Xonorablo Edgar A. Maddox, Pwa e
4 kill or havm kil1.d aoh 6e.r while ln
She sot or dwtrorlng mob oropm, puturom,
ar $ardM‘.
“SeO. 3. All law8 ar part8 oh laws ln
‘0 far u they oonfllst with any portion or
thla &t b*, and &ha aatm are, herabr ro-
*ourbh ana lut *witiota rooltu the raot that th8 prwlotrs
law ha‘ not.boba ‘ufftoiant to proteot tha oropa, ~rtur.8 and
aawtkm 0r th0 r- of thou tro qountle‘, an4 deo1ar.s au
Houu Bill No. 155 (now 8odlfied aa wt. W9a, VW-
n~n*i,Penal Oodq of 19IlS)ro@ulato‘ the plaolng and ka.pl.ngor
dmm$ parti8t!aOrWi 011 aold ‘torya, and the dlapori~1o.n
. But th0 rlret 8ootion th0200r prorid b g~a83
knu u raarrt
"aiat'lon 1. Any deer or pax% OS aam law-
$ully klllrd.or onhrod into thlkstato 4 br
i~I pe88~8otLrromthotlma thataamewa8 lawrully
%._ killed or,ontorod iaso thlr $ta6w and untillc :
a0 rfiqw+g ai* wt.-
Aa-, u you do in youclnquily, that the door
waakilloduadu 8ueI~eondltlons than Itrro lawStallykil&d,
and she pla3.npToYl8lon8 o? motion 1 of mu8e Blll No. lSS
pemrit it8 r*tentlon unt2.l the r0iiorritlg
Jrurn5th. Thlr la
partiauhrly true in viewof th* raot that Hou8b Bill8 m. a37
and 159 are the lateot expro88loarof the lagl8latlvadll upan
the ‘ubjoot.
wo oall to your attontlon,h-v@, the fafaot
that Ar-
tiolo %3(g), Voznon*a Penal Codm of 1925 i prohibits the use of
Eonorabla BtQI‘r A. YawQX, Pago s
a door@all in huntine dopr; Artlob 98sh prohiblk t&ma@*,,’
0rr~bg r0r 840, 0r 88r88105 ‘alter pup&a80 or say wild
door or the oaroa88, E d0 02 mm8 tha00rt m~0i0 aso
prodbil‘ *ha ll#* or a dO@ in hlms* door in 8toplwl‘all4
palo PInSo Wuntiu (am0116 othira); Artiole 901 prohibita
hunting from an autemoblle,pworbbat, 6e.i aad ArCiolo 901
prohibit!8 hunt- b7 mma# ai a~ utlflolal ll@t. Tlwr
atatutu am not in say mennor dra0ted by the ~pra~l8lo~ or
Bou‘o BillSo. 819.
Isle thoroforo,our opinionthattb omrmuuof
deulawfullykjllad inPal cOwxtybylandonwrm,or
under tdulr dlrootioa,while $81 the aot or du%ro
puturoa or garduta, may ba retaiaod and uaad untP1~tli?%%ww .
l.ngJuno Sth, ir~tbm‘timannar~ and uadu th.8~1 eeaditio~,
aa irthrJrh~bo~latrrllJkill~dduring~opur~~on.
BY (‘I W. R. Allen
(a) or0?orsol1u* opinionoamittn
firatMal8taathttorn*y m B. W. 8. UhaM