OFFICE OF THE AYTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Dr. C. A. Sbau, Superintendent Big Sprw State Hoappital Big spHng, Texrs Thin 18 In e*t for our oplniallon theabove quoatl Inaaawh 118the exaot nature of ;a b7 7oourletter it- mlf, ve quot. r an opinton repertmrrlon patient eom- on ato the ous- to the prtient 7 vlth the horpital. number, say rla or tjvlahemtotakethem 0, to a ball game, e&o., eY.lpIIea of ruoln~orentlon. moment of the relatlver stancea and In the event of an aooldent vhere- by “L tient might be injured, vould the euperE tadent OF the State be lisble for juagnent?" Dr. C. A. WV, Page 2 Articles 3lg3I and 3193h, Vtmion’e Civil Statutes of 1925, preectibe the oonditlonsupon vhIch aentall7 Ill patients of a State hospital me7 be granted temporaryleave of abeenoe f-mm the Iiletltutlonr "Art. 31931. Temporary absence “The superintendentof nny Institution, after the exaalnationas hereiPsfterprovfdbd, ata7 permit an7 Inmate thereof tempomrrIl7to leave such inrtltotlon in charge of Me guardIan, relatlvee,friends, or b7 himeli, for a period not exceeeding tvelve lopthe, andara7~~lvehimwhenret~db7~euah gunrdlnn, relative, friend, or upon his own application,vlthln eueh period, without an7 further order of eomanltmmt,but ao patient, vho h&e been ahnrged vlth, or convictedof, eoam offense sad beea 8djudged ineaue in reoordanoevlth the proylelona 05 the code. of crInlna1 prooedure, still be permftted to temporarilyleave such InetltutIonwithout the approval of the governor, nor shall euoh permIssion teminnts or Iu en7 ua7 affeat the or*lnalorderof couttment. The superintend- ent -7 xwquire 88 a oopditlon of such leave of absence, that the person in vhosa oharge the patient la permitted to ieave the lnetitu- tlon, shall m8ke reports to him of the patient's condition. An7 euoh superintendent,guamlIen, relative or friend ma7 termlmate such lerve o f lb eewe at nny tlm and authorize the arrest and return of the patient. An7 petiae officer of this State ahall oauee such patient to be meted and returned upon the request of en7 euoh superintendent,guamlIen, reietlve or friend. An7 patient, exoept eucihas &e charged vlth, or oonvIcteU of 801~ offene~, a bye been uJB11Bed imane in aapOFdE&lCe with the provisions of tbs code of orimlnnl procedure, vho has returned to tb inrt%tu- tion at the expiration~oftwelve months ma7 be granted am add&tlonal leave by the aupeH~- tendent or upon hi8 recomendation. Do. C. A. Sbav, Pa&e 3 'Art. 3193J. Money and clothing "Ho patient in a State hospital shall be discharged therefrom or permitted to leave on a temporary visit without suitable clothing; and the Board of Control may furnish the ma&se, and such an amoulltof money, not exceeding twenty dollars (920.00)as they may consider necessary. Inquiry shall be made into the future situation of every patient &bout to be'dlschargedor permitted to be tmnporarlly absent, and preeautlonarymedical advice shall be given him. Ho patient shall be discharged or permltted to be temporarily absent from anY inetltutlonvlthout a per- sonal eximlnatlon of his mental condition made by one of the hospital physicians vlth- In forty-eighthours of hle departure, the result of vhIch shall be entered in his case reoord: Our lnterpretstlonof the authority granted the eqper- Intended by these etstutee, as related to the ml.n queetioa here ln~ol~ed, hinges upon the proper meaning of the vord "friend" as used in the statute. We believe the follovlng definitionsars within both the letter and the spirit of the lnvr A friend is "one vho entertains for another euoh een- tirwmts of eeteesi,respeot, and affeotion that ha eeske Me eoelety and velfare; a veil-wisher." Uebeter~e InteFnatlonal Diotlonary,2nd Ed. Unnbrldged. "A 'friend' Is one vho entertains regard for another and takes native interest in his valfare. In re Wagner, 114 H.W. 868, 869, 870, 151 Mich. 74. Words and Phrnsee, Vol. 17, P. 596. "The vord 'friend,'8s used in 8 stat- ute providing for the fIl:ng of a petition for adjudicationof mental IncompetencYby 'a relative or friend,' meaue one f8YOrablY disposed toward the alleged Incompetentand ~ scting for his interest and beliefIt,no paptiodar degree of inttioy beins reqUlmd*', Aed Y..Robinson, 78 P. (26) 1156. pp. C. A. Shav, Page 4 "The vord Ufriend,'Fn Insanity Lav, 173, LWS 1896, P. 501, o. 545, providfng that any one in custody 8s an insane per- son IS entitled to n vrlt of habeee corpus on a proper applicationnvndeby him or some 'friend'in hla behalf, means one 'fnvorably disposed. 104 App. Div. 47, quoting And. L&v Dict.~ Wordn snd Phrases, Vol. 17, P. 696. Ye amiums that nny.pereon to vhom the superintendent of a State hospital might surrender custody and control of 8 Ill patient, even for s short time, vould be ens vho lpenta3J.J (althoughnot 8 relstlve,~noran employee of the hospital) V&B favorablydisposed tovnrd the patlent, snd thus his friend. And our opinion la llmlted to such 8 case. It 1s therefore our oplnIon that the euperlntendent of 8 St&e hospitsl wq legally, acting in his dieoretIon for the best interests of the pntlents, release mentally Ill patle&e of euoh hospital to a person not eonneotedvlth the horpltal, mm relsted to any of the patIente, for the purpose of fumlahlng reorentlonto such patlente. It will be noted, hovever, that the etetutes ebova quoted contain oetiaiu condltlousupon vhich lu8h aotlon may be taken, and these conditlonemet be oompllbil vlth. And, elnclethe statute plsoes the matter in the dieeretiaar of the superintendent,and does not require the consent of the pntlsnt, ve are of the opinion that their consent is not required. Your question as to the llnblllty of the State In aase 8 patient is lnjursd vhlle so relereed has been deoided very reoent- ly by the Dallas Court of Civil Appeals in the cnee of Yelch vs. St&s, 148 S. V. (26) 876 (vrlt of error refused), In that ease the court held that the State v&s not liable for fhe alleged neg- llgeuce of the superintendentof the Temell Statb Rospltal in permlttlngan employee of the hospital, knovu to be 8 reokleea driver, to oarry patients to n ball game la hle car (one of the patients being killed in a colllelon occturrlng during the trip). The superintendent'slinbllity in such a case vould depend on vhether or not he vas negligent in guarding the velfsxe end safety of the patient; which, of course, vould depend upon the clrcum- stances In each case. Yourr veq truly ATTORREXBEEiUL OF TEXAS