BollorablrRor L. Hill
County Attorney
Rumlolr County
Your t ttor rrqu.8
partmont on the quostloar I
r0110wa I
"I am *nolo r addrrarod
to IIU ma YC. f
uhleh ir aoli-
raidered t rauano* or
lnaamuah a* this 1s
for a now, or rsthor
The lrttrr or Mr. Sobn B. Rayburn, County Clerk,
refrrrod to in your latter readr in part es followa:
"We are making a oharge on Old Datr or Dolapd
Birth Certllloates of $2.00, where the agplloant
y:;es o oertirled oop~ or the reoorded oartlf-
. our roes me a8 r0iiowa:
Honorable ROT 1. Bill., Pago 2
mm we mdoratand that m are only rntitrra
to or $1.00 Probate rooa, 0na 504 tar 0
l r00
outlrlod rope or thr rooordad rortlflaato,mak.lng
a totml allowed of &JO.
'ThM (lomrnotuntlon the nrordld( etho
Oourt Ordor lrruod br bho Oountr &de.
wo would uk0 t0 ha ii ~0 uo out or iin
in 8aklng thr abow lietod ohargoa oi $2.00.w
The T-8 lta tuta r dealing
with Vital Statlatlos
~0 rOWid 08 RIdOD 3b t0 5%, inOiUOin, Or &&iOiO 4477
or Varnon’rAmotatod Olril Statutoa ot t-8. 800 ot
thoao ml.8 hat. bun wrdod by Hour Bill lo. 82l, Houm
Bill No. 624, and Eonm~ 2lll Ho. 974, roapaotiVol~,or the
Aoh or thr Torty-Buulth Loglirlrtaro, Regular 808aiOD, 19u.
Houao Bill Ho. 97L, rupra, aon& othor thins.,
provide that anfoitison or Tour ulshiy to rU8 thr rooox-4
or w birth or death oorurrln( in the Stat. et Tam,
not pratlou8l~ rrglatorad,rf auhlt rueh rooofd to the
Prokto Oourt in the oountr whuo aurh Nrth or duth oo-
ourrod, aad furthu provld.8 that w oit1s.n of thr 8t.t.
or TOXU rlrhlng to rlla the noord of a~ blrth or death
ooourrlng outalda tho Stat8 of Tuaa, not prwloua4 nR-
latrred, y rub&t rush rmoord to tho Probato OouH ln tha
oountr rhrro ho roaldor in ocm9llan00 mlththa ht.
HO\UO ml 80. 624, alrpn lo an ht provldlng ror
uairoa roar to bo ohar(od for the iuuanoa oi dr1v.d birth
mu death eortlfluataa br tha Probate Court, tho Clerk thorubt
and tho State Roglatrar, in thr mount and mannar aa thuoln
bo rotainodbr thr Qluk or tho aountr Court ror rooordiy
8eid birth or dwU rartlrloato. Cutiilod oopi00 or raid
birth or death oartlfloato 8hall bo lomod br rlthbr the
Qovntl Qlork or thr State Pogiafru and fro ior aald ou-
tlflod ao9f rhall bo Ylitr (SO) Oant8. fk aldrtiiled~ooplo8
rhall b prima fo o lalrldanoo in all Court8 and ptoor or
the root8 rtatad thoroon. No o th u lhu(la ahall ba mado ror
the lorulnor or muoh dalapd outlrloctaa and oartirlad
009la8 thoraoi. The State Bureau oi Vital t3tatlatlo8ahall
fUrni8h th8 iOrsM upon rhloh ryoh rroordr aro riled, and
no other ioa ahall bo uaod ior that purpooo . . ."
It rlll bo noted that the aborr'morrtlonod Aot
rp~oliloall~provldo8 the rue to ba 0h~grd by tho Pro&to
Oourt wd thr Oountr Clork and State Raglatru ror the
8uviooa mantlonod thu4.n and furthu proridor no other
oharao rhall bo aadr ior the laauanorof suoh drlapd QU-
tiiioatrand oortirhd 0097 thuroi. ThUBtOr8, pu ue
ldvlood that rhan l p9lloatlon la -60, a8 provided in the
abow mantlonod parwaph of tho Aot, a ire or #l.OO ohall
br lolleoted by thr Probat. Court, Fiitr Cent8 or uhloh rho11
br rrtdna~ br thr Clerk of the Countr Court for rooordlng
raid birth or doath oortlrlocta. The CauntrClerk or thr
State Re&atrar la luthcul&odto rooolrr and oollrot a fee
of Pl?tl Cont8 ror laoh oartlflod$09~ lsrtlod br llthar of
TrumtlnRthat the fmogoiry ful.4 anowuo four
lnqulrr, wo or0
Your8 vu7 tru4
Orovor Salloro /a/
ATTORlUiT UICKLRAL Ard.11 Wllllaa8