THEAITORKEY GENERAL la.- Ar~srr~s~ GERALD C, MANN Honorable J..E. Broussard, Chairman Texs% Rice Development Commission Beaumont, Texas Dear Sir: Opinion No. O-l+143 Re: Whether taxes collectedunder' Texas Rice Development Act, H.B. 136, Acts 47th Leg., may be held in escrow pending judicial deter- mination of validity of the Act. In your letter of October 13th you request our opinion on the followin questions relating to the Texas Rice DevelopmentAct, B. B. 13g, Acts 47th Legislature,Regular Session: "1. As we understand,this processing tax law became effec- tive ninety days after adjournment of the Legislature (October 2, 1941) and we shaveapproved aform; of tax return to be mailed to each of the rice millers, to be executed as provided by said law. 'sJould the Commission,acting advisory to the State.Departmentof Agriculture,be per% mitted to hold all taxes in trust or escrow pending the outcome of any suit contesting the validity of saidact or either of the acts of Arkansas or Louisiana? In this con- nection, we are advised that there is now before the Supreme Court ~of Arkansas a suit by one of the rice millers of that state contesting the validity of its law. If your opinion is that we can hold said funds in escroiv,then how long should we hold them? "2. Should any of the rice millers upon receipt of the monthly tax returns pay the tax under said law to us, would we be justified in going ahead and~using the money? If so, then in the event the rice law of either of the three states should be declared invalid, would the members of the Com- mission, or the State Department of Agriculture,be per- sonally liable for the refunding of the money to the tax- payer?" i In our Opinion No. O-4114, copy of which is~enclosedherewith,we held that the-taxes collected under said Texas Rice Development Act are to be deposited in the State Treasury'andto be--expended for the purpose declared in said Act upon warrants drawn by the r. Honorable J. E. Broussard, Chairman, Page 2 o-4143 Comptroller of Public Accounts. This being true, taxes paid un- der the Act may be held in suspense pending a judicial determina- tion of the validity of the Act only under the statutoryprocedure prescribed in such cases. This procedure is set out In Articles 4388 and 7057b, Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes of Texas. These statutes are so lengthy that we will not set them out in full in this opinion. Suffice it to say that Article 7057b, requires the taxpayer to make payment of the tax and "accompany such payment with a written protest setting out fully and in detail each and every ground or reason why it is contendedthat such demand is unlawful and unauthorized,"and to file suit in Travis County for recovery of the tax within ninety (90) days from the date of ayment. See Rogers v. Daniel Oil & Royalty Co., 110 S.ul.(2dP 891; Producers & Refiners Corp. of Texas v. Heath, Sl S.N. (2d) 533; Rainey v. Malone, 141 S.ti/. (2d) 713. Any money which is paid under protest is not subject to being spent for the purposes enumerated in the Rice DevelopmentAct pending determinationof the suit for recovery by the taxpayer. Any taxes which are not paid under protest will be deposited in the State Treasury and will be subject to disbursementupon warrants, issued by the Comprtoller of Public Accounts in the absence of any judicial declarationor determinationto the con- trary. As said in our opinion No. O-2627: "The Supreme Court of the United States in the case of United States v. Realty Company, 163 U. S. 427, 41 U. S. (L Ed.) 215 held knowledge of the invalidityof an Act of Congress wi¬ be imputed, in advance of any authoritativede- claration to that effect, to those who are acting under its provisions, so as to preclude them from having equities based on their reliance upon the Act. "It has been said that a ministerial officer has.not the right to decide upon the constitutionalityor unconstitution- ality of an Act passed with all the'formality of law. It is the duty of such officers to execute and not to pass judgment on the law. Volume 9 Texas Jurisprudence,468; Sessums v. Botts, 34~Tex. 335 fholdingan unconstitutional act regulatingthe collection of debts protected clerks of courts acting under it)." The members of the Texas Rice Development Commissioncannot be personally liable for the refund of any taxes to the taxpayers when such tax moneys have been paid to the State Treasurer,be- cause, in the event such taxes are not paid under protest and suit filed for their recovery within ninety (90) days, as provided by Article 7057b, the taxpayer would not be entitled to a refund; and in the event such taxes are paid under protest and suit is filed for their recovery, their dispositionwill be determined by the final judgment of the court in such suit. Honorable J. E. Broussard, Chairman, Page 3 o-4143 Yours very truly ATTORNEYGENERALOF TEXAS .$PPROVZDNOV.4, 1941 BY Walter R. Koch GROVER SZLLERS Assistant FIRST ASSISTANT ATTORZY GENERAL ;rm:L&I :ml ENCLOSURE