Ronorablo Charlay Look&r6
Attentiont ur.zmllsttrk
De& sir: Oplnlm.Ro. o-i017
Rot whothormpplmotttal iben-
tuu or tntlBt18 subjoat to
rtug tax
In *oh yap
Haaorabls Charloy Loolchart,Pago 2
+d8 or trust8 8poiriiail4 00~0mtd by th0
8tatute. Thu030r0, the 8upplmimntalindanturo upder
ooneldiratlon I8 8eouritr for an obligation- that I8 lr l
lion Intorut I8 omatod by the Instrumnt - then It 18 8ub-
jeotto the tax.
The mpplemntal lnduituroreoltefithat the orI&ml
lnA.nture o ftr ust
useleouts(l In 1927 to 8ooure bond8 oi tho
GItl.8 %rvIO8 01% Oompuy. 10 al-0not ranlllu with the tom
of the erl&al lndontura,but wo gatherthat it oontalnd
pm~I8Ion8 oorerlngafter-aoqulnd propertyad ru+81618r7prop-
utloe of the Oltlor Servioo Oil Oompany.
The 8upplarntal 1udantux-a molterr-thattha Cltlu _
3oknioo Oil Company propoar to aoquln 8ubbrtant&lLyall or
the ospltal 8took ottho Indian TerritoryIllualuatlng011
Oompeny,uaaWmreaft8rto ~ooqulreallooithe propertyand u-
8otr of the ;qw, nubjqot to it8 llabllItle8.
& lltomt oontaln8 proTl8lon8to the &met that
u@It. the noto o~'t~'b&lur loapeq k, the -ty Fnuo Oam-
puty OS RcrrYork 18 pal&,.thoIadlanOohpaay18 not to bo dna-
e&a Sub8idla# wmpuy a0 thatterm I8 u88& ln the orlglnel
ln@ntw o r a ny
lup p lo mnta l
lntlenturm~ that nono of the pro-
TIel&neinthe or%&ul ormx~lanntml lndutturo shall bo
plloablo to the Indian oompauy~ thet %
if tho Mtior Sorvioo 0
Wmpaikylo q ulr8ub8tuxthlXy
e8 all the propmty~aud u8ot8 of
then tit11 the notm 1s pa& nono or 8uoh
propertyor a88ote or lmprovmmt8 8hall bo subjoot to the lieu
et~tho’arlginal lnbnturworany 8u,$plomuktfhoratoandthatno
holdor okbona8 188ueaunder 8uoh inrtrumont8 8h8ll have 8ny
01aimt0m. mr x*18 8J.80proTlumathatth0 Truetao *hall
8tampon aUibondl outrrfg&Ungor ho16 unI88wb that they ar8
lubj00t to the pzwI8lom8 or this 8uppl~mentallnaentuu.
k i&to tror the inrtruaont a8 ioilou8t
Honorable Oharloy Lookbart, page 3
qupplomontilchord&, all pmrielonr thereof
nlating to a Bub~IbIuy a0npw 8hdl apply
to Indian,urdtho Oom:.~ shall forthwIth IW&O
or omso to bo m&o the pled&o &wquIred br Soo-
tl0n 20 of Art1010 1x1 or the original Inden-
OM it be 844.4 tht this itutr-t 18 SOOUl’itt iOr
an obligationor that a 1100 intOm@t 18 herobf OrUt@d? WO
thlah not. It18 am-0 In the nature4 0r a nlearr. 3’hl@ plup-
ertyroulildp?obnb~oomewlthln thetarPl of the origInal In-
uattur0 but for thi8 lnmwmtt. Thu~roro, the 8upplemaaW
inbOnturo6oa8nOtaddta the orIgInal Indanturo, but,oqtho
other hark&,taku from It.
3.uvia or the r020gh8 yap ICO nepeotfu4 ab
vi004 that the 8qpl-ntal MUW?&botWOon tha Citia8~88~
TiO~-o~ &31Sw tithe a&SO 8t&tiOMl &Uk, a 80 or rhi8h
mu SUbkittOd t0 1u, im Pot SU@jOOt t0 th0 tu 10 3 Od by
ArMolo 70470. WoherowIthntOntthe lrwtrumnttoywa.
. I
Your0 nry t*
our80 R. spar&