OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN stra~tiol~roquire 3.nthe Edooational " mnvertad Into State EduoationalXnstbttitf~zia, &n th& ielioring langua@n *provided ha Board of.~gerats~ehallbe authorlead ts iade suoh ohanges ani aubstitutlonsalthin the totals ror ealarles at3my be round m0.3s~ary, the $&al #&rnnot to exoecrd'the total amounts appropriatedfor suoh purpo~es.~ ,Eolilorabl.s Pomsr B. Rainoy, Prmsidont~,Page 2 Substantiallyths same provisZon wan oarrled in ths 11 riders to TV--Blr~al~Ap~roprl~tlons for Musational I+itutions by ths Fortpsoosad an&,?erty-th%rdLsgislaturas. \ Zn 1935 the Regular Sssrfon, Forty-fourthLsgislatura, 8. B. 36, In the rider providrd as tollowsr "(a) Ful.'tS.msemployoos on twelve (13) months basis may reos$vs,~;not aor@ than Two Hundred Fifty ()250&O) Dollars .for oormspondenoe oourso and/or extension osntor teaohlng;and may not’be paid addltlonnlmono ?or timmor sohool tqaohlng, and Sull tinu &mployoea on a nlno (93 months basis may bs paid for oorros- pondsnos andior sxtenslon oanter tsaohlng or summsr.aohoolor other servloesdur%g the romainlng tmoo (3) month@ of the flsoal year, but may ~n&reqeivo more than Two H&ndrad Fifty ()g5Q.OO)Dollars ,, per annum ior oorraspondenoe oourse teaohlng during tha flsoal - year and/or extension oentiorwork during the regulur nine (9) ~monthssasislon.Such eniployois aa are on a nine (9) months basis. of smployment,whoso,seriiois ars oontlnued in wimmer sohosl work, shall bo paid on a monthly,baslsnot to lxoeed the amount pald~ for the ,s@meor $r~$l+r ~r~rvfoesduring th+long r+Mon next ? preoqg., ~' ",~ ., *Cb) : The Bear$ or Ro@ite and/& thr ~BO~QI or the, rarfoue : ins$~tutlonsand’fqwml~i.~shtill~ not rairu thm sala~y~ig any posi- ~tionto an,amount~largor~than tbat itomhod herein eroapt ,ri otharwlse~provldod~ foi boroln. The Boards'of~Ragintsor Dlraotors :: wlthln thalr dlsoretion’Bnd iot goed rea8011, may .paf, smallor salaries ~ than those itsmltod hexMa; .Tho Qovoming Boards,ot eaoh of the ::~ovetal.institutions, lithln forty-fiv4 (45) days Uter the dloso Of:,reh ri80d year 0r *he ~~bioneiru iliallit10 dth.tha Board or Co#%ol qnd Bovwnor~ae ftemlesd sohsduls of salarlro pald~to all aaQLoyores.j.noludi.n&Sho~oia a list of the ~napos&:a11 psrsons einp$oyodL av oi!+ah%t~::bp suoh~instltutions; whb,‘rrapaid for ssrvloss during tho:fia&I Fur a total in stoees of Onr Thousand (#l,QOO.OO)Dollars dut+oi:aayfunds from any souroo or of any ojmraotortmd~r the ootitrolof the governing boa&and the nsmo et tioh employee shall bq aoocmganied by ths totar of thr payments freg~any souroes,yde 49 s?id lmpleyoe at any t&me during the twslvr +nthrr of th;~fisoaZ year, whloh reports shall bo subjrot to publio lnspestion.~".,~ SUbstantiallythe same provisLone have been oarrled for- ward in the riders to the ~Blsnnlal AppropriationsCar Xdusational Instltutiw by all suoossdingleglslqtures,the ?oZty-fifth,Xerty-sixthand Farty- rove&h Legislatures and the stat. sduoationaliuatitutionehsva aon- tinusd to adjust empioym&nt to the mods of the various departments s+.% within suoh Institutions. Honorable Homar P. Rainey; Prssldent, Page 3 With rtisp=4of to the payment of two or more psrsons,trom a sp4olflo lt~sm0s appropriation,in Oplnl~n :O-l5S4of this department It was h414 an foIl~wsr-~*,. _,".. *We believe that this qu4stlonmust b4 answered In vl4wior the faots relatingto the propor discharge of the dutlas of your offloe and,also.ln via of the tinnor In whloh your orfio4 Baa been operatad fn the past. w4 b4114ve that It Is proper to pr4sum4 that the Lagislaturslntondod to permit your ortloe In the most 4tflolentmanner possible, to.-bs~-oporat44 within the llmltatlonsor the appropriationsmade, and that the Legislature had In mind th4,mannerin *hIoh your offloe had been operated in the past. . . . "In our opinion th4 appropriationquoted above, pro- viding for th4 hiring of auditors by your DepartBunt on a %'oasonalbaaIs,* psr&.ts the employmentend the~psymentof mom than on4 person under 4aoh of the lt4ms In said appro- priation, prov-idod,thatthe total amount paid under aaoh suoh appropriationlt4xdoes n?t oroeod the total stat44 therein; and iurtQe>+rovldrd that the amount paid to 4eoh peraon so employed -&hallnot 4xoerd the rat4 of payment stated in se14 lt4.m.~In our opinion the L4glsleturelntanded%hat your offloe should be opFrat4d lwthe most 4f?lolsntmanner posslbl4within the llmltatlonsof thasppreprlatlonsmade for aaoh lt4m, and the Legislature had in mlnd,thr'mannorIn whloh your Department had bean oprratad ln tae past." Wlth respeot to stat4 .departmentsand boards, long prior to 1937 without sproiflo~ leglslatlv4authorlzetion.andafter 1937 wlth sp4olflo authorizationby the Fortl4th, Rwtpflret, Forty-seoond, Forty-third,Forty-fourth,~a&$Forty~fifthLoglslatur4s subh dopartm4nts and boards usid part-t~~em~loyeia.~Aots 40th Lig.;lst.C. S., ~~'306; Aots 41st~Le(jr;3rd~C.S., p. 454; Aots.43nd LIg.;R. S.; p, 730; Aots 43rd-L4g.,~B.6. &5101~ Aotn Uth'Zeg., B. S., p. 11571 dote 45th L4g., R, S., p. i&39. ~%suant to ohangas mad4 In the (IsneralDepartmental AppropriationBill by the Forty-sixthLegislature,this d4pertm4nt in Opinion O&JO6 ruled that part-the smploymsntby stat4 departments and boards was not allowed 4xorpt where spsolf1oallyauthorlzod. In 1941, however, the Forty-seventhLeglslatur4 approved its forrmr polloy and again ,authorizadthe 4mploymcant of part-tlmo eaaployeeain state departaeentr and boards- Abs4nt ol4ar language lndlratinga oontrary 14gialative Intent, w6 do not believe that th4 -fao$that the laglslaturefor on4 blennltu&~~adrbpted a polloy wlth t4sp4ot to sta$e dopartm4atsand boards oppos4d QYphrt-tlm4 employment shoul& be the basis for upsetting the longsrs&ognierd~.andwall 4stabllehsdpraetloe of the state institutions or bl~het~18knlng, Ronorable Homor P. Ralney, President,Page 4 , _ We respeotfullyanswer your question In the affirmative, Yours very truly, APPROVED SEPT. SO, 1941 ATTORNBY QENICRALOF TEXAS /a/ Grover S4ll4rs BY FIRST ASSISTANT /a/ Grover S4114rs ATTOm GNNERAL First Aesletant GS:VG THIS OPINION CONSIDERED~ANDAFPROVED Ii LIMITED CONKERENCE