Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE A-ITORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AU6TlN OclliLD0. WANI4 *mmw?OR- xx-. Oordon a. 0666 Couaty Att0rn.y Lanpa8asOouaty Lampasao,Texas Dear Sir: OplnlonIL O-w16 Re: Auth0rit.y of Colrmlaolomm~ C0uS to granta oroaaing of railroad by privateroad. lb10 will aoknonl& reooiptor your mguecitof October 9, 1941, a6 followa: -Gouldthe Comaisslonere Courtor La~lpaeas County,Texan,hrre thr suthoritrto grant and opena privetsorosslngacro66 a railroad&ero the railroaddlrldesthe landowaor~sproperty uponthe raqueetot the lendowmrPm It is the opinionof'thladeparbirnt th6touoh authority does not 6xl8t. The CoPmiralonsrr Courtniaylay out rmd8 on3yI&-M A pub110 aeoerrslty exlntnbut not tcr the bsneflt of l prltatowty. Sms Dunhp’t~ Rardln 223 8.W. 7ll; Orgy v* Law1886 S.?Z.12C)603;IbseleyYe Bradford 190 S.01, 624.Tho rightoi omlnentdcamln MI br rxorolsrd Sor the latabllrhmeat of pub110roadsbut sot of privet0onea* See Leathorsv. Craig 226 0.3.993. or not a road IZhathrr 1 6l prlvatoor publlo ' oars. But upontho iaotsln oao:3 road or ooureodoporrdr you halo ollmlaatod the iaot quertlcmllnoo yourroquoat is lialte4 to 8 prltato oroshqj. Trustlag that t!.Li6 fully 6n6were your puo6tlcu we are Very trulyyours ATTolmmWxEmLc?TElus - --_.,_.. “.‘;T’ ...._ -...-- j--- ._ ..._- w DDK:p6 r