OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable To-2C. Kins, pa,vo2 of $2,500.00 for sach moabar of the Board during each year of tho current biennium. QpSour0pirrPon is respectfully re- quested as follol!:s: "1. Is the appropriation to be read in the light of the gcncral stztuts, so as to co~clud0 that the LeSLslature appropriated $2,500.60, Or-~0 '.7UCil thC:xeOf LIS ?,Oy bs P.EC- 6amry for the pnyrckntOf 0 par dfcz~;or "2. Ecs there a valfiiapprcp% tion of a sal%ry OS l/12 of $2,500 per sonth for w~oh member?" It is uur opinion that the I,e&islctur~, by providing in the Ee~sr%&nl;a~l AppropriationEill for the currsnt bienniu:3 (5mata Dill Zo. 427, 1&h Leg- islature)an nppropriationof $5?,5GO~ TOI’ CXIC~ Gf the three mombors of the BtEsLel3oardof Bairdre~sors and CCWr~tOlG~i8tS, inlxuded that this ~-,o;;ey should be disbursed in uccorilnnc3 with the twxxz of Sc;cGion7 of articl.6 73&b, Swmntt: Annotatc,dPenal Code, 1::hich YGU qUGt0 in your latter. The general Lav:on the cub- jcot vcouldordinarilyprevail ever a occflictingpro- vision in the a~proprintlonbill. -2%d0 Cot, hGWaVC!r, believe that tbess is any conflfct bctwcn the lx;o. The general ridor to the Departxsntol Ap;briipriotkoJl Bill (at totto of jX$!.o I./+6 of I;ha Su~:~plems to the Scnsto Journal for June 13, 2339) contains the follox- ing provision: "The approgriaticnnherein provided ore to ts oon:;trucd. as the llsxinram su3s to 33 a::prspriated, to and for the swer'~I. purposcr,rramodhercin'~* *I1 . . - 11~5morass472, 170 S. V. 1036: CabQlini.,