mnoruble C. J. Wilde
county Auditor
Iiueoo~ county
Corpw Christi, -ram
Dwr Sir: Oplnlon NO. o-3899
Ro: Ia Nueoee County legally au-
thorixea to pay any long dir
t&nod blephona oallm oontraoted
by the dirtriot judge through
fitelephone the lrv1ce r0r
whloh la paid by the oounty?
Your lettar of Au&t 23, 1941, repueatlng en opln-
ion or this dqurtaent upon the above dated ~wrtlon hae
boai reeeivea.
'50quotr frm your lsttrr aa tollowmr
Ve quot. Artiole 6020, JudSoiel Diatrlot
Rperuea I
**AU Di8txlot Judger and amriot at-
ternem when engaged in the dlsoherge
0r their 0fiiOial a8tia8 in any oounty
in thlr State other than the oounty of
their re8ldmnee rhall bo allOwed their
lo tuel
a ndnso o ua r l
yx p eluea
u h lle
a OtUa u0~5iigd
y h t& ai8OhRTge Of
awh dutloa not to uaee4 four dollara
par &ef for hotel blU8, and nbt to ox-
oeod twentyoentr l dls rhan trerrling
by privateoo 0, in go1116tc end
a8wrnlq from e pkoe Ihere 8uoh
aotiw are dlnharged trrtoline:by the
nearoatpnotieal MUM. mh ofi100~
aal auo tsoein tha a&ml urd neo-
sisnombte a. r. Nildo, Agm 8
Essex postege, %&ograph end telephone
exp~~or lnourrad by them is ths tiotwl
diSOhar6a Of their UUtiU. SUOh OX-
penaes shall be paid by the State upon
the lwrn e&l 1 temis l
ooount of eaoh
distriot judge or attorney entltlod
thereto, show?ng rush lxpossos. In
bfstrlot oonteiai mom #mn cm county,
suoh expoas~ shsl *51-es in any ens
fear QlOO.00 isr woh oounty in the
diatrioti ?rovltledthat no dlstriot
judJiror attsmey shall rooeire more
then ~$600.00in any eae par under the
pro+l8lons of this artiale. The aooount
'or said swviorr shall be recorded in
the offlcisl mlnutss ot the disttiot
oourt OS t!m county In whioh such Judgr
or attorney resides, raspeotlvely.~
"IOU will r,otloein.the above artlolss tbst
no r*fersnoo Is pads airbot to distrlot judges
aoting in th4r ofSio1sl co city Ii?only one
county. It does state in a9"strlot ccntalnlng
mom then one County such expanses shnll nevmr
*xOeeU in any one year 4100.00 for e3oh oounty
in thr distriot.
We wula Lika to hav* your G&'l!Gn on
'thesboto Artlole with mfaronoe as to whe-
ther the County is Justiflodin paying a.sr
long dlstanoe oalls oootmoted by the Distriot
Judge throuP@ a talophone, the ssrvios for
which IS paid by the Csunty.
*YOU ~iii noti in tb mi0iO it a000
l*suoh oitissr sh a ll
a lso mo dr ethe
lstul and noososary pos a, toloyph
end trlephone expanses in lotrul dls-
oharge of their duties.',
*howaver, as I uadarstasd the artiolo, suoh
erponsss shall be reduoed to writing and SWOW
ata,eaent rorwardod to the Stat., whish shall
Eenombls C. J. Wilde, Rge S
rotuudtha uouat t&the Dlstrirt Judm
orrIs~~~yWto whoeta?nkem papent ot
Saotion 8 of &tlole 8899). Vun~a~s Amotatad
Ciril Statutea,provIdesa
“Sea. 2. Suitable offIoe8 end sk-
tionery and bSenks neoossmy in the per-
fornmnao of their duties say in the dis-
emtlon of the OomIssloners Court also be
l'uraIshsdto realdent Dlstriot Judgoa,
ruiaent Dlstrlot ana Count horneye,
County Suporlntondantsan& gounty 8urvay-
ore, and may bo jmld for on ordu of tha
Coamissionus Court out of the County
The CO3ld8SiOll~rS’ COUrt i8 auth;jrizOdby the above
uoted rovlsion of Artlole S399b to furnish to rooklent
1lstris z judges sultsbleO~SSOU snd stetlono~~~T~s~
nsoesauy In the gerfomukoe of tholr dutias.
la to bo noted that
thir prorIsIonof the statute la
mndatory, but tha aatter ir left wholly within thr dlsomtlon
or thr aomIsslonus* Court. If the ComaIulomrst Court
dotomisu, within its disarstion that it dll furnish sult-
lbla oftloss sto., ts meldmat dfstrlot judges of the oousty,
wo think thi the ComIss10asrs~Court is suthsrlsedto ln-
stall or hare lnstal.ledin rush effloobr officesa~;~pne
or telephoau aad pay the monthly rm&al thoreoa.
we do not think that this ststute is broad lnrpea to matho&
180 the ComIssfoaorst Court to py for 10~ Uistsaeetels-
;ihonaerlls rontmotod by the resident distrlot judge or
Judge over theso tsbphoaem or my other tmIephono8.
It 411 be noted that all upenses luthorised by
fitiols68SOs supa, for dimtrkt judps and dI8trIotattor-
nsye when ged In ths dlssbr l of their otiioialduties
$-by the 6tstoyafhe swrn an41td8068000uat
2?!eE strIot judge or at ua e ylntltlodthereto. This
lta to to la no wise lathrdsu the Ctissloas?s* Wt 60 pay
say sf the sxpensesal&ssd the-la out of ths lsaatJ funacre
we rdi to find w statute the a08-
nimaioners’ Court to pay the 1086 dlsh~e no alla
Honorable0. J. Wilds, Psgs 4
of a aistrlctjudge, in day avant, and in ths ebaenoo of
rush statute ws respeotfullysnswer the abwe stated pues-
tion in the asmtiro.
Trusting that the foregoingfully answersyour
inquiry, w arm