- .- Oi=FJCEdFTHEA?+ORNEY GENERAL OFiWCAi " AJJ.STlN iionomble L L. Shelton County Auditor JohlusonCcunty Clsburne; Texas "An ;kotmendkw Axtiols 3909, RMe~ C'ivll Stntutco of Tbxaa, 1923, as aneocledby Che~tor 311, z:ctoof the Forty-fourthLegir;laturs, %g- ular SeDaIon, and Chanter 465, Acts of tiw Saoond iiOnCfntbl8 E. L. Shelton, Fage 2 i Called Se~slon, Forty-fourthLegislature,nnd by Chapter 438, Acts nf the Porty-fifthLegiolaturo, to provide that premiums on officiel bonds for. the county trcosurers,county nuditcrs, co?Lnty road comi+sionem, county school zupsrintendente, hide end an!col inspectors,end their deputies, &t&Z. be paid from county funds; and dsc~srln~ I an emergency." Seotion 3 or 'be above mentioned Aat prcvldos: The faot that the provisions of this xot are neoessary to remedy a disorininsticn agoiust co,ctaincounty officials in the matter of payment of oosta on proniums on bonds for thcrsolvosand for their deputlon ore&es an e!!ergoacy hr!Ijau tiqeratlwepublic neoaasity that the Consiitution- al i%le requlrinf:bills to be read on three sev- eral dnys in each house be suspended,and said Zule is hereby suspended,and that this Act shall take ethJt and be in force from and after its paeca~e, and it is su enaowd," Seotion (a) Of &us8 Bill Ho. 524, aupra, reads In part as followsa I n(a] At the olose of aachmonth In his tenure of office, each officer nemod herein who in compensatedon e fee basis shall make, 8s pert cf the report now required by 1aw, an itemized and sworn statement of all the actual and necessary expanses incurred by him in the ocmduat of his office auoh a5 stationery,stmps, tolephcno,premiums on offScials' bonds includ- ing the cost of surety bonds for his dqutiks, pr~ium on fire, burglary, theft, robbery %n- euranoe protecting publio funds, traveli&< cx- pensas, end other newssary ox?enses: pxxovided, that in abditlon to the officers nemcd hereIn, the county tmasuzer, county auditor, twenty road coml&sioners, county school ouperintend- at, ond tl:ahide &qd an%mnl ins,?eotcr shall llkt~~iioo nako a reucrt on the premiums on of- ficials' bonda, Including the cost of surety bonao fox t;nydecutiaa, an& oairl prem!.ums shall Honorable 2. Li Qmlton, Page 3 ,..~ be'subjeot to paywent out or the fees of said ~osrioe,as hernin otherwisepro~ldcd for the officers naged; and provided Surtk?axthat j.t_ motion (b) oi tho above nent%onad A& provides ln partr %eoh OrfiO6r naa?edin this.~Act, where he' " recaives a salary~ao corpensatlonSor his scrv- / toes, 'i . . provided that expenses lnaurrod Scr .premium on offioials~ boncisfor tko .qounty treasurer,county auditor,~couutyroad comla- sioners, oo.unty..schobl superinttindentand the .: hide and animal inapeotor, including the aost of surety bo&s for any deputies of any such.. ~officers,.maybe also includedi and~suuh:er-T I -. I $ansoe'tobe passed on, predeterminedand al- I lonad lr tke time and amount, as noerly as pos- sible by the Commissioners'Courtsonto each month.Sorthe -onsu$.ngmonth. . . 2Jl such ap- proved claims and acoounta shall be paid from the Gi'SlcersSalary &nd.unless'o.thorwisepro- vidod her6Sni" ~~~. I Jchnson County has a poaulatkon OS 30,361 inhabi- t nts aacordin:~:to the lF4G Federal Genous and, therefore;. af1 tho county officials of said county must be.ccmpensate& eon an annual-salary basisas required by Cect:on'l3of ArtP-cle 391ee, vQrnon'5 Axnotated-CivilGtatutos. " It saetis.clearthat &otion (a) applies to tkose county oSSfcialsxho are coqonsated on a See btzsi~. and to ~. the &ounty road co~issionors and the county s~ckool. super- iotenUent and Fke county auditor, who arx ccqenaated on cn onnuul sul.arybasis in See oountios.,and tk.attha'provision ~; .in said :;aotioa(a) which providris ++grovidedfurther that 'if any of the officers so CesiRnated are on a sa%ary rather than a See -basis,then all suah bond~prexiur~s for sfficors. and their deputias &all be paid from the %?nerel Fund OS the oounty" only applies'to auoh osficore In Sea co.untics and has nc applicationwhatsoever to tkose oounty officials EIonosableE. L. Shelton, Page 4 in Qounties where all OS Enid courltyOffiOiQiS are compell- sated on an ennntilsalary )36sis+ T$ercl'ore it is our opin- ion that ths prmiua:, on l:,o3d6of t:i@county treasurer, county auditor end cc?u?ltyroad owml~~Aonors of Johnson County nust be peid opt of tho C~S;‘icero CG.ary Fuml, “un- less othemise provided." :':o fc1.1to find t-myother pro- vision in said Sect.ion(5) provic;inE that said prorxlurs'_ k3ii811 bc othemlse paid. Theroforc, BG above otated, it is our opinion that fho praniu!cs on the bocila of the couuty treasurer, oowty auditor and couuty end cor~iszlonorsof Johnson County nust be pnid out 01 tlx Wflcers Salary Buud. .. I Trustim that tlx3Sorcgoin~ Sully acme~s your