Gerald C. Rum
iittorney chmtn?al "
Honorable R. Judeon Balah
County Attorney
Rqlor county
Seymour, Texas
OpinionAo. O-3816
Ret k!hetherthe demrlbed 8exWcee
furnishedby a pubUa utility
oorporation rubjeot the aorpora-
tlon to the provisiona of ArtMEg
Your letter of July 24, 3.941,matter that a public
utility corporation furnLrhln8 eleetrlc.pover vithla your.
County ala0 operate8 an ioe plant end vbolerales an4 retells
ice* that in the eelline of ice the amporation haa acmuaitted
note celoulnted to prevent or hinder legitinate competl~loa ln
the ice buslnere. Pertnining thereto, you ssk our opinion upan
the question stated by mu a# follovrr
3s till8pwtlcrular 8erri~0, fllrtieh&byapublle
utlllty,of au& a natawe u to acme vlthl~~ the pmwUlon8
of ~rtiole 7428a,Retired Civil Statutes, Seation I & XI;
and ii 80, do the #t8 Of t&l* oanpai4 UonfititUt% a dir-
wlmination vhlah I# prohlblted by the Statute?”
--Seation 1 and Se&Ion 2 05 hrtiele 742& (A&r 1935,
44th Lsgielature, pa&e 118, Chnpter44) read a8 iollovar
"Seotion 1. That monopolle8 are aontrmy to the pub-
and it &all hereafter
HmorsbleR. JudeonBalah, page 2
"se0t1on 2. It eh4ll hereafter b8 tmlmful for
e~lgpa-eon, pemaerehlp, mimmy, or aorpmtlaa, dc4aeatic
or foreign, engaged in MY such 4 mblio UtllltY buelnesa
In more th4n one mmlalpellty or county lu thle State,
to in r&se, prluee, or kind of eoreleee
a fnvcirof pereon, p4rtnerehip, ampany, oorporation
or munlelpallt~ tar the purpoee of preYeS&R o? hindaxl-
?Lngocdnpotitlon in auah bualmss or 1nJurl.q 4 ocmpet:toz-."
It la m4IlUoet, In ow oplnlon, th4t thle le.*v4e
enacted to regulatepubllqutility oorpor4tlone when -Rod
in rendering pub110 utlUt7 eerrieee. The exproeelone and/or
;yubllcutllltloe" and “in ewh bueIneee" dmonetrste
thle intent.
It fe our opinion, emr8ooer, that the iae barlneee
cmnot be held to b8 B pubUa utlllty vithin the purviw OP
this act* In ffulf Rtatee tItlllt7 Cat+ay ve. State, )Q &W.&d)
1018, 1021, 1.022,(vrlt M’u88d) it We widt
"liethewfors a&mlude that, in abeeme of 8 leglala-
tlve emuftment, the eemu$4atum and l4le of loa to the
public 3n Texae 18 not 4 pubUo utllltg buainoe(r u a
aurtber 0r l.av.
“In deoiding the rbo+e qwrtlon, ve are not lmlding
thst a legie&tlve en4otm0nt dealming loe to be l publlo
utilfty, OF th4t the iae barSnare fr airwted at& fbe
publlo intweet aad rubjeet to eom ahMotor of p\&uo
regulation, vould not be upheld by the oourte. RQ‘3uoh
legiel4tion bar been emoted lo Texas, and *t.t puortlan ’
need not be deteralwd illth.t.8
The a480 lnvolwd 8 ubll6 utlllty 0OrpoPatlon
engaged in M a&snovledgedpubPio utility bueinsee and, 3.q
,4dditlon, In the 1Oe bueim3ee. T hl
Ap p elluIt
o o ntended
tb 4 t
lee had gmm to be a aameodlty needed madused by the pub110
80 generally that it had beaome 4 publle nee0eelty, and the*
and eelllng iae to Uu publla’
it8 burlneee of e8enufWturZ.n
in Fwke vaa thaw&we 4 pube 0 utility buef.n86e,4nd entitled
to claealflcMlon undo the Franahiee 'texAH 4e 4 $Ubllo
utlllty aorporation'. . ."
X3 cor?clude likevise in the ocmatructfon or’
Article 742%. It le our oplnicm that a corporation till
be aubjact to its spoclfla provlelone only in relation to
its bue:lneesvhlch, as a nattor of 3.m in Texae, le a public
utllfty bualmee.
We have protemaittad nny dleaurtslonof other
etatutee of Texas &lob might be applloeble to tae situation
you have deuclrlbed. We mnetrue your repwet to be vfth
reftmime to the statute diecueeed, and to ft.only.