.i : -r 5 i .’ OFFICE OFTHEATTORNEY GENERALOFTEW AUSTIN i .,.. :.. .i’,l, .:,w8oba~qaqat, to.%lyA,.l937, mrlOUe tax- peld lnata~llaents pa~~~,a.-.ia;.,S~~,~l~iadontt,. on drXfnqarot taxosrl~~!.%W,t6xoo1leato-Fwho rsaalvad ~suoh--,pa~at8~relienrd'~ao. April 25, 1940, am! was lgdiatad S& aia-appropxlatlonof.pubfia monsye, ~lnolud~~~there~dr~lnqa~nt taxea. The mtiar in M&ohJ~thu -taxemran patd was held valid,In a Cr5.e 0tlt,0r suah ?i~~&ation, and fnal 0a6a &s?$w~JI@ "whloh naa appralad. Howall v. state,.146 s. VI, (2ridI 747. Ronoreble Ban 3. Dean, kaea 2 “The bondsaen of the ,Ct::Ttehae puld Into thr .?tete the amount o? such partial payment of mch drliaquant taxaa so oonvartad by said offlolal 80 wac alloo::tad tc, t&u State. ‘me Coiact,y has in (I suit aminet the tar. collector and his bondsman recuverad judgment for the ocunC~'e part of such adinpbnt taxrr. Wndrr the provlsioa of 73361,, Rcviaad Ftat- utus, tbr intarast end pnalt!e8 03 all fie vslo?aa taxes thfrt wcro dclfnquent on or bafora 3ulg 1, 1940, erfl rmlttad if t!le TaXlJ?i3rpBJwld In f&l1 on or before IPovomber 1, 1941. Van thetie taxpayers MO have a?ade thsee psr- tie1 payment8 on their delinquent texe8 now 00~ la and Lander the bulnnoe duet on tha taxer) without the paymnt of penalty and lntersat7 Xn othrr wordy, ado they oooupy the seine statue ma If no par- tial paycwmt had bawt A&I&J,or,would they ba so- r,uirotl to pay penalty and lnteraet?W ‘iloucr Bill 76, ,ioka ul the 47th la irlabura, 1?4l, her brsa oodlfiad id Vernon's aa Article 733 t i end providea In.;F8rC-.aa.jZQ~~~~;*a!..~;I' “That all interrat and psnaltiao that have aacrued on all. ad valoram 8nd~poll tsars that wera dalin@mt on or before July 1, 19&O, duel the Ztste, sng acauntg, oemon rchool dlstrlot, road district, lame Improvemnt district, writer lru~rorefmnt (1is trlti t ) 3rd wrtsr oc‘ntrol alla ir- provamu~S Uictrict, Prrigatiar, Eiat&ct, and other Uefincd subdivisions cf t&e Et;te (3~3, rubjeet to the prcvislone hera%cbefare and herelnafter con- tuincU, such interer:t ?nE pencIties on dalin- Ti:ent. ad valorem :.nd roll, texar due Cities, t.3wc.9, &rid vi1la;ee , 2~16 s~ecir.1 school diatriate, and iudegzndeat EC~;C.C~ fiictr:ot;,) s!ssl.l be s+nd the 8m6 0x6 :sreby selsased, ;.zovidsd said ad valorare c:i:,d X011 t.?Xte ~1’8 giid cn 03; before Novsdbsr 1, 1941. It is ~rcvidod tL::.t t:.a 1~ ovisiona hereof s.ti.911 net appl-, to cltles, toans, :*nti VSllapeR, and special schocl : is tricts, and 5odependant ec!iool Cif3bsicte, unlees arid linti. the +y~~ernSn~ l~s?.~:of sr~y Filch city, tows, or villcsl;r, or spe- ala1 rohool aletriote,ana independenttown, or ,tlUagr; or rjwlal aohool district,. or lntiepena- enItbohool dintriot rtna8 thet uauras$ or exaea- rtri.~,d~ratait-Aa :Che~ patent .diaa ~valorea and 011 kxia h*8 ~~odorrodi gala thali an .extenbion of t %al for thr payment of enoh'delinquentea veloreatoaa poll taxi8 *Ill promote ana aooelerate~theool- . &eotlon thereor, whereupon rueh govern boar rhall adopt a re8olotIon 0F ordInanoe et '"fdrnolng ~raokflaUln&,.and~apon.thoroom-ding oi:.saohfind- irrgr.,ot, hot. the-prOvlrlm8 ot Bhi8,.Aot, rhall ba. - .:’ .in.~full. roroo~ and :e,iiect~-so to’ my paoh,: olt ' .:or:tlllage,~.or. spstiial.bohool .qistrlot;:or .~'~~.GTpatieat,80hool 418tzlot. ~1% %n herrby l xprearly :_: ..,8na '8r 0IfIosll~~ldc~ th8t pepsltk*.and In- .L $i.$wke herela~rrls~re4a%e raloarid only on delln-, " i-.,:~ qq8gt e+,ralorei!~'an4 poll taxrr.en4onao other .. :tiq*p..'., ~..'T ' n* * :+ %OOi 3.~ Anyone deslrin(l to pay st one time. all the d~lInqaen$tare8~fox only one year wherein ruoh taxer.arr arllnqurntfor more than one rear ahall ha~e’the :ni@t.to per the 8ame ..buit. without mmlr8ion.of penaitlea an4 lntere8t; .pr6vl&ed, ,. howwar, tha.D.;a~per8on8 avaUIn6 them8elVa8 of $he beniiL8k-M this-Aot rhall~be~nqu%red $4 $ar all dallnquent,advalore&taxo8 aae the State ana ooantqf on~any.8peoltlo~ 'plea*of property on ..:-’ rhlah, Mob: t8xrr atie d,oUnquent berore the pun- altIee~.and intorunt m8y be relea8ed a8 herein protIded; oonditlonea t&t a 8ix per sent (6$) panalty on the total amount aelinquent~be paid on woh property. n* + *n Tkhdepartmeat oonotnrea the. above quoted beotlona or aale ~ourr Bill 76 In opinion iw. O-3657 ana hela ae r01~0tmt wOalr~optaion18 thet undar the Aob n6 pamlty on delinquent taxes will be chargeableby the State sna County, or by other politlaal subdlviefons