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‘Iiou, 3
Ed1 c
~on.‘Ii. D. -&rinSor, Page 2
State, assum& the prinonor to be IndioteB
by the grand jury, in carry-in6 the Drlsonar
.Sron Ikaqhis to Turkoy Sor the cxt-&ning trial
and then t&inC bin baa:: to the- county jail
in &.J!Iphis. ..
“You are aaviseo that an accused is en- >
titled to cn oxmining trial, unless ho waivss
mm6. -Art. 245, o.t ooq,, C. C:P. httho ttia
‘you arrest&. the aocusoa tho hour Was lmpraa-
tioal to hold an ‘cx=fiining trial and you dkd
what you could only do, plnoa hiu in the county
jail at L!eq~hfs, The next day the oxmining
triel .vias held ‘and you took ‘tho prisoner to
Turkey, a dlstanae of soza 46 miles, ana after.
the trial was held, the. aoounod being in do- , ‘.
fault of bail, you took hi* to the oounty jail.
in Uamphis ,and there~~oomlttod, hlmt ..
“fn & opinion you &3.-entitled to tile-
age OS $.15: per niie s’rom IJfmiphis-to Turkey
and return, to be psia PJ the State upon
proper bill, and af’tq .tho prisonor is in-
dicted by a eriaa jury, OS coume you'noula .'
&SO bs 9ditlOa to tho rer3ular felon~r uilo-
age for arr~st;lnS andputtlng the’aoouoed~in ,._
jail in ti+ first p$e~e.*~
. _- Article 1020,. _Vernon’
. s i&otataa
- -_ Texas Code of
cl!hlhlal PspC0dUl?e, YXEaa lrl part'iI9 ~OL1.OW9.3.:
.. &hePiffs &a COn.&ab& seruiug process ana
attctidinc;. auy exa3initig court in the exan&natLon
of auy s010ny o?em, shall be entitled to suc!~ roes
es are fixed by law for sirztlor services in mis-
dcmanor cases $n County Cowt to be paid b’
Stat6, not to oxceca Four and Ho/loo 4$4.00 B Dol..-
lam in any on0 case, and milongc actua.llg 9na ,:.
n0~3ssers.l.y travdei! 5.11going to the place of ar-
rest, ~133for couvcying the prfsoner or prisoners
to jail as provided in Artiolea 1029 and 1030, Code
of, .Crizdnal Procafiurc, as the facts my be, but no
ni,lony,cs~ibatever shnl.1 be paid Tar auW~ou%uS OP
attachin.g witnesses in the county &ore cafto is
pondinC. Provided no .shoriff or constcb1.e shell
‘. receive from the State any aMlti6nsl nileage
for afly subsequent arrest of a defendant in the
[ oaf3 oaee, or in any other cam in au exmlning
; ‘courtor in any district oourt based upon the
,;; sane oharge or upon the sme criminal act, or
! ’ growing out of the sme orininal transaction,
whether the arrest is msds tilth or without a
w&rant, or before or after Zndiot%eut, and in
no event shall he ba allowad to ~duplicate his .
f fcos for mileage for mkfng arrdx, with or
. 2 without wnrrant, or when two OT nosy narrmts
r of arrost or oa2lases are’se.rved or could have
5 been servad on the sanzo defendant on any one
2 day. ,‘.
1 0. l‘,.
;. ‘..
.~ ..
... ‘.
j “The l%ms’nentionod in this Articld shall
booom due and payable only aftor the Indiot-
i nent of the defondant for an offense’baaed ..
I upon or mos~ing out of the ah.arge filed in the
4 exawinin& court and upon an iteraized ao’oount, sworn ,,
5 to by the officers olai~ng such fees, approvad by.
t tho Judge of the Distriot Court, and s&l Ccmty
? or Distriot Attorney shall prosent to the Diatriot’
;. Judge the ~tontinony t~arsoribod in the exoaining.
F ‘tl’lal, who shall oxorulne the sa.m? all&certify that
: h’e hasp done so ar.il thgt he finds the testbzow of
! one or nore w3.tnesxos to be niaterial; and provided
!: further that a cortificdte from the I)iGtri,Ct Ch?~~z;
showing that the written taottiony OS the mtcrial.
i d,tnassas hm been fil.eil with said Dietriot Clerk,
5 ln aocordmoe with the precodiaz yasngra@h, ohull
t ba attached to said accoulrt before SUO!~Distriot
; ox County Attorney shall be ontitled to n Toe in
j. nny felony ease Sor servieoe perSomed bofo3 at?
oxmining, ,cour.t . ‘.
‘Vhf!.; bh; Pie shall be all.oumB te my~offic~ar
mentioned herein for servioos rendsred In an
oxomining trial, though ,nore t&cl one defendqut
is joSued in the co:&aint, or a seve~auce is had.
t&ifn a0foZaantG .CiraprOWX3ded against sepal’atolyl
who could have bean proceeded ngaimt jointly, but
one $QO shall Da allowed in nl.l. CUSOG that COXIA
. .
Hon. ti.. D; stringer, Page 4
X& more than one Se8 Ghall be nllowcd
any whore more then on0 casi3 is filed
aGainGt fho Gane defondnnt for offenses gror.dnz
-Out OS tha GEUXcrininal act or transeotion. 'i'ho
aoodmt of the offiocr end the approval of the
District Surge nust affirmtively show that the
provisions of this Article have bean coizqdied with."
. .
drticle 1030, V&non*s Annot&tcd Tcxnn Code of
Crimlnel Proocdure, p~ads in parti as follow:
-WI eaoh county khsre there have baeu cast
at the precladlng.presldential eleotion 1aGs thG.n
3,000 votcm, tho -sheriff or constable shall ra-
oeive the following fees when the ohe.?rGais a
_. ..: “.
. For oxeouting ea& warrant OS arrest or
1 ~.,,:; Or for I;lakiSlgtmw3t wlthout wmxmt, when
author zod by law, the suu of ona dollar; and
five oenta for oaoh tile aotuelly and neaesnarily
travolod in going to ~laco of ar?x&, and for con-
v~ying the prisoner or pxlooners to jeil, nileago;
. . as provided for in subdivision 4 chall be nllowaAu;
.providad, thr\t. in oountitiit that have a populutlon ',
of loss than forty;thousand inhabitagts, as Gho\m
by the preooding Fedoral oenGuG, the Eellowing fees
shall app$y:'For exeouting oaoh warrant of orrest
ok oapias, or for nakiag arrest dthout warrant,
v;hen authorized by lawi three dollars anB. fifteen
conta.for each nil6 actually end necessarily
traveled in &oinc to place of arrosti end for con-
veying prisoqcrs to jail, nilea~e rts provided for
In Gubdivlsion 4 shall be alloiwd; and one docker
shall be nllovted Sor the approval of h bond.
If l
"For ror,oving a~priconer, for each &lo going
nnd coiling, including e;unrds and all other expnsos,
when tsvoling by railroad, ton ocntr; when trav-
eling OthePd.ao than by rnilrond, Sifieen COTI~S;
provided, that when more than one prisoner is rc~:oved
at tha GCl?Bl&e, in addition to the sorq;oing, he
shall. only ha alloV.ed ten oents n Rile for each
additionnl prisonor.'*
Tbe ‘o&e of Binford v. Robix5on, 244 S. !Y. 607
held t&t a ehitriff mo entitled t0 tGn CQnt3 per mile for .’
binself and ten oents per tile for tha prisoner, where 0nJ.y
one Yia5 003veyed.~
-: hrtiole 1031, Vernon’s Annotated Te‘zas &de of “;
Crinin@ Pyooedure, .reqds a8 follows: .: ,:’ . .
Vhon servioos hevo been rendered by any ’
@doe offioer othor than a sheriff, ruch as ere'
. enwmreted in the two preoedips arkiclos, such
Offioer shell rsoelve the saz.8 fees therefor’ae
are alloised the sheriff, ‘l’imsa~~ shall be ,tered..
in tho sherlffta bill of costs, and notedthorein ’ ‘_
‘08 costs due such jxxce office?; and ~%henrocoiived
by such sheriff, he shall pay the sqe’to, such
peaoa offi,eol:;” ‘. _. : ,.- ;,;.,:>.;,..,.~,;?:,
Yhxs’tho~~~ bO0 votk Hero o6st &the lost &es-
identkal olootion in IL11 County. !Phe population of flail
County is less than 1;0,000.inhab1t~ts’aocordir.p; to the
19l+O,,Podernlcensus. .The oounty offioerq of ~fiall.,County
are alao oo@a+ated upon,a foa basis._r ..‘:I:,., ~_
Under Artitiie 1031, V. A. T.-C.“C. P.‘; eupra,
tho Deputy Sheriff ccnnot file a clain with tho State Oozq$
troller-for his nki.leege and feeo. The claim met be filed
by the ehcriff.
_. ..
'i'mstingthat this sutisfaot+.iy anmers .your
hquiry, WB are