BonorabloZrnwt 3~1~
County Attornry
I!2Pa80 County
El P880, Toxnr
We 8ra in reorlpt
oa thr abovepueatloa.
In loor lettrr y
r h88 noelred
8 numb6r of a right of brrl-
or8 In hour@ tiriort*ror
tit10 la 0 ilorr rnd rhou
8SOS8OPand COllOOt-
1118Olrar thet house
er then ona xiotor pro-
hln the C~rtirloatrof
the 1eWS in sXf8teUOa
era prior ta tho Cortlrloqto
d 8till remain In exletwioo,the
h 18 OUt8idO Of th0 jWiISdiOtiOII
Or 8nd aOll@OtOr'II OrrtOO.
@dotion1 or Art10101436-1,known as the a0rtiri-
oato or Title Aot, doolaroathat the loglslatitelntsnt in
onaotlng this la* $8 to agrevonttho theft or motor reh~olo8w
and to rogulato"the sali Or . . . motor fohi0108*,
Sootlon2 Or &tiOb 113~1, prorid
*The term %otor Yohlolb’ moans ovarykind
or motor &Iron or vrovolled rehlolo now or-
.. Y68
HonorrUe Brnomt Cuim, Pa80 2
hermitor rrqulrrd to bo nghtorod or llosneod
uudor tho law0 or this ~:tato." (Vndorsoorin(
lieprovl8lon8 Oi thr Cortlfloateof Tltlo Aot QUT..
port to dsrl with rnythln&othor than %otor TOhiOlO8"88
d~rin~d ~OTO. It may bo notloadthat the r&8tr8tiOn rkt-
UtO8 (AHi 66750-1, SUb8OOtiOn (bl) dOiln0l “mtOr tohi-
010" 88 *otory rohiole that 18 self-propollod*,and a *tr8llorn
(Siabbrrotion (6)) 18 aotei~ rohlolo dsrlpd or us.6 to oarry
it8 load wholly on It8 own structure and to be dram by l
not&r r r h lo lo *.
IPo agree wltb rour oomtruotlon or tho law to tho
dr00t that tho Cortlrlorto0r Tltao law door not purport to
doal with any vohloloother than ono motor propollodand thorn-
rore doe8 not arr0ot the lam In oxl8tenoo whloh nlrto to
trailer8 snd the transfsrsthereof.
Your8 tory truly
ATTOlum t3EmBAL Q TmAs