Kononble Jo.l’utts
orlM1 county
Aadorsoa, Texu
.JeaorglrJoemlltE* Irg)t
i. -.
...~._ .
.QnrslrrCm IO cMmor Oountr or the stdo
of Toma llabloior bugem woaltUgtr0a l
felluroto proprrly
plaoo a oulrertullbor
a dorig-
mted Stat.Kighray,profldti pemloolon-49bxlng
oul.~lo obtallud?
Vhlo queotlondooriot oeoato hare overa-
,intb roporto4
"Theugumont fromthe eouaty'mrldolo thlor
managaomnt and oontrol
Z'gll of the highwaylo lxar-
oloedby the State ElghwayDepartasnt.Orlmoo
Countyno longerhaa any mMwlty la the pro-
Piooo;and therefore It appearsthatthe 8tato
HighwayDepartment lo l&able.The StateHighray
Departmenthas olnorrsoonstruoted the rlght-ot-
'warin the lmuiedlak rlolnlt~ or thr dunged pro-
The ohangoln oont*l 0r tha highwaylo
what make6the problemoompl*x.I rlaa no stat-
uto touahlng the qw8tloa* '.
to ui the
Upon thlo stateor ia&@ you hareoubmltted
gQW3TIOli:Ir Qrlau County or the Stateot
Pak~llable torbamagaonoultiugfroma tailuru
tpz;-T, prmldd pemloolonto b
Subooquont yourletterof October 17,
to reoolrlag
lwl, *e wrota you on lwmber 16 19u, nQu00tlng that ymTr
a&lo8 uo whether the reoozmtruotfon
or salntenauoaof the hi*
ry ir questlo br th6 State Eleha6yDopartantin 6ny m6nn6r
oauad flu and whothoror not the eulrert9.n
damagein queotloa
qu66tlon ~66 6h6ng64 or reaonotruot&la my mannuB In roplJ
t0 thi0 in@ry 0nNo~edu 85, 19U, youwrotooil 80 r0n0w:
*Taik10 ln umw to rob latterdated
Hovomber l8tha&lag whothoror not the moon-
ltr uo tloo n
r the himay by lihm Stak El&way DC
partaantin any manor oauod tlu damageln wo-
tloa and whetheror not the oulrer$In qumotP011
olunge4’or noonotruotod In any manner.
W(LR .~
"To both of those qurotlono the aauar~$f ':
‘llo ’ l The x lg b m y Dq wlr tBm h a s ma nly a a lnta la -s
ti tbh, ~l"tiOUblr 66otion fd tho aighraf. jbavy'
r$no esohyearVWIJF the edmnl~af&nrcooglld+r--
porY &mlly raotors.the emboikmoat, .60th8 state-
ment 8 *ThestateEighvm~ Departneat has alme ro-
.oonotNateQ the rlghf-ofzray f.n the lmmoillnto viol-
nlty~ot.the damogeQproperty' rlmplg Emanithat
tha doputmqnthaa lasJn$dnoQ it.
aIt.lo.trw that OrlmeoCountyronotruotrd
tho.oul~u%laquestion whereit now lo. The EQh-
wqlo, poq a *in art+-ial h.Wmy, andwas Dakea
. over.by '$ha'G$atrKlghtray&Jspartzent
rem soonmf-
to? lto.ooagletl~~nbf ~?r~eo~$louaty,
#+x1 ‘gladly.enewor any further questtom
hlghway by tho.Stak Klghuay Dopartmoate
ia our undorotaadlng
It irroa your lettrro rbow quot-
oathatthohl ln question was oklglmllybuiltby Orimer
couaty, an4 that @Tot failure at tha tlao oi muoh.oonrtruetloa
to pro~ido&~OulYutin #id highmy has6lvort.dowtela wetor
rooultlng ln ~daaw~o to abutting pmsporty. Buboequentto tam
ooairtruotlon~or raid hlghwq b the oounty the state Highnay
nt took imm over en6 ~6~uLLltalnod lt~elnooouoh tlma
6 b&as the oaoo lt 1s okr opinion thatthe dama&@’& any,
g r- l
to the 'abutting property b rlrtq oi .tallure to O&l a
oulvort rooultrd lamedlet
& up04t Oarpi0ti0n 0r th0 hi*16y
althou& water maj not hate boa dltertrd by lt tintll owm sub-
lr q uuit
tlga. T h u r fo r w
re,uo CU th eq inlo athat th edotage
noulted from the oonatruatlon and not trap the mnlntananoo eC
mah highway.
You am themfon, adrlood it ln
that oplnlon
: .i$thlid.partad that unbrtha frrtr ret forth the waunty
&a¬ tkttt@a lo llible tar any b.mga rwaltlng fmatho
iNmUwto pmido,th oulrert inquootielt. ”
NO truot that thlo rully anowe tha qu*otlon pnooat-
.:.6byym. :.