Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

BonorablcEiarryKnox, ahairman State Doard of Control Austin, Texae 0plnson no. O-3885 Dear tXrr Rs: Oonstruatloaaf Subseatlon(11, Soatlon 2, Senate Bill Ho. 423, 47th Lsglslaturo,the depert- mentel~epproprlatlon bill, la relation.tooerteln sthtutss. v:eare pleaeedto 0041~ with your letter of .Aueust 25, 194 *iah m quoter wStatement: Bearingin n&ad Artlole 603 aad &I ertlalcsof the Statutewith refermtieto publla printing,e8 well em the ertlel6ain'chapter3, Pur- abasing 'Dlilalon, ploreespeolallyArticles634 to 664 lnolusira and any and all other pertinentprovl- alon of the 4,tetutes. qwstloa 1. .(a)Does subsection*a* oi Sec- tion 2, of the Gantrral Pzorislonsai the Departmental Lpproprlatlon Bill, peaeed by the 47th Le&letlire o&llat v;ith.the above referredt6 Statutes,and it so Aow said 'Seotlon*a* supereede the above artloles, aab 1s the BoarAoi:Control bound to be governed there- by, or are the above referred to %&Ites still the eovernlngauthorityln suah matters? m(b) Doe6 6ubssotlon *d! af 14?ectlon 2, oi said CaneralPrwlsiens of the DepartmentelAppropriation BIU. rforeaald~oonfllctwith the aboSe referredto statutes,and 1f so, does said oubaeation'd' supersede the above artlales,end 1s the Board of Controlboo& .-to be governedthereby,or are the rbwe referred to Statutesstill the governing eutharltyin suah matters? "c&lestlon2. Said subfiebotlona (a* and *d@ adore- said, being prorlaiow of the DepsrtmentelApgroprle- tlon Bill end not ln elther.theElesmos~nsry,Educa- tional,or JualbleryAppropriationBSU; ii you hold the eaperrede the above referred to ertloles,do they am !&to either the Elsuaoaynery, $duoatl&el or Zudl- aiory Blll,~althoa& mot o+,alned,thereln?m Aad with hour rypplementalletter of September5, 1943, whlah quot.1 Hon. Harry Knox, Chairman,Page 2 RFurtharsupplementing my letterto you under date or Au@st 25, 19W, in whloh a ruling was request- ed with referenceto the so-oalledlanaumbraaae* prwl- aions of Seation 2 of the GeneralProvlaionsOS the DepartmentalAppropriationBill, passed by the 47th Lqlsleture, tho Ward ot Controldesiresto know: question 1. Do the provisionsin Section 2 aon- illat wltb Artlals 660 of the RerlsrdCivil Statutes aoverlw Wmergenoy PurahaesaV *Question2. Under Subdivision*d'.prwldlagt fThe &uptroller shall * * * have the power, aad it shall ba his duty,.fromtima to time, to adopt, pub- llsh and anfaroersssonablerules and regulationsnot inoonsistentherewith,for the purposeof carryingout the provisionsof this Aat’ * * * aan the Comptroller exempt any purchasefrom the provisfonsof Reotion *C,* and more espcalallgthat provisionthat requlree a purchaseordermgltlnethe prl8e of the artlali pro- posed to ba purohased9* Articles603, 634, 660 end 664, Revised Civil Statutes ot Texas, read in suah order a8 tollaner "Article _ ._ 603. . The $ard aim11 ad&dater the laws relatlJ&!$ to tne oerrous ilepartments, boards, institutionsand publlo officeraof the government herein nsmsd, end peiorm the eddltlonalduties and exercisethe addltlonaltunotlonrprovidedfor la this title, end ney combineunderit the followlag subdirlsfonsof lta workr Public Prlatlog. 23: Dlvlslon DiT1slonOi of PurcheSlag rnwi0n 0f Auditing. 4. DivisionOS Design, Conetructlonend Main- tenance. Ditislonof Eetlmatessad Appropriations. 2: Mvlslon of EleemoaynaryIastltutlont3 7. And such other divisionaor ita work ia it may find aeoessaryIn the admlnlstratloaof lts duties.* 'R~tlale 634. The Board cd Controlshall purohaw all the suppliesuaed by each Departmentot the State Government,includingthe StatePrison Sgat@m, and eaah eleemoaynaryln&itUtlOn,'3ormal8ohoo1,Agrloultural an6 MechanicalCollege,U&vsrsity oi Texas, a ndlaah and all o$har State Sahools or Departmentsbf tk State Governmenther&ofore or heraefterareated. Such sup- pllos to includeSurnltureand rlxturea,tsohnlaalla- atzuments and books, and al1 other thingsrsqulred br the d.ltfe*nt. dspwtmimt6 oz Institutions, except etrlot- ly psrlshablagoods.* Hon. Berry Knox, Chalrnmn,Pa&a 3 *Artlola660. In ease of emmrgencyand where articlesare neasasaryend neededby any lnstltutlon, and It 1s Impractioableto Includethem In the annual contract,the su erIntendentshell make a requlsitlon for asne to tha ii oerd of Control and the Board may fmthwith .purohaseeuoh ertiolein the open market.* “titiole664. The Eoard shell frame and transmit to eeoh institutiona systemof rules end regulations for the purche~seof such 8uppUw.1es have been deslg- nated by then as perlahableand 88 speclslsupplleafor eduaationallnntltutlons,and to whloh, oonformityby ell institutionsis hereby requir?d.n Subsection(1) of Section2 of Senate Bill No. 423, 47th &@lature, the dcpzrtmentelspproprlationbill, reads as follows: “(8) The Comptrollershell approveIn advanceof paymentthe amount of all expendituresto be paid from funds for which appropriations‘havebeen made and shall enoumbfaand/or allot all epproprlatlons against x&loh purchaserequlsltlonsor orders are Issue&~ and the Can troller shall heve the authorityto en- cumber andPor allot muoh other approprletlonsas he deem essentielto a proper and uniformsystem of rcoord-keepingon 0n enoumbraaoeor allotmeatbasis. *(b) The CoUptrOllershall heYe the authority and he la hereby directedto require all departments, oomn&~aion~, boerde, divisions, imtittutiom, agencies, and other units.of the State Governmentfor whioh ap- propriationsere made In this Act to furnishsuch in- formationas he deems neassaaryto mointalnapproprla~- tloaa on an enoumbranaeand/or allotmentbaala. I((a)Mter the purahf+erequlsltlonha6 baen ap- proved by the Board of Control,but before6 purahaee order for the ertlcle,or erticlesrequisitioned has been made, it shall be the duty of the Boerd of Control to furnishthe Comptrollerfor his approvalthe orlgl- nel and a aopy of eel& purchaseorder,which shell show the depertment,oommIsslon,board, division,Institution, .egtiauyor other unit of State governmentmeking the requisition,the reqnisitionnumber, the purchaseorder number,,theappropriationand number oat of whioh the purchaseIs to be paid, e desorlptlonof the article, the cost of the artlale,the person or firm fran whan the artiolehas been QUrchsSeC,end ~uoh other lnforma- tlon es the Comptrbllermey require. when the Oomptrol- ler he8 approvedthe amount of the purchaw order he shell return the orlgIna1to the Board of dontrol for . the making of the or&r and shall retain the aopy of aeld purchaseorder for his reoWd8. BOIL ferry lmox, Chalrmn, Pa@ 4 m(d) The Comptrollershall have the authorityto presorlbesuoh forms as he MJ deem neoessaryto carry this A& into ettcot and he shall furtherhave the pow- er and It shall be his duty, from tine to time, to adopt, publishand enioroereasonablerules end regulationsnot InoonaIstentherewIthfor-thepurposeof oarrylngout the provisIonaoi this Aot. “(8) If any department,oonualsaloa, board,dlvl- slon, lnatltutlon,agenog, or other unit of the State Oovernmentshall fail or refuse to fun&h the Comp- trollerany or ell lnrormatlonrequlrbd under the terms of this Aot, or whIoh the Comptrollerrequiresunder the terma of this Act, the Comptrollershall not write or issue any warrantwhatsoeveron any of tha appropria- tions made ior the benefitor such Q efaultlngdepartment, ooxnIoslon,board,dlvlslon,agenoy or other unit of Etata governmentuntil the requiredInforlntlonhas been furnished. "(f) ThIa Sectionshall be erreatlverrom and after September1, 1941, and the Camptrollershall oause same to beoome operativeaa 80011as practicablethere- after, and not leter than January1, 19&2.R . Artiolea603, 634, 660 and 664,.andothe, ielatedstat- utes, confer oertaindutleaand powers um the Board or ~Control . regerdingthe purahaoingof supplle6for vsrloua state dspart- ments and institutions. Subsection(1) or Seotlon- 2 of Senate Bill 80. 423 ooa- tains oertain new requirementslnoldentto the expendituresof the suma appropriatedIn Seoflon1 OS the dot. The expenditure8 far whIoh epproprletlom are made relate to the purohesoo2 mp- pllee for varlo~ state departmenta. The two-foldpurpoee of the requirementaln Subaeotion (11.18 to preventthe overdraring af Items ot appropriationand to providea better bookkeeping agstem for the state. The requirementsare new. They pioneer In the Sleld of strioterand more aoouratebookkeeping for the atete. They appertainnot to the statutorypowers oi the Boerd. OS Control,but to the Comptrollar9amethod of handlingthe pay- ment of the purahasesmade by the Board of Control. These provisionsdo not repeal,or oonstltutean attempt to re;teal,axI8tlngstatutes. Their vItelItydoes not dependup- on lny change.lnthe statutorylaw of the etete. !Phe legislature has not deolaradthat the Board of Controlshall no longerpur- okase supplies.or othsrwlselnveded statutorypower8 of the Board. ft has r;lerely stipulatedthat paymentout of the appropriation made shall be subjectto the desorlbsdadditionalrequirements. The Board of Control1s still the parchasIngagenoy and in other reepeoteohergqd with the edmlnlstratlonof the laws re~letlngto &ate departmahta. The ComptrollerIs not authorizedto approve purohaseses purohases)he Is merely requiredto abide oertaln additions1regulationsas to the paymentfor auah purchaeeswhere- fore he may kee the books.ofthe etate In the manner deoldedup- on bv. the Lad af mtnwm- Hon. Harry %~ox, CheIrmf% PaSI 5 With tho wisdom or proprietyof the adbitlonalrequire- ments, neitherthis depertamnt,nor the Comptroller,nor the Board af Control oan hsve eny oonoorn. Eaoh must follow the mendate or the Le&~alatursif the requirementsare althin ths bounds of law. In tho very nature of the stupendousjob of keeping the boob of this atate, the Le&ialatureoan only declarepurpoaea, prescriberequIrementa,define bounds of authority,and thereupon entrustadmlniatrstlon to the departmentsof state involved. It has, aa It neoeaasrllymust have done, ohareedthe Comptroller with the duty of promulgatingthenaoeaaaryrules and regulationa to errsot the legislntlvepurpoael It wea oompelledto give wlde latitudeto the Comptrollerto scoept ths dutiesand reapon- sIbIlItIesImposedand erecutethe leglslatlvemsndateIn the most reaaIblemsnner. by the Board of Control,pursuantto Its atat- F’urohsaes utory dutiesand powers,rmy be ole8slrIeda8 ot three types. First, the re&.ar purohaaeof IaolatedItems upon the basis of oompetltlvebid8 relatingto eeoh lndIvIdualpurchase. Second, purohesesunder annual oontraotaawarded after oompetltlvebiddIng, whIah prescribeprioe end qualIt&?,quantitybeing e matter of au& sequentneeds and requI?ementa. Third, 8mergenoypurohasdspur- muant to Article660 under whloh the requirementof oompetltlve blda, end that requirementeione, la relaxed. Under Subseotion(1) of Sootion 2 of Fenate Bill 423, it 1s lPandatory upon the OWptroller to maintainall appropriations made In Seotlon1 of the Aot on an enoumbranoea&or allotmant beBiB. l?eoesaarIly in the enaotmentof Subseotlon(1) the LegIa- l.:t&.at;d80 in contemplationof the three m8thoda or types of Henoe the alternativeRenounbranoe and/or allotment bada.= be first type of puroheaeIs adaptableto.mslntenanoe upon a atrlot enoumbranoebesla. .Thaaeoond end third types of puupaae are more adaptableto mslntenenoeupon an allotment Beoause af the multltudInouadetailsand variationaln- he& in runningthe buaIne8sof the state, and in purohaaing aupplleafor departmentsof atete, num8rouaand differentrules and regulationsmust be adopted,publish~sd and snforoed-bythe Camptrollerto eohlevethe type oi bookkeepingrequiredby the Legislature.Henoe the broad rule-makingpower vested In the Camptroller. ComplIanoeupon the part of ths Board of Controlwith the’Mqul&m8nta of Subseotlon(11, and ulth the rules and regu- lations promulgatedby the Comptrollerpurlruant thereto,will not olroumaadba or restriotthe atetutorypowers 6f the Board of Controlor obatruotths Board of ControlIn the executionof its power8 and duties of purchaseIn the manner providedfor and authorizedby statute. Subaeotlon(1) should not be etrlotlyor unreasonably oonatrued. fn It8 very nature It requiresliberality of oonstiuo- tlon‘ Ths reoognltlonand repuIremen$that appropriations ba maIntaInedon an allotmentbasis presupposesthe neoesaltyof eatimstesof expendItur8sunder the ssaond end thirdmethod8bf Hon. Hsrry Knox, Choirman, PO&B 6 purohaae and the reservingby the Canptrollerof a oertelnpar- ~~~f~depproprIation r0r the payment of oblI(;ationa yet to Were this not true, and were estimatesend reser- vetloneof ~pp~opriatlonsnot oontempletrdby the Le~elature, the requirementwould he% bean dnly that approprietlons be maln- talned on.011 enoumbranoebsaia. Where an estlmte, end e oorres- pondIngallotmentdsV8lOpB t0 be eithertoo low or too hi&t, ad- @stAent can be made end It IS OOnt~plet86 under Subseotion(1) that adjustments will her4 to be made. %iB the Leglalatura deemednor8 entiqraotory, rraa the stendpolntor the books 0s the tStBt8, than the oonditionsheretoforeexistingunder whloh the Btetu~a of en appropriotlonaooountwas al3 the while unoorteln end lnoapableof Escertainment. Statutesoaunot, of oourse,be SUOO8SSfU~y amended or i repealedIn an appropriationbill. But the pleolngof restrio- t,ionaupon the expenditureof money8 appropriatedin the bill fnheres In the leglslotIv8controlover the State Treasury. Snb- :"sectlon(1) of Se&ion 2 Of Senate Bill 423 does not oonstltute y'an attemptto eooompllahthe former but the exerciseof the letter. It Is thereforethe oonsideredoonolusionof this de- pertmentthet the provlsion a oontelnedIn Subsection(1) or Sec- tion 2 of SeiEit8aI= 423 do not Oonfilotwlth,BUp8rBed8,emend or repeal Artlales603, 634, 660 and 664 of the statutesof Tex- es, or other related statutes. Your su~pler,entel letter propoundsthe question,In additionto the one reletIn&to Artlole660, of whetherthe Cap- tri&lcrmay exem t any purahasefrom the provlelons0s Section0 Of %%bB8OtiOn (1 P . It la ~DUTdpInIon that Seotlono waa not'intendedto ap- fly t0 every ptUVhaB8traMaOtiOn and that the Comptrollerdoes have the authorityto extanpt purChaB8B therefromif in the natures '~ of 8uah pureheaea,othcmiae authorizedbythe Bt@tUt08 of Tents, they are incapableOS bolne subjeotedto the strictrequlremente 0s Seotlon0.~ AB mentionedabove,it Is quit8 ObViOUsthat the Legislatureoould not antIoipat8eny end every contIngenoythat might arise rrm a bookkeepingetsndpolntend expreselylegislat8 upon each and every pOSBIbl8 purbhesetransactionauthorizedby .theetetutea. NeO8aserilymuoh must have been left to the dlaora- tioa,ofthe BdminiBtr8tIV8departmentohergedwith enforoenent. ThereinlIcs the 8xplenfItIon end necessityfor the broad rule-making power and dIeor8tionexpressly vested in the Comptroller*adepert- ment. The Co)nptro~eris thereforeauthorizedto exempt purchesea from the letter 0s Seotlon 0 when Buoh Is Inherentlynecessary,ati to handle suoh p~OhBB88 in the BIBMer neOeI38Bry and t8eSibl8to maintain appropriationson an 8noumbrancoOn&/Or allotmentba8i8 es otherwiesrsqtired by the Various prOViSiOn of SUbsectIOn(1). The BeOOlld C$l8BtiOn in your letter Of August 25th inquires If oertainprovIsiqn8of Subaeotion(1), oontalnedonly In Senate Bill i& the depertmentelspproprlatlon bill, apply eitherto the .-F . - Hon. Harry Kuox, ChoIrnon,Pegs 7 Eleemoagnary,the Educetlonalor the Judltilery appropriationbills, althoughnot oonteinedin then. They do not. Yours very truly ATTOEIFY CEN%nkL OF TEXAS By B/B 201118 C. %eak&ey APZOVED OFI,WOh;CO:XITTEX BY B-X!,Chairman ZCS:ejljrb