Barorabk 0. Q. 6r.u
stat. HLghmu Baglaeu
.. Mutla, .Toxar
Dew 8ir;
the rortpolgbth
8 tba t the Xiah-
akiufoaw~ court
l coatnot nttia6 forth
lw wmtmat%oa, ~rroo~6truo-
oopnty toal i8 ooamlbuatfoa
a4 niriag say aa ru
rtlrlpatloa by the
art ia tbr adr8 or thr ~fgmy COSIA~SSIOAt0
lttM tM tr tb ititMtiOA6 Of th#
b6idCtWO a #
ox nut6 la t&o bl11 at the rulort pnotloabk
da P 01 hbwrru, a aoabu
k uuwered barorr tha co
it l*.oothaw quutluar thatwe roll
&V&6 YoUr O&diOAr
%I8 thllctu 8fli i8Q.Ja8, i.Ot8of thr RaQilat
sO#+fOD, Forty-alkhFh la&rlature, coastltutlonal?
h. The OfSlolal a0tlbacS the Xfghway Comalul~
$8 by offiolaA aimtea appr+d br raid Cosimlraloa
and &eoorbtb in.the. ofllolal rsobrda of the Depart-
-AS. Xould the rouowlng worafa6 in a Cimalrsl6a
ala&W ooq4 alth tbr rrqulreaeats or 8watr Bill
So. 34% to &vr~ full d’rrot to the prwirioa that
the outrtarrdlne bbad8, wcrrentn, or ~othsr 0ria4ih0~0~
oi fndibtdaoaa egnln8t ruoh road would not boooao
lLIgibl* for 8tatr portLolprtlonT
* In Blank County a t8ra-to-a&cot r0tdh
.henby'&rl~at& iCOiI.pOiAt'A' to point 'b'
a totll am-00 OS B.8 ailre, and t&a State
xighway baA@U lu dlr*otsd to Uluw Sal&
roa dfor rtato malntoaanoo lriwtlro Juno 1,
LQCJ, uad to oark said nmd Ier the pmpu
guldraoo of .&hotravdlag ;ublio aa Stat*
Iii6h X0.
wq 64 8.,
th lrlotloa et tlw sleh*ay
couPirrl0a bdn~ :n ~oOoram0 with the pr0-
vialoar of Senate Bill XSo. 348, emoted by tks
Yortp*lghth B.@Iler Se6sloa or the TUM
Leglrlcturo,laa La ~ooorbanor with tha
ooatrert~ont~r~d’ into bjtwun Blank Count-r
and tbr Tgar Highway Cofkwfrrlo~ relm,tiro to
tbr O~tstPoding lndebtedaeu agslnrt such road.*
-3, Nay the hglrln.tutr inv8lldatr 4ootraotr
enterad ibe0 bbfean~ the dtiite aa aouaty uaaartha
prorirloar of Saute Bill XO. 348 by tb* *neetlaeUt
or aaboequaat le lelatlon and thU8 ad* lUiblt
for partic f patibn in the paY&OUt
State Of boll40,
warrwta or other cv1de110~of indebt@-u oor*r*d
by a OGdtT;lOt entered into unaar Senate 81Al No. 8481
‘4. loold rontnotr enbred into betbnon thr
StmtoanQaoouat andar S0aatoBlllk.W bo bindlag
0-a r0tvn Coairr iOM~* Ooarto lf th8 00mfl
18 lttaah.4 horot l ropl~oi l ooatraot
la fo rth ep wp o w li
i%iiuteBill Do . 84 8.
ioolu~ &a thlr ,oontraot sa
W to oonfon to tho
rempon80 tc the lboro
it tory muoh It attor
would 8ako luoh ohangor ln the lttaohd l&ruwnt a 8
rlll be aeoouary to ovaform to your 0p1nlon.~
Son&o Bill SUB, bollrg l#aptor 044, Aato of the
48th k&irluturo road, in gut:
“An Act aPthorltiag tha State 8Qhmy Comiuioa
t0 dO8lQutO w OOoOt~ rod 00 0 f-0
to-&ark& road ior lon8tru0tlon,roeos-
rtruotloa, crab
malntonaaoe oalrilMwr-
$84 OOwtkO Oi th r 8b tO t0ltW intO
OOa tta OtB th8 8tate %ifi(;br8 CO489 .
,8%08 dth r~ounO0 t0 #id ma i 01 pro-
vldla# t&t the ladobtodaoor lnoorrd in
loaotruotiag such road8 rhall dot pwtl-
Olpato b th0 00aMJ ~4 Boaa Dlrtrt6t
Hlghwi~ Yu841 dooluln~the rtate polloy
with rofuonor to Htch rod,, and doolar-
w-0. -1. Th, &tat@ r(i#W8? C0B1Ui88108 18 -
wtbrlro& to 4oolgmik W rouaty rod la the
8tAt@ aa 8 farmdourk~t rod tor tbr purpose8
or loamtru6tlcm,
roronatrut1on and malnteJlano0
0~4, provldrd that th8 Coululonrro Court of
th. ooaa8 la nhlch an# rueh oounty road 1~
16rratrd8Ll par lnd:oot0r la lto 8lnutrr 0a
Or&u W@ithg w righta 8wh OWtl, m8Y haTO
for wthip8tiOn bl~ the ltita ti UV iEhObt.d-
0110 lnrurrod br the Ocv.nt~,lath0 lOnrtIwOtloD
of ruch ooanty roadi and protldrd farther that the
st8te HighWayc01WIiDdOn and tM Ce!8duimO?m cOUa%
of the uounty la rhieh w woh -84 iI kOO8ta
mnorablo D. C . Groor Faga 4.
may eater into 8 ooattaat that oh&). rot iorth
the 4utlor oi the ltato in the lonotrootlon,
rooonrtruotlon,aad rlntononoo of the oountf
rood ln ooa8l~oratlonot the 00unty and/or
mad di@trlot roil8qulrh~ •~ oad oil rlolma
iOr 8t4tO &m?tiOl#atlOn in w COIUtf, rO8a
dirtriot, or 40rb0d r00a artriot b0ob8,
wOrrOnt8, or older’ lrldonooo or ln4obto6norr
OutstOmling again& ruoh road iOr tho oonrtruotfoa~
or lmprorownt oi the road boforo bolng dorl@atod .
by th dt8tO 8ighrw COOd8OiOh
“‘8.0. 8.
It 18 benby dOOlarod CO be th0
POliOy of the 8t8tO that the atirumptlon by the at&to
of thO Obll6atiOn to oon8truot and raiotaln wah
by. the 3t8to Highway Comaiorioa
a8 farm-to-market rode under the prov;alonrof
.thi8 Aot ooartltutoo full and oom leto coqenra-
tlolr for iay an4 all iaadr that afght bar. been
or mid rod prior to it8 dorlgaatloa bg tha stat.
Bl6hr.y CoI@d8tiOn 8O 8 hr8-to-market :tOd.
,, .(
m800.~. m.
k.t r&11 b. OUOUl8tiVOOi d.k
other lawa on thl8' 8ubJoot. but in the Weat of
a ooarlht betweenthO rovlrloar 0r thir Aot
an8 MJ Ot&r AOt On t hi8 4UbjO.t th. &U'OV&10&8
Or thlr i&et8haL1 prevail."
sootlon 4 of the BlU o o nta lnr lmorgonoy
th e
ouofully conslttorod the bill 8ad find no
fa hue
oon#titotloml thereto. We think itr eontent Ond
the gWm8OO .ow$ht to b. obtained are olouly within the
protin or the YOUR f-8.8 QUoOtiOn 18 thuOfOr0
an.wr.6 la the
Uolthor m&ate Bill We aor .a~ Other 8tatUk
&WoMribor the form to be .&rod by tlu afghxw Comairtioo for
.88 0rri0i.d but0. On the oontrarr the Coaalrrlua 18 ulvon
broad power to make ruler SOT thR 00nau0tof the bUrim88
with uhloh it 18 eBot(od. ArtLo Mb., v. A. C. 8. mo
b8llovo that the pro nd alauto 0ontelno4 lo your quortloa
I 18 ln lmpMAnoo w r th the toras of the rot under ooa8ldon-
tbo U0T.r t0 pOOrth l?d qlAO8tiOE l8 80 t& rlsht
oi lubroqwnt kglrlaturo8 to l88u.m tho bond06 lndobto6nou
d ooatraot8 with tho State
Of wourtlo8 which have l8to r ointo
ltl@m8~ ~porttwnt parrornt to the term8 of h&to Bill 3Lb
dopend8, we bollova, opm 8 dotor8lnrtlonof whether or not
th e losamptlonthrreoi would violate Seotlon 81 4rtlol.r 8 or
the COA8titUtfOn prohlbltlng l &rotoltOW don&a Of. gubllo
tit th0 boildiiyOr pUbU0 ~98d8 18 A iWOtlOn Of
go+irnmoat be& ia& prlaml4 to tha stat. 18 thomlghly .I-
tabll8hod Y don8 rnd 18 rooo&u6
by 408 in the Coa8tltatloo.
Art1010 U, Sootloa 8 of tho~Con.tltutloa,grotld.8~:
%I. oon8truatloo of 4.118, owrtbou808 and
brld 08 and the .rtablioha.nt0r ~wuaty Door hOUS.
und f am8 awl the leyln(l out, ooastruotloa and ro-
pdrln 0r oounty roda 8ball ~,protldod for br
g0n.n f tiW8.*
In the Oa80 or Robbin 1. LiMrtOno COUZkt~, g60 8.
W. at pa&o 918, oqr Suproao Court, rprekltu throwh ~uatloo
~i.?SOn~ 844;
"TM l8t~bll8hruntof pub110 highray bolq!
prlsarlly u funotlon ot dormant beloon& to
the State; th0 rl 8 to ~Ortablirhthem re8ldO8
w-1 in tb te (Iirlaturoand in th8 8b0.n.0
Y tUtiOn
Oi OOll8t ZO8tldOtiW tbr h@S&tuto Sat
lxorol88 the right or dolo(geto lt to l politloal
8ubdlvi.lon or the stat. ' ' *;*
b the I... OUO it 18 held that poblio P.48 Within
the bordorr of 8 county klong not to the oountt but t4 the
fdrror~bloD. 0. Uroor,pa60 6
In Boxu County t. Liodon,680 8. 1. 88 vh80Tea,
the 8u~M hurt, tht’W&h Phill&pl, c. 8.. 8ddt
vh@ 8idng ~WY Of pUbii0 IDIIOI, 188 l pll-
ldlon 80 other tbm 8trlOtly (mOMROltt8l plu-
90888, 18 What th. prOY181Oa (Arti. 8, h.tion
81) #AU48 l#Uk St.
*They (oO~tlO8) aM rado u80 of b tha 8tate
for the ooU0otlonoi trro8, for the 6i ffuoion 0s
OdUOQ8iORb for tb oOn8tmICtiOa .d MwOnMOO Of
gublilo hl6lmiy8, lnd,ror the ooro .0r tb poor* Au
0r tbso thlngm 8ro matters of Bteto, as dlrtln-
(rri8h.d frormunlol aI oonoorn. Thor lntlmate
a rroot ill th e p o o pPl* TM ootmtlo8 an avail0 Y ot
.a otfloIont,and0onrmiont.aoano~ror thq diuhrga
;~o;~.~tat. 8 duty in t,hoir ra6ad ta 811 th.
wo qu0t0 rro8. ow opini0n u0. 04081
l* l l tb State 18 by
Iahlbltod o uc h 8OOtiO8~(~cC.5~,Art.3)
couaty, vs* Allrod, 18s tu. 77, da 8. r: (8d) ldd.
~.lrbPr8oJ..nt ray be mado’by tbo
aat. to 188 poll-
tlool 8ubdIvI8I0n8~thoroforo, qaroaoya lrponded By
SuOh polItloal 8UbdiTi8iOIi8 for dtrte, i8 dl8tlnyi8hod
fro8 purely local or mal~lpal, par30808~ Liaoh ro-
0s oour80, yluot bo OILlo o o uo t0r
laburromont, obllm-
tloao lnoarro4by the pOlItIoa1 8UbditI8ioa for th.
bonofltof the Stat. l8 8 whole. ~ThoUJkdertakinlC
ror whlihthe money8 wore lx~oadodby raoh politlMl
rubdh.tirioa rue8 W one which the State 1888~ right
~awfally ha?. ondortaken for the kaotit of it8 plop10
lo a whole, 0180 the nImbur8oaont would b8 the uir-
1~ of a’(;ratoitt md 8tad oondoamedby the COa-
“N8 are lIk8wI8. of th ophioa that tho
rolaburuunt bf tlrrstllte or tlw rountb 8 and rod
dirtrletr ior aoaoy8 rlre8Q 4xp0ma by than on
pub110 road8 doer aot oowtltute 8 ilolatioa OS tb
provlaioar of &otloa 61, Utlok 8, ot the Coa8tltatloa,
~ov1d.b thatthe oomt1.r an6 rod dl,trlotrl r o rn-
qulrrdto ~8. tlu mnrfr thur mtura.4 to ther ior tb
ooa~truetlon and.raiatrarmeooi pub118 road0 or for t&a
rotlromeat or outrtaadln( lndrbtodnor lneurrod la t&
oonrtruotlon or ndatenanae Oi publlor08d8. That portion
ot Eouro Bill Ilo.688, 8Ub8WdlOn Ilo.4 of rawI 8oo-
tiO4 9, t@wQ oa gage8 l@,aad 20 Oi the lOta rhlobdlr8Ot8
thr erltiu of e88h pay-at8 to OOOf.Itl.8 t0 rUlmbUr88 thW
iOr road tu ~MJ8~U8Od-tO di,Oha?g, OblIg8tlOn8 8lla.ibt8
for partloipdoa wler ~tboorl~ltml Aot 18 o,t doubtful
ooa8tltutlondlt~ boowm tbo PI8 ot tb p0yaoatr thw
med. 18 sot natrlotrb by tbo hot. Tbu8, ~thowh tho
r~hbkW84aeSlt.~i8 fBtMd@d t0 b8 lad. iOr lOfi8y802.
It 18 0Ur OQiniolp that 8UbreqUrnt &~I8latUNSOoUl~
bf l~?OQ?ia 8Ot
,mtide that tb stat@ 8hOUl6 UlpoI th@
bond.6 inAebt,&neu of OOWti.8 a&aht #ah rOti i8 are tnkw
over aa4.r tbo protlrloar of SIlrrtr Bill 848.
%‘h ket Ooatomplatr8 and aUthOriS & OOBtraOf
to b elatero4 fat0 by tha bounty, through it8 eo!d8aioaer8’
oourt, and the lU~hm*,y CoPrrPI8rloa.
Coatraotr ado by l 80~1
al8r10B8r8@ ooart aezmot be rrpadI8t8~ lorrlyWorurr tho par-
8OlllW1 of thr OOkUt ha8 8Ub8OqUWit~ aban@. hllf Bltullthlo
co. 1. lu8oer COuBf~, (Can. rpp.) ll 8. 8. (24 208. Ia anmor
to flur fourth QUr8tion foU ar. 8dV18.6 that l
OOlltf8OtMd. rtll-
arr tha protldon~ or the Aat 8nder 1n~uIry will k bl.nUz@ apoa
iUtU?e oOlniS81OlrOr8’ UOUI’t8 Of tb8 OOBtr~Otin(rOOUilt~;
' lW10rabl8 D. C. Oreo?, gta@0
100 rttarbr6 a oopf of tha popo8rd watraot fen
to be @8rd by pa h OOaUUtf4 Wath th8 n8WOtitO WWtiu
rhfoh 18 too lea&thy to how 88t Out. *O beklrroit to bo
rufflal8at to oarry out the provlrloarof the rat.
@NERAR Lloyd ,AraBtroa(l