xoaorzbleJimI?. Sovell
county Attorney .
Xardexixm County
.: c$suxih, TCXRU
pear Slr,,r
cent date, and quote fro= your
;. .
. ,._
BonorableJim W. Sovell,Pace 2'
'Third: Does the reglotrationbf a varrant
by a County Treasurermount to a disbumcn3nt
OP '=onsypaid out by hln' as contemplatedby
tit. 3941, E.C.S. 1925, rhea appllodto the fore&
80% facts?"
Your qucmtionanmibors 1 and I;ave an3voredin the nega-
two.. __-~-
. .
Article 3941,.Varnon8s
: in pert, 8s follovs:
"The County Tre33urcrshall rocalpocomi3-
don3 petp x3onq rcce%vcdand paid out by :
him. .VL(&de~*sbora ours!
In out opinion'thestatute is plafn that the'Tma3wer
is entitledto cozmisslonsonly on money rocoivedand soaeyapald
out. There is no dicbuwc;reEt of cozuty fuuds at the tiw of the
iseu3jxeof warrat or at the tirzeof registrationof sme. It
13 sflirply the ccm.uty'spmmioe to pay at 8039 future Qate.
. ., :-:..'-'
In reply to your Soconclquecti& tm advise that thia'de-
partmnt has held in OpinionRo. O-)+094 upon thematurity of each
sorienof vam2at3 0r.fudi.q bond3 end th.elr~cancalI?.ation by pay-
nent fron the Comty Treasury,the Treasurermy Ie:8Uy charge .
his comd..aolou oa tm amxat paid out.
The followi& authositiesapp3ar to supportauk vievs
a3 oxprssecd herein:'. :
B3~103?COUltg va. T&ylOT,22 S.U.'982j
pamw vs.'AraneasOOUnty, 53 S.l?.637 (W2lt XV?fUS&)j
&Kinney VS. Roblnso;l, 19 S.U..699..
"<'~rmstlng that tli%3ancwer5you% ~questions, v&a*e
. Very truly your3 .
co& RS