OFmcR OF THE ATI’ORNEY GENERAL OF WxAR AUSTIN Honorable Charles T. Banister Criminal Dietriot Attorney Coraloana, Texaa Dear Sir: Oplnlon X0. O-3701 Re: would It be legal to pay - . the trrivellng 6xpensels of .~ the ooimty judge where the oommlealonere~ oourt entered en order formally isstruotlng ., ‘the oounty judge to make a rather dletant trip ror a epeolrlo purpose dlreotlg oonneoted with. the oounty :,, nllrare? Your letter of June 17th oontaim the above queetion~ ;.; ->I upon whi& you repa+ the opinion or this &eparwnt i :,&:i& ~7.: 1;::F~ our reoent inquiry -oonoernlng the apeolfio purpose of the strip, i we niah to aoknowledge reoeipt of your letter of June, 26th; : I:: :,:;ii’, whereid you favor us .by stating the order ‘ae followa: ;-..: ... . . “. a:‘Motioo ~wa8made .by aomlaeloner ? ,.,. eeoonded by oommlsn5.oner .~. oounty Iudge be intatru~ Texas-, 2orthe purpose of transaotlng oertain . buelneaa in 6onneotion with the leeuanoe oi road bonds by Ravarro County and that all ex- penses or the oounty judge inoldent to said trip be pafd o~ut of the general fund of Havarro county. Said motion oarrled una&nouBly.~~ In t&e absence of a valid statute; the oommlesione~s* oourt has no authority to allow any sums of money to Its mem-’ bers for expenaee and this department hae repeatedly so ruled. We quote t&t? iollowtig from Texas Jurlsprudenoe, Vol. 2, Pa&a 563,4 and 5.