Eomrable Cullen B. Vanae
oounty Mzt0Pnoy
Jaokeon County
Edna, rs*u
(R) fj88, ths 8uprsms CmPt uphold ‘6 8llosm88 fo tha csmib
with the supotiion of au orMnsiw Posd tmildlng pr6gru.
m that 0880. hoswor, the 4sdds81wor8 wro lvquirsd to
perforn addifiomal dutior than thoro roqdrod of thorn by
la~priortothopungo oitho Aotauthari~hgttmrnd
bllildingprograQtor Ellllauaty~
of Jaohon County, it 18 rooitod that It i8 *for tba 1180
0fhi8 ownpriT&oa&anobilo inthmdi8ohugoof thodJItie8 :
roqulrod of hl8 uudor lib toras Of ths law wlta roforoai6o to
PO&S aIdbrid.gaa', and than in tho 8080 8onton00, it Pods
'whioh arm in addition to hi8 ro@u lfiiolal dutie8 U
county cowlis8ionsr’. App6lrd4 tho Aot attoapts t&e
au #llooumo for sddition8l duttor, tat it uald 8008
thstitis inNfrioiowtk8how~t8nduoiniwtaddi--
tiowldutio8 +a requtrodbythohol~inthe Ja+aibn
8llemnoo m8t apro lnposo added ssd now dJdO~.’ ,,
" -8s Bill No1~m,.Aot8 oi,tb8 &th Lqi8la$wo,~
Nogu3.u 8088ion, inoludingtitq o8ption,rmd8 la follmlu:
QlIA.otauthori8inl;tho b8mi88i8wr8fMrt InJulkmI'~~
in 8ozmootioll with the .pirPon8snss of ths d&i08 u aoad‘
-8bllor ln iddition to thcdntirr OS county callii81~
b Sdd%tiOB t8 thWdUt%Oi 88 Q*pntJ ~SiOUS?TJ~ pN.ridlni
for the p#ya#nt bitho UwJ'dd dookri116 m w(Z~SI+." ;
I .
~SiOUUS ~$%U't OS i OhiS, S@U‘t th0 Om OB
bOh& ~o#Ontid in ?aYO? Of tho ~88iW0r8, ard
U&IOU NW bOing ?ilOd Ukd Sp~OWd #SW Sfrl1 b0 UdOl’-
M&o Fknd, and ardor being onterod a wurutt
on suoh
Sbri1br dlUW&l Otl SUoh
?Ulld paysblo t0 w &rS~Of
t&O ~Si~OrS COWt inrhW0 fM6I 8U8kO~h.8
boon~pp~owd and~ordoredpaid,m1dubiohwur8~f QII
bO~&WO8O1&kdtOtb~ COUatyhO8SUIW r #ha11 b0 by
fob CountpTr~~ror paid. S&s rJlowu10r slullbo
in 11~ Of the County iurniShfn(2 SWJ maoh Caaat881013-
w with w automobll8Jutd aoh SoOh Conni#S%olur 8hd.l
pay all oxpm~ in the -ration et WUOJIrutemebllo'
and keep - in ropsli, ?roo o?.auy0th~ amgo to
the oounty.
voo. e., The ?a& that tho 88.lUi~O flxod by
&W ?OP the kmaiS~iO8,OtS Of JWkSN thUl@'UO inado-
quail to oampameto and to pay thrlr autmobilo oxpan-
~8~8, and ths ?vther faot that thm Caa%8~bn0r# in
#rid &OkSN knmty under the hW R8 it llOR lXiStS h&W
e h&O hlTitoQft4 Sam md to 8U&WViSa intharrin-
tonawe, aonstruotltm, andrepair oftha roads~and
Of -808 .S Road -8hIW ill SdditiN to:thO
~, P0gd.U d&i08 Of .a- -SfOllU, F+ N -
genoyauldsn iDpor8tiw pall0 aoo.**1tythttho
aOZI#titUti~ -0 ~qdl-ia@ b-8 to a S-.&d oli
.throo s#ord days in owh -8
bo SUWpNdOd, uid
8aidRUlOiS hereby m1qWW¶0d, UId thirkot Shrl1.
it 18 SO mrCt8d.'
?kul~~tUtO 5JI4AOSil&;d@d8UdlIOW dUtiO8 UplJ thO w
-81oMn Of &Wk#Oil ,%,8ity ZLOt tt&RWOd by ,@I,Oti l&W.
Nou#oBifl, SUpl%, dW8 not ~8add8dudSOW
d3088UpOZl~bot8"" ooepnf88iOQOF8 tiOt irpo88dw gOU8W.i
W,dMt&,S to p 8WidO ldditiN.1 WStiN.
R o th inkth a t pentzonod sa tww o no o ted
th er b o vo by th e
1 0g ia itk r ith
u0o tlt
q ink p ti080r wartitebg th 0-
rlOOdlwaAlar?or the~kOnulo8 of publio roadamd
highaqs in Jnokson County. h??iOi& PI'OO?tk=% it WRS
not i&+dOd OS a S&WOia1t#d hW fW’ &Ok8On i%UQtjr, U UI-
thers8odbyaoefion9,Avtiol*(I,o?6bostat8 comtitat~on,
i8 ti ?SOtthOt it*rS Slot #&9OOi?iOd~ NWtOdU SWh. I?
ithSdbOOUt& &ix%, PrupoSO rad iStWU%iOIIO?thO1O&$8~tWO
tOpa 0 #p8C&lr0ad hffu~Ok8oO hUItiJ, it o~ldhevo
o.814 aWi?O8tOd S-0 by PaSWing it W 8UOh.
Nonomblo %ll.aB.vmoe,page4
~~~t~'ouO.? l6ls.m.
@d)~,SBSUOrS th0 ~08tiOXk&W08UiXtdbkyV~ hqUi.?y. ihUOfOrO,
it 18 th. O&XliOn d this doputad that tho sbovo umtioMd rot is
uuoonstMut%onal amI thoroforo void, for tho ~ouons sot eat in the
SboTo montionod OUO.
Trusting that tho ?orogoing fnl4 -*mmuirp,=
BY (8) kdOl1 RilliSW