtire*rely llmit~e
powere for naoigationpurpoi3eaover the territorylnoludad
dttin euoh boundaries,but aoqulredex~luaiv~ juriadiotlou
theroorer80 es to precludethe olty of CilensPark rrcm
aubaequently enlarginglta boundariesto lnoludea portion
of the lend theretoforeannexad by the oity of Houeton.
It la shown In the above mentioned eeae that
"On April 18, 1913, the oity of Houetm, by
an ordlnanuein all reapeotaappropriating auoh
power8 to do that as was grantedit (a duly qumll-
ried oltf) under a genenl law or the ?tate passed
Maroh 17, 1913, now appearing as Ohapter14, Title
28, or Artlolea1183 to 1167, lnalualva,or the
Rmvlaed Ztatutia of Texas, lxtendod lte boundarloa
ror an air-linedlatanaeor 20 ~Ilea from lta Wnn
eaat~rnlimit-lIn*down and along ButraloBayou
and the HoustonShip Channal,so as to lnoluda
wlthln the olty tOrrthat dl@tanOrauoh narlgeblo
atroom togetherwith the lrnb mdjolnlngIt on
both aiden ior WOO feet each way, rrom the threads
Y'hereaftor, in 1935, tha Olt)ror Qaleaa Park,
a amall town inoorporataeuneor the generallaw,
and pursuantto the atatuteaauthorislngauoh paam%-
olpalltlos la proaorlbedmamer and olroumatanooa
to enlargetheir baundarlea,underbook to Inoor-
porate and lnoludawithin lta liaiba ror general
purpoaeaa portionof the land 40 oontlguouato
RuftaloBayou aad the Hou880n Ship Chenml that
bed theretororebeen anaone to and appropriated
;z the olty or Houston,under the OrdlnanOOreferred
". . . .
*Aa beforeindioatrd,the city or xouaten,
being then oiturt& UPOA t&e savlgable8txYsamaf
BuffaloBayou, and being in exlstenoeunder 8 apO-
olal charter,one no&h after its paeeageadopted
the nsooeaary ordi~laaa~ an8 therebytook OdVanta@
of suah new17 deolaredpubllapolloyof the at6tOa
t&A axtendingits jorladlotloa Over the 2@-sailQ
strip-inolus$veof the portionhere iA Oantrotersp-
HeaorsbleBar-tForb, Adainlstrater, Paga 8
and ha4 4-r sin04 zmint4ln4band axaralasd It.
*. . . .
When the detailsd protisfona of the Aat are
lookedto, such poliafq4ems all the 1~or4plain,
ths 4peaI~Iapurpo444~&IQJ eet out In th444 four
4uoo4s4ir4Artta14rIJO4.i 1183 to 1186, IaalurIt4.
There is then appendedArt14141187, whIah, though
laat In order, is worthy of m4ntiw Sirst~a4 M-
flratlng al4ar 11&t upon what wan intsnd4il Ia the
pr404ilIngfour. It run4 44 ta11ow4r
*Vh4 power gr4ntd in th4 rour pr404dIng
art14144#hall not 4uthorIe4th4 4xt4n4ionoi bh4
t4rrItory.orany olt~ ior th4 lImIt4bpwpo44e
-4 80 a4 to Inoludrany land uhI4h ~i4almadr
par8 of any other aity or town aoFgoraQIonwhether
1naorporaCed uri44r the g4n4rallaua or andbp q~~ial
law, or any land at tha tIm4 belo~&ng to a~ other
Oibf or tawR.'
"Thbasby 4xpr440interdlatlon th4 Citr ot
xouston In 1913, rh4n it 04m4 to so 4xt4nd it4
lirita, aould not ha+4 lnalud4dth4rrinth4 part'
tlon hami Iaroltod,bad It already b44n i~mwper-
at44 Ints th4 CItT OS Onlena Park: by the @aam
% tokmn, It would ~440 that in 1935, uh4n aha 0187
of tkl4na Par& in Sum aame mssklng the aaaa 46*
rllmry,It ~144lik4wl44prsaludrdfrem taklag it
in, b4aau4eof It4 sp4aIalina4rporatIon and appm-
priatianby the Olty of Bouston 22 par6 b&o~O.*
W4 think, what ~44 aaid h4rs with refaren44to the
CItt of Gal4naPark meekkingthe 4-4 b4rrItOry,which wa8
dthln the Inaorporete1ImIte or the Cl8y ot'HOuaBon,kt wa4
pr4alu&4drrem taking It in beaeueeof Its 4p4aIallILa4rlWP4-
tlon and appropriation by the Oltg o? Xeuston,Ir 4qwlly ap-
plIoabl4to the City of fasadsna when It.sought Ilk4 twritory
and would b4 preolud4dfrcmotab1 It In koawo ai ttr spr-
ala1 inoorporation and approprlatT On by the Ditr of Xou4ta
In the year 1913.
For d4rlaitIms of th4 t4ns *thmad at 4 8Bse4%*w4
refer you to Worda and Phraa44,P4r4mti4nt
Edition,VOlun4 bl,
page 592.
Xonorab14 Ikrt ?ord, Adminlotrator, Pap 9
In ln8uer to your tlrat qwetlon as statedabow,
you ara ad~lnd that it la our opinion th4t Walter 0rowd4rw8
oar4 Ia 8Ituat44 within th4 oity limits of Hourton and Is un-
der the polio4 jurlrdiotion.# 4ald ait?.
In nply to your 44aond qu44tlon, you are a&r1844
that It In our opinion that the 84Id aa? Is not boated wlth-
la a dry,area notwIthrt4kkdIngth4 looal option 414otIon h4ld
In and by the Olty ot~Panatl@aa but thet~uald ante, a8 abom
8tat44, i8 8ituated dthIn th4 Oitr lirmiteof Howton and th4
loo41 optloa 414otlon h4a no etfeet or rorab wlOB ref4nn44
to that territory or au-48 Inolud4d in th4 olty lItit of
Hourtan. It I8 our further opinionth4t the abovo moatload
lIo4n84 4oul4 b4 legally 148ued to Walww Crarrd4r4uthorircIng
t& 8a14 of beer at 4ald loaatlon 991488 l4gally prohlbIt4d
by ecm rmgnlatlon br the City of Houston.
Tru8ting that the Bmegolag fully amwP8 pur In-
quirr, ‘I, lr 4