379, OFFICE OFTHE ATI'ORNRYGENERALOFTEXAG AUSTIN r. --=-- Ronarable Chulor i'.Bmniator CrlreinaliJl,strlOt Attomoy Corsloana , Teau "1 hero bean re ro an oplnlon 6 UWJl~d8lid ./ gtllaturrrmay, by &moral trxeion . . . .f lotual plroa8 7150, Re60ion 1, If&R., the Ll&lr k8 taatlon oertah uhurab property. OSl#aptitm froa motor vehloloreel- lod by hrtiele &67+2 an6 Artlole 667+) ot Vemon9s Aamt8ted liorl#&l Civil, Statutea. Article 667%-2 prorldem la Fart e6 r0ii0w *Fvary owner of a arbor vshlolc, bmller~ or red-trailer uuod or to be wad upon tlm publfo hlg~~ayo or this ::3i8te 8btll qmly uaah year to lionor6blO Chulo8 T. MnLater, P6et 2 the State IIiuhw*y bun*rba~~nt bhrou& ths County T6x Uollootorthe aounty la whlob h6 raridea or _ _ ior tbs r*&trrtion of iaah 6uah rebiole awnod or OOAtrOlhd by him for the onauing or ocrant oalendar year or uuexptred portion thereof; . . .* krtlole 66756-J provides in part as foll#w61 -. . . Ownors Of Eotor tohlol66,tr6ll6r8 6114nnl-trailax%, uhloh u6 the prapert$ of, and used oraluslvcll~ iu tb+ mrviae of tbo United State0 Gof%rAneAt, the aate Of rOX66, or %Ay County, City or .:ohoolMatriot thiareot, aball apply cmnually to re.+otor all saoh vuhloles, but shall not ba roquhed to pay the ru&iitr6- tion feea herein prcrorlkd, arrl- provldod'thnt davlt tr nab% at the the ot r%ylatratlon by 6 peraoa rho baa the propor authority th ntlnh vahlalat 6ra the property of and we0 cxaluslvoly in the servioe of tho Ualtod titataa I)ovrrnrs,rt , bhe State or Toraa, or County or Gity or :.!ohool l8:8trlot thenor, a6 tho~oaso zmy be. . . .* It i8 obviousth%t ell motor vehio1.e~umed on the highway8 or thi6 stat% 8ro requlx64 to bc ruglskred under Artlola 6675~2, lupra, if they are n:-texempt under Arti- cl0 6675~1, mapra. AM motor ruhiolor awn& by a ohureh .and used a8 you desorlbe wo not apeolfloally inoludod in th ua ta r e& OAb iolA XoOd DIp tlOy A,UUUO F Wp eOb fUlly a dvieo d that nuoh bum88 UFO requlrod 40 bo roghterod. hU6,vtWy Wily lQL94a, me 265 ATTORIWYCwmAL 6YJmks