ftmotl-am, ri$;hU and lhbllltbs
litsare vootl~ in 0.d ouloalsslonor‘hall
heroaitrr, vest in and be bd and prior& by
the Crraatsslcnoror A~~Oulturo, TheYuk8ta
aad Wrohowr Daportrtaant MU the X'eli-htr
Boor-•UFM3~ rtrmt oi thr Stetr of Tuer are
hereby abol r shad snd the dutlna arid fumtions
of the M3o .hEli h?mmfteT Voet ln thr Cm-
81111810n.r of &.rlaultun.*
Mtlslo 8490, Rsvlord Clvll Statute8 of Tenast
*All publAo wel&borr or deputy pub110
wl.$~erm, appointad or aleoted oh411 obtain
iron the Coarir8icncr of tk&:etr an4 nereh3r\oor
a aortltloats of authority to O&my or! the
humlnQo8 of p.tblia ws?&or or d*p!At pub110
wolghor vfthir. the olty tom, prrecI nat or
ⅈ,ing pclnt fcr v-510X !m ues elected or
eppo i atsb.”
Artlclr 5693, .RilV?Src? Civil sC,!ltQt0e oi TcxCrr:
'The Ca.7r=.lcsl;,?nr c: ::-~.rk!:ctsact ;:Brc-
hcwor rhall issue s oortlflatto of auttorlty
to all gereoze r?gpge3 ir t.ho bwisorr ei
wd:,:hini; for the publlol CEreftily and GCO'J-
retaly tost all males, velgbtn, beaaa er.6
memres, us& by such c7ubllc vd$x~rs at
best ante every twlvvr wmthe, an6 chtrca suoh
bllo velP&er 8 fw of rlvr dollers far 8wh
of the aert.itiO~te of euthorlty 18 :asusd to
my publio r&$er or deptp pbllc vsL:Ler
in thZ:r State, nnd ouch is6 ohtill be aollecf-
~4 lxuelly thrrmrter iron! cl1 ;nrsosi ez-
in the buslnerr of ,-ubllc wel+zher,”
Wer Artlclr 5498 it 18 a; zar4nt thzt 1t 18 tti
duty af the COIS&#~O~OP et &ZietituM t0 WkO ~3 lIXU9l in-
8?QCtiOKi rd; telt Of al1 8OalQlI Witi:$t8, beam @-ti nibtiltS
uasd by jubllo wal&err a~d thsk deputirn. Rowvw, whom