Rnilroad Comm%rrion of Texar
Awtin, Texam
Gentlemsn I
these que8tlaM
e ve bound to pro-
onoy is appropriated for the en-
either bill; and, In riev a? t&r
faet, may the Coxmlralon we any other aan%es ln
the addntrtratlon and enforotaent of either of
them bills tn vholrsor Lo prct?'
A reading of raid tvo Aatr pl~%Wly rhws that ther
both deal with the 11tme aotter, that la, the regula-
tion of the bunineas genera y referred to am "trwel bureaus,"
Railroad CommIaaion of Texas, page e
As reepecte your first question, there ia ouly,one dlfferenos
between the two Acts, vhlah in our opinion merits diaouaaian.
Sectlon 11 of Artiale gild, read8t
'Eaah and every broker ahall keep 011aaou-
rate reoord of eaoh and every oontraot, agree-
ment, or arrangement for transportation ohioh
he OF it my maIcevlth every peraon traveling,
or deriring to travel, vlth rhcm the broker may
aontract or arrange transportation, on much
fog% and WXdM.rihg ruoh information a~ the
Comm.laaFon may preaeribe eud requfre. Spoh
reoord rhall be open to lnapeotlon to amy 8her-
ifi, constable, Couutr or Dlatrict Attorney,
and to my offioer, agent, tnapeator, or other
sllrpZoyeeof the Railroad Ckmml8alon at all tiua.
8wh PeoOrda mh-~llnot be dertroyed until after
the klrplrstlonof three (3) rear*, and then
Only after eii order of the Ccnmalialonauthor-
1sI.q the deatruotlon thereof,'
8eotlm 6 of the atore reoent hot provldear
"Ever7 tranrportatlon agent ahsll rrin-
tti and keep for not lera f&a13two (p) Wwan
ap evrot reaord, on Soma to be Wovided b7
the Commlaaion, of d.l tYW#&iOM W *u&i
agent, inoludlng: (1) mouut Pad to h.%mbY
each person trenrported, md by sag motm Car-
rier, and rmaue of eaoh 8uab PayOri (2) PO-f,
Of dO8tinotlWJ (3) ILtaa@Of motor O-%w
-e of’ driver of the YeNale WsdJ md
lioenae number or other Identlflootlon
plate number, end make end motor nlprrber
of t&
vehicle. Every tranaportatian ent ahall by
the tenth (10th day Of Osoh POnT a* file vith
the county Clerk of the oounty in vhiah he 18
licenm.& to do buaineaa under thla Act, 0 veri-
fied COPY of the above reoord for the month
next preaeding the date,of 8wh filins, ad
the County Clerk shall k eepluah reaorda for
~~lroad Commlaslon of Texas, pqpa 3
not leas than tvo (2) year8 from the date of fll-
lug, And the aAue ahrll be rubjaot to inapeo-
tlon by Any perron aa pub110 reoorda. A oertl-
fled aopy of auoh record8, or any pArt thereof,
duly certlfisd by the County Clerk in whore
otfSce they we on ii&e, rh~ll be received am
oompetent evidenoe In the trial of Any came
wherein the eatlone of the trrnaportatlon a-
gent nmking auah record8 Are in Isaue, or In
my heArfng before the Railroad ComaIaalon, or
under its jurladictlon, Involving the a&lox&a
of the trrnaportation Agent m~klng auah reoorda."
The nev legialatlon thua provide8 that the recotia
required to be kept by tranrportrtion Agent8 #hall IN filed in
the offlaea of the oounty olerka, ah~ll be opsn to iuapeotion
of all peraona, And oertlfled oaplea thereof lsrybe reoelved
in evidence in oertaln oaae8. The operetlon of rush trevel
bureAua ia A burineaa In the n(lturaof vh%oh it8 OpWAtiOn *ill
fwquently tend to bring About eneroA&aent8 upon reguSeP1y
oertlfIoAted caxrlorrrAnd 18 80 Qlorely aonneoted B$th the pub-
lio interest that the requirement that aueh reeorda ahAl be
filed in the aounty clerka offlcea urd the prorl8lon that
oortlfled copies thereof May be received In evidence ia oer-
Ubln 08868 oleely are reuomble and rithin the paver of the
Leglalattwe tom&e. And, theRallroAdC0mm.laalon, it8 mnployeer
dud other enforoement offioera of the State in the perioramnoe
of their dutlea vould have the pover to Larpeat auoh reoorda.
Whether other pec8ona, priv8te partlou, vould hrre auoh right
bf inapebtloo, AridIf 80, under M.&AtcoJ!uUtioua,Are WeBtim
vhleh ue do not Attempt to detemine. !&A uuvera to those
queationa, whatever they tight be, would not Affeat the velid-
lty of the Aot A# A whole. In line vith our prior opinion,
20. o-657, ve .+naweryour fIrat queatfon In the affirmative.
We nov Addream ourrelvea to yaw reooud, third aad
fourth queatlona~
Froa~the opinion of Judge Short of the Cammlealcm of
Bp esla, in the wee 0S BMk 9. tie Oouaty Cotton Q3.lCoi8pUy,
270 s. v. lw, At PA@3 130, VC’ CIOWt
Rpilrvad Comd.aalon of Terse, pigs 4
'In the 0888 of St. Imla 8. W. Ry. Co. v.-.'
Key et al., S‘u&loe Odnea, mpeskirrgfor the
Supreme Court of Texas, ln dlacuaalng a similar
queatfon, uses thfa 1~ngtugA;
"IfArticle 4227, A8 mandad, repeals Arti-
Oh 279, it
18 a repeA1 by irtQ#tiaAtiOn. Suoh
repeals ece not favored, And unless there be A
repugnsnay or inuon8lst6nay between tvo statutes,
the general rule f6 that the latter till not re-
peel the formar la the abaenar of ~xp@ess worda
to that effaot. But the qwatlon of repeal, like
avery other que8tlon srlrlng upon the oouatrua-
tfon of a Etatute, must be solted by date
Am neaz am amy be the Intent of tlm Ltqia
oitinguogem v. Ustroua 8 Tex. 654 us parte
V@b9qWSj e6 %Xe 178~ &~in V* &tU%, 20 TOX.
“He MrMnu88 In the ema earnet
*'In Rogm8 t. VAtrOW (8 Tex. 65 58 Aar.
Dao. NO), aupra, Judge Wheeler mya: ‘A aubse-
qumit atatvte revlaing the rubjaot-awttep of A
former oas, snd etldantly fstaaded ~8 A aubati-
tute foP'lt,~:Althou@lit aontA&na a0 OXp&MS verds
to t&At esseot, must operste to repenl the former
its provislonr Ppe revlaed
to the extant to wl2lcG-i
And supplied, so though a a~ubaequentstatute ba
not repugnfmt In its provlaiona to a Swam one,
yet if it v~s alesrly intended to preaarlbo the
only rules whlah should Govern, it repeal8 the
prior atatut6.*‘
'The genaral rule, enunalated Above by the
gg:s iydt~~~~~&:foz~:%~e~~
Judge Whselar, vh%ah x18 SolLoved by Judge OAlna8,
am sbovk ntatsd, is also anun&Pated in ~hllea v.
State, 1 Texaa. lypp,32, holding the aat prohi-
biting tenpin alley8 to be PAp8Aled by A later
one providing for llcenaln& than, and in Dlokenaen
JMlroad Coamlerlon of Toxee, pqe 5
t. State,38 Tea Cr. Rq 479* 41 S. W. 759, 43
8. W. 520, holding that the v law 1s implied-
ly repealed a later etatuto, and l.nTunetoll
v. Wondley,“I
5 Tex. 483, holdLag an cot oenoe~n-
lng ahurohee is repealed by a law ooncrernlng
oorporatlons. Ye have been unable to find any
authority boaring dlreotlg on the mubjeut wbloh
holds to the contrary.
“In the eaee of State v. Boueton Ml Corn..
of Text+ (Tex.Glv. Appw) 194 8. W, 432, Chief
JuetloeKey, Ln dlea ueelnga lUllar qaretion,
eaye I
"'Theml* ir wall rottlodthat,whoa a rub-
moquontetatut*ahovmby ltu soatextthat it vaa
intondodto embraceall the l&w upon the eubjoot
dealt with, liuh etatuto will, br lmplloatian,
ropeal ell formerlewe relatingto the mm lub-
joot. 2he 6olVebtnoee of that rule 18 not eon-
trovortod, and it 18 un?~coeouy to eito arrthoF-
itioe in eupport of It.‘”
Vo quota from State w. T. & Eo. 0, Ry. CQ., Us 8. W.
53, error donled, at pap 55, a8 ~~llowet
‘Oaloeo thm bo s ropu@aeaay or inoaruie-
teneJ botwooJ3two etatutoe, thr 8OZkOFti rule le
that the lattor will not ropeal the roPsoF la tho
aboenae of exproee wed8 to that offoat. But the
quertlon of ropoal, like every other queetios
uieing upon tho oonetruetlon OS a etatW.0, mqt
b e lolved by dotorm+aine am near am mar bo tha
lritontof the Lsglel&~o. Raklway v. ty, 85
Fox. 59, 22 8. Y. 665; ltogere v. Watroue, 8 ‘Pox.
68, 5~3 &I. Deu. 100. In the uaee flret olted
Judge Qaln~~ quoter with approval frcm Ragore
v. lietroueae iollowrI (the lemo quotation Is
made a8 ha8 already booa oepiod *bore.)’
8. B. 301, 47th Legielature, eovere tho field iozmer-
lf oeoupied bg 8. B. 75, 46th Iioglslature,adadin ow epinlon