Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN W’.b *‘;ezes i ~I- ; - ~eptl4zsnr ..; : . ', '. 833 “*Tb:is re;cort owoun8 John 506 oil iuatkl T8x66, ubom I hsva bee5 treeting ?or the paat tro moatha. *'Hia aundltlm ~8s aat+teedby nn 15Jury, r404lvad *hilo, wor&ln~ in Iub- book, Tazas. nhlah 8ffeated the .Lhom- 11118U solnt ¶xld ,a airplaoswlt or tile ~fourth ad IVth lansbof vartobbrao. Thir d6@lO4ZI4Prmtaawed -*em pnlll in lom- or port of b+aak nnd lee. n'm &arr ml~aodmverol dry8 3.n sahaol and 1s still ua$ar ny traat.wont, an4 If11 eontinm raF two or three S64t6 lOlt@Br. I'ho treatment ~111 ~rcb- vont futnm traqbl.4 thst oould asuso hb lot% Of tPBUu6. **::4 hsv6 (rllvsn hlz Csitiasrn ah CIltira-'Jlolot r6y and have adjusted the vutobrao k Saaro4lllso arisplaoodnt sna hs,bi ro6pooding very alooly.'" r34atioii 7 5f Art%010 &jQS of tl33 Revlse& Glvll St4tUt46 rotsrmd to by mu oon6crl~, tho f~llowlngr "* * 4. . AZ tie the of tha inJpr* or ILUCZO- 3latelp tbermftor, ip aooesasry, tho araplo co s&II hwa the right to ob+l i.cuny 6taiLPb L physlolan or 3ur8mon to adrriairita~ first-aid trostmont on zwy be raasonab~~ n4ass6uy at the expsnre of the .'.saoalation.* ?b6 2ootf.s doala ~l.tb tbo iaubjeat of nealoal aid, horgltsl aozviaso and aaadlolrw , and 4p4aifl4allp roquiror thet *durky the flrme four week4 of the InJ usting *on tbc date ot'lto Wliction, t&r Csroalntica “x’ 1 !'imMb eha roasonebla $a8iwil aid, hospifal ?Mrvioss .mndzm¶ioitisr. Duuri~‘the tocrtLi ar any subsequent watt, ug&x 0 plloatiJn Of the ntt6pdi5R j?&%faitNi aiWbif'yi.Ii~ tfB MOOS* E.ty there- Far to the ?hard an$ to tha ;iaaoolation, kho Ba6H 6&6yauthor- lze eddltlonal mCiaa1 ettpntion not to emsed one (1) rwk, udlasu eat the and of suoh addltisorll week the at- tendlog ghyaiolen 8hal.l oetrtlfy to the neoeaaity Sor smtber ueok of nod&ml attention or so xubh tkamof 00 nay be amdeed, but In no erent ahsll mob sedloal attention be eutborlzed for a period loqy~r than nlmtty- OR. (31) days fr~31 date, Of injw. .T&e provision for first-aid trrstmnt, ebote quoted la to ba aonsidered, Ot coama, in commotion alth thb~ other portiws of tbo IIOQ~~M, a8 ln t&e nataro Or .8 $rOYbO, ISCribpartiOtid# fdh(; QUQ Of "f iSSt-8ib trro40wuLt". It is a htmaae provislop. ur4 GhooLdbe llber- 1111~ oonstrurd to o+fectueto it8 gurpow. Life.6 Aooidenb co. t. IA L’.oae Cobb;~'~820S. X. et p. 133, the aourt saldr “The seaoad propocrltlon 3~ that whore neoesaary at thitkne or Chat in&ry, or im- mdlbtely theresiStor, the azaployae sbll hat* the rl&t to oall la mr naUabl0 phyulalwi to crdzMl8ter itim-rid trosf ntan4 ab play bo temonobly aewass~r~ et the oxpnae ef,tha haimc~4ion. T&J prcpoaltioa s4ktrs ei oor,rect prlnofpl.0of law, but baa no tlpplioatlan to this ame, uador 4he feats found br the trial court.* (Emphslr oorr) frt Federal En~erwriterr Exoheqe v* Sl.mpboa, 137 s. X. 132, p. 138, tbo ~aourt rayw: *Th e tta ta tb L l l doe6 require xiuoh notloo to bo glrea the inawr, that it ~~o~~~p~~~~*~~~~~~~~~- llebli ror first aid trrrstmeat after in- jury prommad by tho tmplof8e. xkdretiti~; ssttini: by (I physiolas al Y badly brokm arm oowm althin thir o&toGory and tha reosomabloerjmam inoarred br the omploymo for the4 pur~o56 war all th8t tha jud@mt aJ.Mwed." St id true the Statu4o being oonaider6d was 011’ noted by the 46tb tspl818turo (lOs9)~ and tba Chiropraotlo 835 - :ea. 3. Zblto~rastio la d%f liza.: ta te 5~ s*ihnae cf~xxlyzlnp. ,xid rrdjustlne the 6rtIoulatIma of the hrrrrso q&al aA- u x l l &ad its wnnectin~ tfaauea. nitbout the use or drugs or surfyery. Cblropraotic !&all irr no aeaao bo snatruod or deifz4d US traat- weat or attotr,tsd trestaest of patienta by we of uurgery.or medioiao. St la hereby docla~sd the purpose of the Xegisloture to aaku aa daf!aite tba dlatlaotIc;n betweon Ctiiro:resetIa and other noionoes as .tks d.!S- tfn&iOu tlUtUt38A3jenth?tty and %odi+r, “5ea. 38. zP3 oblropreotor shall trcth aa3 pstlpnt for sny isth3xit dr ilheoe Y*- aegt ty ol,~rojwotio RS t&t tam la here&i %eilce& ~rovidad that It shall be e rlola- tlon of thla Aot rot any poraon lloenaod hereunder to treet.any parson rot InfeatIoc~ or aoa4ugIoua ilIaesaoa or to sn.g~(rs In then 3tf4OtiO4 Of Ei8diOine.” Y&w, that obIroj7rsotIos am aut!3orizsd by law to trWt My &Ultibllt 02 Un SfhlWt OS’ ilbJS?~ iU thS.paM4~ dmsorlbwlIn t&o dO4, tfl et Aat beoomeaa prt of the @am- sl lrro, aad is to be read, oonntruad sad aypliad in the II@ht crf that gemrd law, sad the @mur81 l.tr 1IkemIso la to be oomtrucd In the lI&t ot both ieta. LMxa PO oonaldurad, ue think’ it 18so;.p.mant ?&al: (L obtrojmrotlo Eoator or phyaielan l8 a .QhpIalan” rlth- In the 3iesniIlgaf "W?tkA 7, #Ad tbF3t nbW4 8UOh ohiro- praotlo he8 been o&lad In 3 06s~ qhere it in raaaonebly necsazary for firstwb10 treataant or UD ln:umtd 4aployae. the sxprase thereof is grsEerly ohszgeablo to the ;.s$oola- t1oa&. EO bra sod Ioat rule o(ril~ba atuttd, but W&WO %hO 4Az3pl.2yer aurlers (111injurer Orf00ttin( the s>inai aoluam and Its OOnaSOtlng bIacaue8, of auoh m!qnltude 88 rtuaoaablp to raqu3re piok trestnieati, be MS 6ell 8 ohJsopraot.ic. Cn the other head, ahare he Suffbra so injury deimndloe SJWOdp abdloel or sur~~oal~ tre~tiwnt, he abould aell a Wdloal doeter w auqeea. Thus, sulfaring a aoald, a out, or 8 . 836 broren 8nm, ho mouid zot b4 ju4tUled in aalling a of;lroyraotor; *hWQ4 S*lr th e Injuu rsya t3th e lpl.rlal 0olum it,mr, or its oomdet.13~ tIaaud4, he 80ula bc :c*tifIed Ii; cdlln~ a zhlropsator, no* s~eolfIoally astiwrized to treat aush parta of the huzon anatomy by the oystezi ot enalgzlng ena adjuatlap: theos gart8. -The intention of the LealsUture in cnooting X 18 wrilratly obvious that the Z0Z!iYZ&&* 9 la&laturo in euthorlzlrig an in- Jured srspfoyro upon reoslrlzq aa 1n)tn-y to or11 Ii: my mailable pky~lcien to sdminlstu firat-ai6 treot;ent as my tm ramoa4bly aooeyary, w48 4nl is upon bumaM Qrla- cirl44, to cnrrble ocoh In&3rrd employ44 to hare forthwith the bftnera 4r tra4ti3ent from any ~raatiotlonor rrsllrklo,~ uhutbar oueti ~reotlstloorr bo teoJanio4lly 4 prsotiotionat 0r !:&dlains, 0r 4uqery, 0r o4tuopethy, or abi~rup~4ati03. 2m-o is zothib~ LI the history at tbc I.ct neitlwr la there anything In tbd oontart thataor, to fndlQat* in tha least thnt the Le~irl&turoawka lrr b&a- ot~any sahwl ot za~dfqfde or tre4tauht othir thsa, or 00~44, 4 graa- tiofioner 4uthcrlzed by 14s to treat aml t0 oharee there- for. ?!A* Le&nlotum was not dealin& ai$h the aybjsot OS thsrtaputiss ar bmli3&, but that ot Ilrst ttld to 111 in- jllmd eqilQy40 rhftt*ver 8ahool or 4yst4a tit14 a4m is reo3orad,,U au8% trsatnant be euthorl?sd,by law. Gny other. ouastructim wald be nprrar o&d e~et~ rutitersiv8 of the 696 4opOht by the i’et. Yhe ..:'orkmn*& cosponaatisn .Lot spiks ~ros~ctlvs- lY, ana its >rovisloa ia tha reap6ot b4&q aonslasred $4 ap- pllasble to the aI+&atic?r st the ti;se sir. SIB is setually ~~4aea. in hozaly ;:k>ase, th6 Le&lstISo be4 outhSrFiZed tkr) injwsa 4qAoyea lnjurea ir, aourse uZ sapfuynont to, 0011 3 dootor rortbeith, it neooseary, et the ciq4lsa or th.4 :ss- oicltioa. Lmloogrra~herr thus dafins tba si0rd: *.A,pq4oii akl.Uoa lo the art or .harllqfi one atily authorl~t~d to treat dissaees, 46~. by amdfulnas; 4 doator bt zsedla&m.w - i;ebateftr F::ar Intarnationai Dictionary. 837 versed ¶.n or grootlclnp ‘36 tbc 3rt af zseGlolo4 or heolin& bodily dioabrb by ta0 4adUi4tr4ti04 0r hi04104; 8p00ir. 0~0 14~~11~ anthoritod to troat 61808408; a doctor ot modIoIno.* - Funk & >.%@nall*a X4m StbnderG 3IotIonory. “Cm wiio prootfoor or I8 akillod f.n tf.6 art Oi heelingand in sothOd Ot pro- aorvinp and gwonotfnchorlth, 4;rpocZaUy cno who prororibos raaedIo8 ror dIa4asos.” -- Goyolopad~ia &orioana. InbOod, the Eonal Coobe It8slf oIE$Aftaizostbo oonstruatlon above fnddoatod. nrtlolo 741 0r the ccdo Qeolsrl: 5a *Any person shell bo rogsraoa s,s prao- ~loIn&~nedIcIce *lthIn tho zaoanlnq. of rhls ohspt4f: * * - 2. ‘;:ho shell treat cr otter to trsbt tiny aiseafie or disorder, 2nta1 or ghysIo41, or any phyuloal dofo~ty ixr in- jury, by Gay system or c-&had,or erroat ouroa thorooi. 4nd ohergo thorefcr, dlraatly or indlrootly, money or other compona4tIan.R Under ovary dolInitIoa -avan the ziwat teatrlot- ld -- oao who pr4atIoes modialno -its 4 phyalaieni An4 by the 1043U8gO or paroproph e or iirtIaL0 741 lbovo puotod, tbo Logislaturo lang hno awde clear that tho wards Qrno- tlolnc zi8dIoioo” ltwlude aot only the o&.InIetoring ci s6dI- oino a4 auoh, tat lIko~Is4 the treatment Oi dioeaeo, pental or #iy8Ioel Qisordor, or lnJury & m 8mtfa or nethod rh4ttsrer. Chfroprsotora hove boon hold to be 2raatIoIng i243!oino, a1thl.n tto ,aoan&(; cf ~~rtlole 7U i-enal f&do ‘pp V- Statei 163 5. *. 1144; %aior v. Ltotcr, BJS 5. Z. i .‘all.ioOR 1. Ctite, 76 2. 3. (t) 527, ouob Frsottotlon- k* at tbet the, 0r 4our80, hsriryl 110 lioon*o to praotioo chi.roprnotIo. Thoy wore pre4tIoIng sisdialno -- pbyoloian4 la raot thoueh not in la*. 24808 like Isaao4on v. ::18oonsia C@ualty Mso- 0iRti00 (-36.) rcs R. -;. sif3, m?8on V. 5tdo 50ord 0r Eaaltt. (I:y.) 57 2. .i. sol, x4-41York Liri IM. Co. v. ad- rolewebf (::ich.) 2C5 X. x. ZOP, or0 readllg dlatiopuish- able, alnoo they do not doai with the SQaOifiO qU44tiOn under o~nsiOerst.Ion. Our rperea' ha beem dir@Otsd prli~'ily to the question OC lftr a aid' t -- *whet to do till the doator aomem~ -- sinae ch8t alone imolra* the right ol an injured employer to ~~11 a pbyeiaian at the es- peame of the Amocirtion. Yqond this the matter is for the &sgoaiation, aa provided in Section 7 OC Article 8306. Trusttig that what ra bars aaotd~iutfiafrmt- 1J anD(Iuers your ,lnquiry, we 8.re