Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

. _~ . . . . F-R7 . 7 0FFICE:OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN .,.. ‘. AeAt, or ttii uoAtr80- tar bo lhblr.lorruoh tax? 828 her+3 a8 a part of thlu roquo*a. vi11 au p&ma. turgieb uo idtb your wbwer to tE#I iOaiOWiAgWUtiOt48: da De~utma$, us8 Oh#- W?ne$ .wor The A;utincwpo.ay engaged 2 :: OOStr~Ott0 oOn8&XWOtt&O ZOPt VOdh AiirOrEft d#8mhbfy l’tant 8t Fort mrth, TaiI8’) a. of y0u dim aif~~ti7~ay to ttm 8bOTO 4@AUtiOA,rho l&i1 b8 liabl. t0 '#OX- u for the trt, the dlatributor aho ~860 th. iit.t 8810 iItTUU tti.T.lmitodBktO8 COT-At Who stWIhMd th. a0t.r fUd to* gwernaen 4 we wd thuufoer aeli- .TUOd ittt+ l 0.S~NW OOIltZ8QtW,OZth8 oe8t-plu8-a-flxou ru ooAtr8otor who a.- wlro4 thomo0sr fwlfn mxaatithoutpy- mea4 or tha tax and aed. tho flrrt uao oi 10 lA TOXW?' $w rind attaohrd b your aotter or aulrtrislsloa a oepy or the oantraat reforradto in yourletter and 8 lottor frostthe c. se ~lnaa~ oC?ioo of the %ar be a&Mat 8% Da- iron ~oxea,statlAg that under raM oontrao0 W.l gaaollno, lbr~oatia~ 011, lto .subjaot to state Wq tu%o~@ wei?&pad4 for dlrhot~~by tha ~arwanent ead any apjrleablmNmk tax- luworo ootor.&by 8-&W& ioI!S1084, ~~it%OA tio0 UU%ifl- It 18 al80gObIte crubthsrolJ&, in ad&it La ii%;b p-at8 by S&o f$ovorruarrt for maberlelr cr*:ti% title to all nataxlalr dollrorod to the altooi'tbo&k ~.~.~.a tho TXitsd3tatW u* ouoh.boll*uf, WdU tb. . AA U8hMthQ Oi tk0 hStWlt OOt4tl'8Ob, ti iu lIr th O p~, UWt3dO8 ~8th &%a A0wun Ca p4 rUbOyfa TOm& o h loo , o o upth lue a t& w o fo nlAd0p oii nd.n 06nntr8storrl#I 831 EOAOr8blO @orgo 8. shop&ad, F-u. 8 ror ta0 oo~atruouo~ of M aimraft888amb17 part, rathop tbM bb8f Or UI WpAoY Or in8tZUWJIttity Of Uid flOYOm+ moat, ud +ortioro, undu our opinion ~0. 3049, dlmotod to you, and Wdu the kro roooatdeol~lo~s of the 3ppr.q Loud Ot tb0 uIkit& SwO8, WbOrt@Jd t0 by JOU, ia8 8QtU?O]J WIthla the ml@ ~f.ll~blll~ im St&# ulms UM WO kXU, -088 fF tWloh tUU 18 OOAf.rUd b ir r unitr the oworament boaomlng W, dlroot purohaur ot tha natu 3:al Wet& 8 rUtUP rQi0h ‘(Al Ma 5~08OAa ia the’ itUIbU8l8i$~A- tiw before thio doprrtaat a116 lp p r o n~, b&ore the suw Court Ia the o&aloa u+i the dooI8lon8 roforrod to. In lA8tMO.8, th# 1Ott.F it IV88 prOVid8d iA tb O@Atr8Ot rob 0OAtaAd.d by th8 OOAtMOtOr and by the Qoternmaat, that titla to thewtulal OF oam6ltle8 iAW0tT.d in ueh eon- t?8Ot baoamo YO8t.d in th. UdtOd Stat.8 Of ABUWi.8U#W dorir~ 60 A8 to aon8ti$uti the unltod St&U, th?o\yhit8 !ageAt OoAtrAotor, the rool ~PrOhMU of tho materlal8 Md thoreforo, UAdO? COA8titUtlOA81 @AOl~lO8, U-pt h- Uti.8 and WO bU.8 lotid by Stat.&. The 3upr.w CoWt njootod thl8 ooatentlon8nd ho14 tfmt do8plto 8U8h aon- ?iE8Om p~#rid~ #St4 mftul 8itWtaOn, th@ ObalgdOJi t. pv iOC tb 8&tOr1ti8 r..tOd urn the 008t-~1U8-a-f1#a- roe oontraotor, to rrhor the vendor looked $00 %kmyd that the oaroraaent*I) duty war that of wro M Lb wdor th8 ooAtr8ot. x0, Z&eraSoro, ay thd thir maa toaturo OS t&o touting of title on dollvow OWUAWAt, , in th. *hiOh 18 urbobid iA th. iA.t@lAt OOAtl'8OtMI6 p0int.dOut A8 th8 w8i- 410~ or the uar Dopartmtmt, will not avail to romwo th8 ~.8OAt 8itudiOA iror the ..Atroljfng dO0iUi.A8 ?OfO-d to. l’h. oe tutur. to be OOAPidOUb b W iA dotormla- hg whether or not the iMtMt Caotu& 8i tIUtlOA My be 80 dlfforontlated from thatttpon whlah tha tit.6 MthOE- ltlu turned, &a to roqulro a Qfft8rOAt ooaoluoton by UN 18 the RrUOAt ~Ol~~'urd ~UOtiOO Of thr WrS-t of l~a~.ng: that eleum of the eoatraet dllowlng Woob y- moda to tha vendor of tha BRtWiti8,br the Qcsvma P rather than,by the oontr8otor. ThqtDh18f.attu.*UEotboforo tho~~rm, Courtof thi wt.4 &ate8 in th. 108diAg(We of filaburi V8.ICiag yd BooWr, 66 L8we Zd. 1, 18 IndloakQ by the Sollaulng la8guqo of the ccurt,upon the rooord before ltr *A~motlonof the aontraotdoalgnuted UU OAO Of 80~0?8% *85+0&18i rO&-W,* diF\il&O& th8t OOntraOtOZ'8 8h.tlfd ‘re&UOy t0WR ittAgOw OWtr8d in lXO@8. O? tW th0u8aad dOw8 ($8,m rad0 by hk iOr . - pItrpolr0 Of th. WPh k U#UU&? fOP IUV- 10.8, Q8tWi&,~ 8pP &OS. , . ls iA.OPt e hat therolaa protirloa m8R oootraot16 ..8ilp\.b~. Do tie cJ.v.ra&clab~, m.k. oil moh o.ntraot, iJI h18 mm M&W, sad Aot blml or .gotprrttobiadthoGomrnamtor t&o @a- trro8lng offlfwr thuotuMor.*~ Sirhilothla 88OtiO!l'Z'OfOl'~ t0 WIlttaOt8 tA @TOW8Of '$8,000, w. ttbk .ll the 5WOV181Oll~whlsh r884 togothor, wo h8ront3ntlono4, plain4 OaPrtWSQ18tUtha% th. OOatl'rOtnr8 WUO t0 purohwo in tholrow name8aad 611tholr mm oredltmll thasatorlaUrcpulrrll,ua- 1~8 the o.vommQt 8WZld 8t.04 t. m=- Ala UAW uaauuw vorlm 8ww t 94 P m&U by their&dmu~oontra% but :*. obXlgrt.4 on4 to r~lwburro the' oomtrao%ra whoa the nraterlal8 peohuoad 8houl4 bo aellwm4, lappoote4 an4 aa- ooptod ad the 6lt0. "‘31. oouru ot bunin tol%orub tn the ~Oh.8. of the hQb.P oOntorru(l iJ4 , ! It diie-ete4 oldpunt to the f$onrWuotlon qmr- omtraotoro by- imntraot truaka to the elk cu direstsd, \her* lt u4a uoe6 la performan or tho oontraot. The mollerr be- livemU to the ooatrnoton the lnroioe of tho lumber, rtetlly the6 16 *u '8Old to tlm tBlt4d oithor bsaatmo the ia- 4- loose an6 eraJ44n84wr4 aotim(h for thomwrnaent f-n peroba8in& the ltnabor of, au tha Alabtama mprm aout 8eem8 to b$vo thmght, boaeuso tbo eaonamio buden of th4 Mx Sapoaad upoa the purohuer wttld be sbll!So& to *ho Ckrwmranwit by re4oon ar It8 oontr4at to remurao tho OOD- tr4otcm.* (lrgqha814 aura) xonorablo aeqigo n. shoppar&, pago 8 .. xa ocna4otioa wlththo rootaote appearln(~ ln tho abets quotation, w copy thla rlgnlflcant statement appeulng undu oald iootnoto No. Z. : ‘%h. lk to ma ntthat tho lumbar wao 'ooldc to the conrtruotlok cwtrtermoter appear8to hue bran lnadtukat. on t&o wgtmat the tJcrernm*nt oonoeded th4t this wo not tho uotlol Qr4otloo. The laroiooo apgmaring ot rooord ia No. 603, curry v# waited 3tateo (--as-, pert, 6, 68 3 at--) issued to the awe ooatraotero for supplies orderedby them and delivered rt thc~oaw slta 6tated that the uppllao were sold to the conlx40- toro.* In holding the aoat-plur-a-fixed-tar ooatraotor - llablo for state .8roioo taxa8 on material8 purohaoed dlroot- 1~ by luah ooatraotor, the Cotrrt did not state or lntlmate what Its doololon would bs, wlth rofuonoe to onoh taxabil- lty, li tho oawxnmmb ohould eleot, under a olaum of tho .~. ceatraot bofon It, ldeutloal to oae ooatainad la the la- 8-t oontraot, to proha aad pay :llrootly for m4tarhlo ; ., aooeoouy to pufoxmanoe of the JO) aad ri ue not at llbufq to opwulato upoa what suob rullnd will bo or to oxtoad the rule or taxation anaounoed in this ease, undu the iaota appearing iron the aboro quotation therefrom, to the dltferent raatuel oituetloa befors us and herela- above pointedout. Mowing then that the ootumsent IO. hero eleot- lng to exrrolam lto ooatraotual right of purohaolag, la It8 ,011 aamo and dlrootly,all motor fuel, eta. uerodtqm thlr job, paying the rondos dlreotly and not nersly on behalf of tha ooatraotor, ft 3.8 our opinion that ao taxable oalo of motor fuol traneplmd betweenth distributor-vmdor end the pedersl ~wmment, by and through lta dulr acnstltuted puroh4olng pW3ona*l. wr ruoh this c~naluolon b404uso of tho legal lnoidenoe or the m&Or fuel tax upon tho UltlJUatiO usox or ooasumr of the mosor fuel for the propulsion of actor oehloloo upon the highmy OS the Stat9 of TeX40e fi this tax wrm laid by tha Leglolature aa a teuc upon the xonorabloMorgo JL dheppud, mge 9 sellor or-thevendor;oaoh setor fuel dioQlbutar & Tuul ?lling a&&r idolMIllu the f44%4 #@on and tm- mimed,woetdbo llablofor this tax under tk prl.noipl40 4nnotanaod ,$a the oaooo of JmO vs. m4vo co4tr4otS12g awlpony, 30s C*9m 134,08 Law zd. 155, t)Balp* ct. 906, OUrw v. United gteteo, 04 Law Ed. and !,labama ~8. &$qg and Boos&r, otapra, drpl?iothe toot that luoh Croreowro mado dlroo k, the F4dU4l Oo*Unmont its egeaoloo 446 laotrlmont4l Y ties. Fh. logaltnoldon@. Of tho tu would thea ialloa the veadocrat&w thanthe purobeoer, al- thoryhthe maouatoftho tual*tbo boludod intbo oh4u pi00 00 a0 to laoraoo tbo oeotof tho r at to the purohaoet. That ouoh 44o4acliO rothore30- bra losalbtwdur of a tar I* tao remote and ladirootto aonatituto an unootutltutiwml burden tapan the iredual Goverment, has Peon reaO@tisedaad ooaoedod by 4 do- ololoaui t&o coaptrollua*noral of the tmite4 3t4to0, releasedoa mroh 6, 1949,and the progeoltloa is on4 matloaedhero to avoid aonrwlon In future ml- or : tU0 doprmaunt oa othu roveme a4aouroo. Thuorore,llnaotho logallnoldmooof tbo prlYlleg8 oti us8 tat foviod br tho prorent sotor pwl Tumrof Tuao, oltedeborr,lo qwa t.!koultlmta u8u or oo~mmer of suah metorfuel for cb propulolaa of arotorwhlolos upon the publioblghway8, sad t&o ah&a- tally dOfined *distributor*, making a virot 04l4* of ouoh motor iwl la Texam,~I0 mere4 4 be&d& Pldooiaqor wont oi tbo cJt4t43 r0r aolleotLon purposes (so0 300~ 8 (a), (b) aad (0)of mtlol. PO659 V.x.w?.),It lo portlnoat to Lqulro 5.f tho ooreramcat is the aler ar oanotmerof this ador fuel upon the hl@mys lO M to 400~0 4 kr, 4lbelt It lo, fbr pwpeou QS thiooplaloa,iwm%ed to be the first purohaoor of uuahmotor l'u61. t\dsrittsdly, traot,tprasomr cmndd~llmro maohrpot&13~01to The guotiaompeny ror ltm we la the ocastruotion of tbo aircraftasswb4 pIEtmde# omtraot. If saidAwtla OoaplaJwro a mere ag4at or iaatruasnt4li~,w&r fU oontraot, or tbe ated stats8 covornzmt, fan tho eon- otruotion of tb plant in n,ueotion, w.of motor fuel b said ccqmny upaa Oh. h1gh-w~ OS this 3tato wool4 be, L .- al8 resdaa~, mid, Ln tusa, by ouaorreive v~~hors S2oa *air vaadss8, up to the ulslasteaonsubr, aa8 aado airuatly to tnu iaderrl Gorrrrs#atg ad tho&aCoto acrid dl8tributorcvandor, uadar pIala oaR8lltu&hml prlaolglu8 hSrdA~bOt+ diSOU8#~de Ora8 Wbk $0 UA~WOO OOu@OtiOR Of suoh tax. ~~OC04vQr, tto uutb la polvwl888 oauor thu sea. ooAstfcutloA*ltallaARlWO8, to nquiro t5 oolleotlsn0: SWh t&by tha COVWAfE8&6~AAthe &OUAAd 6EAAAiOPOT do- airory or tho aotior Luol by W18 ox drt ts MO O~9flOreOtat, Tho Austl~Coepa~y. l3u8 whoa uid ntintln Cm-, roquln.8 or p40888808 woh aOtOr fuel U&AA rhioh nQ tax h88 booA peltiaor ooold ti oollaotod, r~WdlO88 of ttw iaanadr la at&Oh ~UC~.GOW duel $8 SO@~Obs A tAX f&l1 kZMdiPtO4 ~00~~~1~ rarw af tae cjtotbU2oA its use opt the aiirs waps, unhus arid oantraotor within 1t803.f, Omqlifa8 8OM 8wtUs UxeoptiOAor I iSIUUicy isO3 ti%acbAa, (If Or r8oC ahlah ii* how Curb sot t3 efirt lA CL8 aa8o. 30 thlak tklu rusUl6iA rquire4 br thb vsry par6iabat protl8ionaof Art1018 706$%4?,(a) i'NAaA'8%XAd Cirll Statutuc I. "Go tax &tall k lqmod U>OA the 55&o, t&88* or dlatrlbutlon 0r my sobor id, the lapon* of whlob would ooaaitltatoiw ualrrwfulburden AA &temtclte o-ao and *tiiohia not subjsof to h t8xed U&W ths conutltwon 0r the stow~0r Md thu %X:aLtab 'L'OL98 &9ta8. it3 t?& UVbAtthi8 xrtiolo 14 in oonilhl with t&o Conatttutionor my law. OS the .Ualtad 3fetaa vlth se&mat tu the 2.e~ ~&rVfed U2.;A t&to ftS4t 8&l*, dtotrlbu- Lloq or tloe0r aotor alo1 in tur imat., th4& it fa hrrobp dralar'csdto bo the ince~tlo~0s tub ;*riclo to fspa8e the tax IrriedAdreLn oton thu Elrxt ~~b*eqWAt sale, bt$tributi@A,Ar U8e gf8yf8;: *tar fGe1 tirlat iiw bs aubjootto ba4 IA SUWI~~OA,~ WSaaaaor paw rirrt c;ubotioa ln the effim18tiv8,4Ad ror aaimr do four OOUOAa qm86to11, hold t&at “uC.eaoat-phs-rlxtnWoa crontr8otor in t&i wattsot uader wasideru%i5&,L* CLIu:ll baoo+m lloble tA thb Skto for tho 8t@tLtO~~ tax OR611 ;sotOA-fuf31 wed by it &gCtKith0 h~&$~~12~.4 .Ofc5iS iici&OiA WAOO~~UU with the 8Ub$Mt 4OAWSOt) bUt fti0dl#trlbUtOr,OCr1u&3!BUOhZXOtOffUO1 k tha UAitbd i&at08 gOVOrnsDAt 8Andth0 gOT8XRo;?slht, in moh aotor iuof to srld ooatrrotor, ullL turn, bellrarln(: AAS bo ro$dNd, U&GA the iinst: Or PuboOqwAt 883.0 Or git6 of ruoh aotor tuel, to o@llIot&oh tax Upon 8alU oantrsQt?C, aa t&o ultl.aa6b aaar and tax parera inqu.lrsI we or0 FIRST ASSISTANT ATTORNEYGm COMMlT-rLL