Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Ronorab 10 F. bf. Lav, Praaldsnt Boera of m0at0r6 0f A~rioultural h Ydoimnl or1 College Yirrt Bstional Bank Houston. Texas to t&s person by it ns aooh if or the holder of on Is auoh that iaabl6 msdlcnlly Ootlaga oi Taoa his writtan Fredam oi tha College, giving his ron*On thrrdor, and such an rooepted .by ths Board. oh 66 he had rrrtad the Coll&~a for otar thirty years, rightson year8 of whioh oonstituts(i hi8 tori6 in the Orrsidenoy, the Board ot Dlraotors thereafter orested thr ‘position of Frosiasnt mwitu6. of the Collee,e and slsotsd his to that poaitloa. tie Board also thrraafter orderra ~that ha be paid $12,000,00 for one year and half or said amount the rroond year..’ Ronor3bl4 ?. x. L-W, ! T\rC 2 *In licht of the 4bors it will be ap~col~tad if you will advise th4 Ronrd promptly on ths followlnp qu~stlonrt “(1) Is thn 9oard of Diraotora rlutk-vrlztd by law to tireqto the position of Treaidrult Qacritua ena pay a sslsry to the pqraoa aw&nated by it aa suoh if the health of the holder oi ruoh position fr such that lt la lnadvirsble madlaally for hlm to p4rtorm any sortioe for thr Collagc~ “(2) Furthar in tha avant thnt he ehould rap,0111his health to euoh an extont tbot frost n aabio!tl 6tendpolnt he ooula ronaar so90 eervloo to the Oollcga, would it, be 14~1 for him to be paid a salary a3 Froeldent QnarLtua althcuch ho 614 not potform any aorvioe for tha Coll4gc7 ‘(3) Xn tha sv*nt you should be of the . oplnlon that ths Board of Dlreotora is authorlzoa by law to pay euch a salary ln rlth6r or both oi such oontlnq,snois8 nnmed, aboro, then plceas adtlae whether or not thaio ore any llmitatlone na to the amount of such rrlsry aa msy b4 laflully paid. The Lagfsletur4 her rested the control rnd mensgamant of the Agrloultural and Hsohenioal Collree la tha Board or Dl?4OtOFa thereof, and by Artlol4 2613, R.C.R. 1925 hhs provide& Vhr BOera of Dirsotorr ia ohargcd with the duties and ompoworad to do and psrtorm the act8 hrralnaftsr act forth aa followar “1. The board ahsll, ‘~whenneoaaaary, appoint thr prcaidant and protoarora gt tho oollege end suoh other ofi~oorr 08, from ttno to time, they may think prqar to ksap tha ooll4ga ln auooerriul oper&lon, wd a~ iran tlma to time abolish rny oftioc twit is in ttlrlr JuQaent unn40e8nary.m Vndir tha quota8 atstutory prorlsiana the Eostd oi Dlrsatore ot the ~~rlcultu~al Ynd. :%ch:n~til Collc~s lr empomrcd to eatqblieh th% posltlon or Izesldmt hcrl,tua, rnd to drtlae the fuaOtlom ¶nd dutlns thereof. ‘=he pwcr of pub110 0rrmr8 to owtraot r0r the Ctkte fouudbd upon and be ln all ‘Ita aspsots aurt be p. mlcrrrd by law, cl$her cxpremly CT by necessary Lnpli- . cation. Ft. ~:orth$%trklt Club 1. .Shepperd, 125 Tox, 339, j.'. 8) 0. K. (2) 660; f%at-r- Py. F;aCland Clinic fioepitsl, 138 Tex. 393, 159-S. 7. (2) 105. The extent of these poworr mast be dotermlaed ir’MI thr sstsrs~ lawa panting then, :I and preclariblng tbe llaitrtlonr upon their rxeroiae. Wad*; cleotlon 45 of Artlola 3 of our Constitution it 16 provided that; *Ho drbt shall bo oreeted by or on behalf of the Stete, rxoept to ou ply oanual drfloienoles ot revenue, repel inr4s P on, aupprser lnrurreotlon, defend the State in WM. or pay exlrtlne: debt; and t&$ debt oraacrd to rupply drfloicirolca in the revenue, shall never exossd In the aflgrocate et my one t l&as two hmdrsd thousand dollera. n ft 1s lttlod by the ddolricma 6f our Court8 thet 8n obll(Zstlon 4naurrrd for rhrtloea rendcrsd 02 for goods turnl8hod ‘acnatltutrd e Cdebt* wlthln the Qxaxtitutional prcshlbltlon where, at the time the obllgntloa ir orested there lr no log~rlatlto eppro- prlstioa rffrotirc to suthmize its p’lymcnt frcrm ourlvnt tund8. tstp v, Wi*loon, 71 Tar,, 291, 9 S. :0. 155; Ft. North<3? ~+mlrj?Club v.. Shspprra, aupra; Bloholr v. strto 11~~0x0 cit. App. 32 Yi. &j2 (drror ~refuredli F,k 5s 1. Rn~denmn, 1 2 J 3: ti 1020 (Tax. Cir. APE:. Frror ‘cat ursd) . fn order thst no prohibkted lndobtednnss be o&ted agalnrt the State throu&h oontraots of sap10 - mont +a by thr Board ot Mreotor8 in fillln~: parit i one l8tablirhed wldar ArtiOlO thrrsforo, it-lb nuooenory that aut!lorlty for &he proposaa rxpaaditure be found ln ourrdt a ~~r o p r ir tio a r f IIoAoreblo F. ii. Law, I The ourrsnt ep roFrlation bill rot for the 8UrpOrt of A. &. 1:. CO1 r 6&6 (S. B. 333, Gh. 399, Act8 48th l.i~lrleture~meker no prOtie10~ by ~l~colflo 1tc.n of appropriation ~for the poeltlon df me814nnt Fmerltue. 9~. !botlon 1 of the Aot however, suthorlxas sxpcndlture of fund8 darlosd from vrrlous load 8ouraas “ror tha rupport, mintmanor, opration mnd lnprovcmsnt” or tha Inatitutloa, but, by p%reernph 4 of the Oenersl Tro- tIrion8 OS thg Act the suthorlty for,rxpandlbura of ruch fuadr for ~O~hiOIU!J other than thorr ltenlzed 18 doflaed end llnlted er9 follomr * ?:YheAmy eddltlcnal rsployeoe rJt,hsr thnA those amployed to tlll the poaltlona ltanized herein nrs saployed, rnd arc to br pia cut of 8aid Approprl¶tIoA8 ot aAy other funds, suoh elnployc.ea ehill no8 be paid larger mounts tnon those prorldsd heraln for slmll~r porltlom ln auoh lnntltutIon8 or sgenolea mnQ ja tbo event them are no rii~ll8r po8ltiona uPthin such ln- 8tltutlons then ruoh ed4ltlonal omplqesr rhell not bo ~3113Isrgsr amooAtl than thoot ~rotfacd for siniler posltIon8 IA other State loetitutlona, departmanta or e@noie8." In Vi6W of the llmltt4tio5a a~nsldsred above, theroforc, the ooapeneatloA payeble to a pereou holding the porltlon or Irarldsnt 5oorlt~8 uould be drponddnt upon the dutleo whloh are discnw~d by this yrraon hOldlAg 6UOh ~08~t~Oil. Otherrlse stated it 18 not the aYm.0 or tltle ettnohad to poeition8 l8tebllehed by the .ROard of DlreOtOr8 whioh oOAtrOl8 the WJCa~A8etIf.TA whloh armyettach thereto. It.18 rrther the dutlrr embreood by th! QO8itiOA.RU OCmikymUwith itOmi%sd pO8itfOA8 ltecrill~e elmilar funotloA8 whioh govarns rolary) thot ir, whether the porltioa eetrbllshed 18 IA.feot 00%~ '.pareble to thst of t'rofwmor ot Botany, to that oi trofr8sor Of l&yhgrIos or to that Of h*silrtant Auditor. (Our oplnlon Yo. O-54401 Fe think It obvious tbmt it we8 not WithlA the ooattipletloa or Artlola 2613 that t&are ehoulU be mole then ona posit,ion Of lY@iddnnt Of the ‘IA8titUtiOn, " and th?t 1 t wr.~ ~1 that the oGGtPilJ.?.3tiOG Or tlic A .progrl- atloa ;ot Ch. 399 tat there ehou2C ba snothsr par r tlon bo similar in tha, eooye of ltr tlutlas -t&l thvsa 01’ the rtaildeat’r WSloo aa to authorlzs papsent af the msie salary as the crsxUrius ssl.sry suthorlzsd to br, ~4sl4 to the STeeldent of the Sohool. !Iirthcr, It ~6 polntcd out in our Cplaion O-1433 that nhlh the kosrd ot klrcotore has autborlt~ to sst~blleh the Fooltion oi Vhe-irerldcrt undrr Mtlala 2613, thr provfslon cf the eppvopriatioa’ . kot arm&tin& ruppleseatatlon of the arlrry or the Yiae- Prar P dult to an rnouat rqusl to 60% of the ralory euthor- lecu r0v *cbr heda6nt, thr authority to pciy 4~~33 tin ~80 ~llmlted to one palthh Thare lrr no porltion othrr than that of Fresldmb or the lnrtitutlon wlthln those ltenlzed wl thin the a:proprlctlvn ior A. k Y. College osrrylng of author- lzlne 0 salary o? 512,000 p4r ennui. Fhr Donra ot 3lrootor.e tharaC0r4 rxoaaded Its pmr.rs in stt ytiag ta steoh 30 errs8 a 8atry to the position ot Fmr dent.%asritur, whetepr the nature ot tha autisr nhloh it u*c ooatcnplatatl . that poslthn kC;Uld001er. i&or gusstlvaa a0 not dailno tha dc~t!sc lnolaont to fihe porltlcwr wlth whloh thay are onaoarned, but, cc raeed lae.ulra, rlrat whsthsr ths~Eoara ti nlreotors soy pey 3 rrhry to a pnrroa a6 werldeat %orit:!o ii tha haelth of tha mplopee In ruah 8~9 t0 Tender it “ncdiCally insdvlsable* for Mm to pistrom say tmvloo for tho aohool, and maon4ly, whebhar, ii suoh a pnrson ehould m&da his health, whsther it w-ml4 be lapel to p-y hi% (I salezy slthwsh ho did not pe?fmJ elIy me’ViOa for the eOllfl,eO. E’hetbsc nv not it 1s laaavlmblo l 6 asdiaal n&tar Zcr tha peraon’.to prirforai duclce ix tha Ststa hen a0 basrlae upon Wo le;;cllLp ot paylw h$ic for nWvloe8 aotually . parforaadl lt he lc raot dleahergar the dutlea or ble ax loymnt end ha hws lqp14 bara q hs %y be . pa Pd rsgardlrm or tho strtr ot beeI Thd Bomre of iJlrrotor,rr’doae not &evo the p~of, however,to setnblirh ra%uaerrtlvq posItloae whloh oontm- plate thp parfoxunor ol no nsrvioca for the c\ol~ee.s; that, wa ttilnk 13 na obvloua oorollery 0: the llslt2Son that the DonrA my not attacki to posltio::r lt setablloha8, more ooa wmat1c.a then 16 pr0vlaad ior I~t4elzeb posltlvtm or ale T 2ar autlsa. ?:or oaa auah aotioa be aurtalnrd a8 a . Ronorabl~ F. ?. X.NY rs~e 6 pFotirlon for rctiriarst of pareanael* the ~otlrod p?+- 8c:lbodby the Toaohcr F’stlremnt Aot tch. ~70, tots Lsth- La+, ae as~.ldsd; fut 29224, V.&C.%) ia ax- olualvo, and by ncorssnrp, lnfarrnoc denis th? povw to the P.osrd of rjirsotorr to ratabllsk mother or ad- ditlonrl 8ystm or method. 776 rrflrst ttmt we are unsbla to 1:lte date($oorloal clnewor8to the ~lurrtlom (Iubtitted, but bhslr form prevent8 II rcrly in that form. If #&a abovr ObrsrTetlonrdo not oo?m the prOblQfA8rhioh JOU have in mind, we Mm11 be plaa~~odto adrlre you it&her in reiaranoo therato upon requmt. Vary truly torn, ---L -. _._. .__ ____~ -_ _ -. I