Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion



        Ronarable Chulor          i'.Bmniator
        CrlreinaliJl,strlOt       Attomoy
        Corsloana     ,    Teau

                          "1 hero bean re                 ro an oplnlon
                                                          6 UWJl~d8lid


                                             gtllaturrrmay, by &moral
                                       trxeion . . . .f lotual plroa8

                             7150, Re60ion 1, If&R.,      the Ll&lr
                             k8 taatlon   oertah uhurab property.
                              OSl#aptitm       froa motor vehloloreel-
                          lod by hrtiele &67+2       an6 Artlole 667+)
        ot Vemon9s Aamt8ted   liorl#&l  Civil, Statutea. Article 667%-2
        prorldem la Fart e6 r0ii0w

                          *Fvary owner of a arbor vshlolc, bmller~   or
                red-trailer uuod or to be wad          upon tlm publfo
               hlg~~ayo or this ::3i8te
                                     8btll qmly uaah year to
lionor6blO    Chulo8 T. MnLater, P6et 2

      the    State IIiuhw*y bun*rba~~nt bhrou& ths County
      T6x    Uollootorthe aounty la whlob h6 raridea
 _ _ ior tbs r*&trrtion of iaah 6uah rebiole awnod
     or OOAtrOlhd  by him for the onauing or ocrant
     oalendar year or uuexptred portion thereof; . . .*
              krtlole 66756-J provides               in   part   as   foll#w61
           -. . . Ownors Of Eotor tohlol66,tr6ll6r8
      6114nnl-trailax%, uhloh u6 the prapert$ of, and
      used oraluslvcll~ iu tb+ mrviae    of tbo  United
      State0 Gof%rAneAt,  the aate    Of rOX66, or %Ay
      County, City  or .:ohoolMatriot    thiareot, aball
      apply    cmnually    to re.+otor         all   saoh vuhloles,
      but shall    not    ba roquhed        to pay the           ru&iitr6-
      tion feea    herein      prcrorlkd,         arrl-
      davlt tr    nab%    at the
                            the             ot r%ylatratlon
                                                 by 6
      peraoa rho baa the propor authority th ntlnh
      vahlalat 6ra the property of and we0  cxaluslvoly
      in the servioe of tho Ualtod titataa I)ovrrnrs,rt
      bhe State or Toraa, or County or Gity or :.!ohool
              thenor, a6 tho~oaso zmy be. . . .*
          It i8 obviousth%t ell motor vehio1.e~umed on the
highway8 or thi6 stat% 8ro requlx64 to bc ruglskred  under
Artlola 6675~2,  lupra, if they are n:-texempt under Arti-
cl0 6675~1, mapra. AM motor ruhiolor awn& by a ohureh
.and used    a8 you desorlbe       wo    not    apeolfloally          inoludod   in
th ua ta r e& OAb iolA
                        DIp tlOy
                               A,UUUO F Wp eOb fUlly
                                                   a dvieo d
that nuoh bum88 UFO requlrod 40 bo roghterod.
                                                             hU6,vtWy      Wily
                   me 265                            ATTORIWYCwmAL           6YJmks