Lutlxc C. Johaeton
county kttorney
Dear air;
opinion ao. O-4048
Be:. Doe6 the term squalififod.votera
ae useU in the Test8 Liquor Oontrol
Aot mean that a pmf~on muet be
qtitrhd t0 y0t0 b~en.t0 thb O*tit
of havtngpatd aLa poll %a8 Or 8elng
exempt fTealpayingflame;?woN hlr
alunatureon 8 petltfanrequetilai3i
loeat option~elwMon oaa bsmunted
i~0oarputtngtbenumbs~0i qwm0a
voters who hate eignea the psbitionv
Your leeter of September 08, lWl, r~qu#~t$n$gn'
opinion of this Departdmnt on the above ofa+,& queatiloa;
88 foii.OW*:
*Art1018 666-32 or the Mm Liquor OontroS Act
provides in p&r I. . . a& .sUOhcourt hall atier
a looal option eleotion whanever pettitlonedto do 80
by OS many aa ten 426) per oent of the qual.iSfedvotera
of eaid oounty. . W*
I)oee the term ~quallfiedvoter* as ueed above
mean thsb a pereon AMI% be quaLi$iedto vata, even to
the extent of !mlng &d his poll tax or bein$ execempt
from pa ing sruae,'o0r0r6 hin si ture on a gbtltion
&auert 9 iq a looal option
r 011can be oountsB in
oomputlnG t>ionumber ci qtmlfiledvoter6 who have fJi@~d
'It la my opinion that this queeti~n should be
answered in the afflrmtlve# that is, a perso +st
have.either paid hi8 or be exengt fr
SCIE~ before he can rai&~a petition oalling $0 x2
option election. Alsersv, Remlngtilui, O&o* App+, 118
Honorable Luther C. Johnrton, page 2 ,
9. i-i,(za) 714:I Arti 666-S, Penal 0ode.a
Artiole 6066-32,Vsmon*s Ahnotatad Penal.Code,
"The oomniaslonors~oourt or enoh dounty in tM,e
State upon its own motion PPayorder an rlsotlan $0 bo
held by the qui%lifledvoter@ in said oounty, to detomina
whether or not tho fialeof liquor8 aholl be &1rohlbj##6 or
lsgallzed in suoh 001&y, an&moh aourt shall orUs l
loool option elsotlon whax~svsrpetitioned to do so by aa
amay a8 to5 0.0) per Q8nt ot’ the qualdfied votie~6 OS raid
county, of anyjustlcs prsoinat, city or town, Lg-
votes ror governor at the last preceding gemeral~’
as tha basis r0r atmtii3ing the qualiriedVO~TB in my
cuoh county, or polltioal rubdl~islon. . .!!
Artfole 2954, Vwnon~e Annotatul 0Ml.l Btatutso,
name8 the olasees of persons whopshall sot ba allowed to VOW
in slls LxYAt3. i.rticle2959, Vwxmn*s Annotafctd Clvfl~tetubss,
6fbtsf0tih the quPlfri06itl0nt fw v0ti5g in tafs minta
The OEIIB0r Akere Y. Rti~ton, 116 8. w. (84) 7i4,
JRentiOAIb~ in yOuFletter, ‘zuImgOtbr thiLXSSshold0 %Aa?oQt
that un~az the Liquor Control Aat,the oommlsEl.on~rat sourt of
the oouhty oould adopt my GWW it thought proper to msertain
irthe parsone sl~hiz7ga petition for local option ele*ttioa
wars legal voters of tho oounty and whsthsr or not ten psr 0-t
of t&e quallfledvoters .oftiikoouctyhad s&.nad it al rsqtind
by Art-Sole664-i%, supra. 3a.b ewe rurthsr h&t* Shat under
the above mention& atiiOlo that t3 petition ~hiOkrZnS
by pLorethan ten per oat of the qualifiedvoter%, praying for
the oamissloners*.oourt to oalZ a looal option eleOtion wal)
eurrisient notwithstandingthat it falletlto show on its fasr
that the arlgmrs were ~diriea voters or alsotora of th? aouatyl
or corsltitutm?ten per oent of the qualifiedvoter6 ha ths oounty.
Thheword “qualiitad” is defim?+d in i’icmb~ aid FIUmJbl,
paraanent.edition,Yol. 36, pa 660, as follows?
is synonyaouswith *ausoeptible~oapablei
rittin63 posesraing legal povmr or eapaoity."
noaorable Luther 0. Sohnetoa, me ?I
On page 589 ln the a msntloned ~olunioof
&+rds and 3%m306, KB fin% the foll:‘ing
%: definition Of a lgal$-
fled elector:
"A qaalified9leOtOI'Viithin Cixo local option law
. provldin~ for getltlon for 5 looal option eleotlon
io'be clsnod by one-third 02 t;he'quallfled eleotore of
the cougty, 68 shown by the poll llet or return8 and
oanvaeQ2f the last generaL eleotloz, 1s one who puets the
reqL;iz;e;?entaof Conmt., Artlole 7;Seotion lIW (Rutlad@
v. Board of Suprr. of hlarp\utte $kmnty, 100 Uloh. 2.2)
On pcqya600 of the above mentioned volume of ,$@dr
aud Phrneea we find the followingdetlnltlon of the ta.lll'&ali-
iied rot.erP:
W:~uallfledvote& within the looal optloa~lanpzp
rldlng that a looal option &M&ion ahall be slgrud by
*qualliiedvotere~ who are qualified to vote ior members
of th6 leglelature,ace thobo penonrr who h6vo the ~nUi-
floatlone epeoifisd by the Bonetltutlonand by Aev. St.,
1899, sea. t39%4,. . . there being no speolal quallfioa-
tlon for persons entitled to vote for m&era of the
lsglelature." (99 8. lf.269)
Anothw deiFoition lto~ndin Vioti6end ?bra80# 16
(raiioll0~3 :
*A qualified voter is Ueflned in I~evieed'tatutss,
1899, . . . to be one who under the general lawa t t t&a
State would be allowed to vote in any oounty ror State
8Ad cousltyoftlc4rs and who hna meided in the diotrfct
thirty &aye prsoedlng ttm sohool disttriotmeotlng in
?;hiahhe offers to vote."
"A qualifiedvoter ie one who by law fs ontit1.d st an election, 'Whoreeleotora are
required to
register, an elector who falls to eo register is not a
~umllfled voter althou& he possessesother qualltloat~one."
We think that the tern *qualifiedvetarv as wed
in ;I&lole 660-32, supra, means tioae who are qualified to Vote,
un6sr the Constitution and statute6of this Xuta, and w&O ase
pu@ifie% to vote in the looal option elootion whioh IS to be
Oe]iled by remon of the said petitlo& 'die respeotfullyaaiswbrthe
eb,(ivestated q+.WStiGn Zn the arfimatlve.
Emwrable Luther C. Sohaeton, pw 4
Trusting that the for8go51~3fully answer8 your
lnquiq, we are
ATTORNEY GENERAL b.rdeli%k'lllfam