Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion


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                     @The report8 requlr.d by thl.8Aat aha be
              doawd to be       iVilO&d Uid t-AOt      ?c;rr
                                                           th@ ill8wCtiO7l
              o? the   geaera !rpubllo,   but  any party     or parties
              vho we    ln$mmted      in tha  subjeot    matter  of any
              report m8yi upon vlrlldrewe8t           ia vrltlng made to
              the Swretary o? State, 8eoure a copy 0r saw."
          ay Xoumo all     Ho. 180, itots36th tegia’leture,     ~egu-
lar &88100, JSl.9, @aptor 46, Section 4, page 87, the Leglr-
laturo re-ejarotod  Seatlon~ inlta wme term8 end againby
&hto ill=   X0. 89,   tit8  q th Iaglalature,Regular        Se8alon,
1931, CUptier 90 Sactlon-i, page 173, Section 3 we re-enact-
6d      ill    idMti8al    .&‘Xll8.

                 n the oodlrloatlon 0r.the 8tatUteb ln 1935 Sea-
tioa 3 88.a‘“g” eve &t’?orth,‘v88  codltled la the Retimed b&t-
utor of Tex88, 1935, a8 Artio& 7089, Chapter 3, Title 139,
vhioh 18 iIIOu’t l8 ?O=OV8:
                           Said report8     shall be deemed to be
              prlvll&id’and not r0r the ln8peotloa0r the getea-
              oral gublio but one lntsrfa8ted   la the subject
                                      may   deoure   8 copy   o?   the
                                                   made to the
                                      . . .
          ttl lg>o, by &1U8e ‘Bill &3. 1; &id8 418t TACIT-
thre, Plfth ihlled 988810011, 1930, Cha&r a, Seotloa 3,
M+O;&tlcle 7089 va8 agala amended lo part to read as form  -
                   “Uld report8 tthfdlbe deemed to be prlvll-
              lgod     uot r=
                     and       tba la8peotloao? the geaeral     :~,.
              publlo, bu% one :rltere8tedla the 8UbjeCt mette1,
                                   me a copy o? tame
                                   to the Secretmy 0
                                    8uoh intere8t.

          8OIY D818On rorldinn 10 thl8 State vhoae OomQ 8tld
          addTo 8hxll be slYen oa saoh CibDOrt. . . ."
          t&R@4818 OUL.8)
                  It Viu       bb UOtOd that th8 UBpha8itedpWtlOn Of
    tb   &OlFSi   OtMOtlMlrt    OOU8tltUtOd   MV   MttW.

               Tbs 88W   &&8btUFe     ti80 p88ed  80 800tlOa 4 Of
    thl8 Ibt Vh.t 18 WV kUOVU 88 h',tiOb 7089(8), VbIQOlI'lAill-
    notetad Olvil btatUte8     pmvldiQ~ for the report Of addltloa-
    al lu?ormatlon,both ?&olal        and aoa-flnmclal.
          b    T&s h&i8l8tU'~, la 1931, by House Bill No. S81, '~
    Aeta 42ndlsgUlaturo, Rqular S088100,              Chapter 965,
    8oatloa8 3 and 3, q#.n 8aended Artiale 7 9, VernOnor An-
    uotate&Clvll 8t8tuta8,     and enacted vhat is nov kuova a8 Ar-
    tlole 141e, Vimoaf     Annotated Penal Code, but there vas
    g e     tOlW+lW
                  $fiOb        779 W th0 .dd%tiOB 0s Artid, 1418
             Artlole 7089 a8 nov coa8tltutedand upon the con-
    rtruetion of vhfah 18 predicated your reque8t, 18 aa f'ollover
                "Xxoept a8 henelu provided, all corporatlona
          nov~repulredto pay an annual franahlse tax shall,
          betvsen January lrt and Maroh 15th of e8ch
          xmke a 8VOrn report to the Sekcretary    Of St8reY&n
          blauks ?urrrniShed by that offloe, 8hovltq the t+-
          dltloa 0r suoh aorporatloa00 the 188t day 0r It8
          prooediog flmaljnar.      The Secretary of State
          may ?or good 08~80 8hovn by any oorporatloaex-
           tead SU& tilQ!e to ally dste up to ?!ay 1st.   SaPd
          report rhall give the oa8h vslue 0r all gro8s
          888et8 0r the oarporatloa,the iamount0r its au- '~
          thorlaed oapltal etoek, the oapltal at00k aatwl-
          l;r8Ub 8W;b Ol  d,
                           d   the 8nWWt  prld lIl, the 8UI’flUr
          and tmdlv2ded profits or deficit, if my, the
          avmunt of mortgage, bouded aad current indebted-
          0088, the amount and date 0r papent 0r the la8t
          annual, owl-aouual, quarterly, or monthly dlvl-
          dead, tha aaount~o? al1 taxee paid, or due and
!         payable wparatsly to the Stat@ of Texa8, or to

any oounty, city or tom, school dlstrlat,road
di8triOt, Ol'OthOP tw           8UbdtVl8iOnOf 'ht88,
r0r   the peeed-      tax   year, the total grorr re-
aelpt8 or 8uah oorporatlm from all 8ource8 aad
th8   ge88  reaeipt8 from it8 bueiM88 done fu Texas
for the Slwal yoer preaedlng;vLth a detallod bel-
enoe 8heot and lnoam end profit and 1088 rtate-
unt ia such form a8 the SeoFetary o? State may
presoribal Wo r e     a   r0reiga corporetlonh o 8 twt
heretofore doue bu8lueas la this State and lo
    antsd a pmmlt to do bu8lness lo Texas, It ahall
rlie lt8 ?$r8t report a8 OS the end of 0124year
frcm tha day ruuh petit va8 granted, vlthln ninety
(90)   da78  Of 8Ucrh date. AtIyCOrpOr8tiOnwhlah
ahall fall or re?uee to make It8 re rt shall be
488088ed a penalty or tea per oat r10) or the
amount o? fkeMhi88 tax due by euoh corporetloa,
payable to the Secrretary      of State. togother vlth
it6 fruwhlw tu.           Saih report Ihall-bedeemed
to be‘twlvllemd aad not for the iasmtloa o? the
paera mbll         but a bona fide stockholderovnlng
oua xnw aeat ! $1 OX’ Ml’0 Of the OUt8t.tiiag       rtocrk
or shy oorporatioa,may u8xdno ruch returni upon
p r e8ea ta tlo ofn lvldenae o? ruch OVnershlp to the
tWretuy oi Stata, no othor examlaatioa;dlrr-
0168tWe8, 02 use, 8hall be permlitted      Of aaId re-
port8    except la the OOurld or mlm judloial pro-
oeediage la whloh the State 18 a party or ln a
suit   by the St8te to oancel the permit or Iorreit
the oharter of ruuh corporationor to collect
peualtle8 r0r a vlolatlon 0r tho law 0r th18
 State, for lu?ommtloa 0r any offloer, 0r this
 stat@ Oh&X'& Vlth ths et#Ol’CoMIlt      Of It8  18WS,,~
lnoludlng the Coqtroller~o? Pub110 kZOOUtlt.8,        state
Auditor aud the State Tax fkmml88lcmer. Bach re-

meaa8 for 8ervioe or Drouee8 to collect ray ?ren-
ahlw tax or penAlties.and in all other oeees,
each forelttnOol'DorOtiOn ahall, for 8UCh DLUW38e,
&ljEMt(l 8ODo pOZ’8Oll re8ldlog in this State VhO8e
rnm8 mad addrerr rho11 be Riven in eaah report.
                                                                                                   647‘   -

       ~..,.   O&%e plbeu, RJe 5

              The Stat0 aball hat* e plor lleo OR all oorporate