Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

liomrablo MorMaer 3mm sxooutite sBore8aPy Teaoh*rmiimen8 8y88mi 0r skxa8 Au8tin, Ibxaa BBAP SlPr wti la Pwpeot- A r*e ~8 td a- tion r*r 80 w by the ‘feadmr RoAorablo NomAr Bnswn, Page 8 enoh examinationA. If th0 d6~EtAWlt iA lW&r- Ad t0 dArrAY th6 AXpAMA iOr 8U6h 6XIIIIIIPPtlOLI8 there i8 A0 BOW60 irO& Uhi6h the IAOASY IAAJ b6 derived 6xOSpt fzoplthe itLO0 m6mberahip fAe paid by ths m6mbiw. "Ii A WIAbU COUId ApplY rOX A di6AbilitY exwlnation at no owt to tbm mAmbAr, It ir pos- Sib16 that AUSO~OU8 FAqU68tS iOrr AXU&BAtiOA8 might be roaeivoU rherm therm is lltth probe- billty that the y#0rs@n i8 ~ayl*IXtly disabl.6 aab *h&r0 swh an InUivldual wuld probably not mqu48t~aa. uwiaation is t&muamU.aatioo is to b A$ h i8 lXp WO. "In view Of the abevo fA8tA, it l.A poSA%- bls that tha epuAtion 0rthA Bystea 00uld be rath8r 88r1OWfj, iopaiM& ir the %APd Of m- to68 id8 =quhtd to 0~ PAPUA 8~ 0r mr AanUAllJ onm6eIloAl exad.n8ti0n8. It Is bA- OAPBA or this problem W&at our dqmrtmat is rAqu68ting this optpion." Sootion $3, tib8AtitioA S of haate Bill Ho. 47, &ts at the Ifit& Legislatun, J&+lar SAssitaa, a~ umnde& by &at&Xl t,, ~UbbsAiltiOll 3 Of kUSA Bi1.l a. loI& A&S Oi the Portpsevsnth LsgislAtiwA, RA&U Sassion, reads as fQpA#S: “wpQn tha ~pfi%OAtiQli or 8 meaboc et 0r his wp%op3P or hi8 lO@. IlrrpmBMtA~iVa AOtbg in hi6 b&Al*, any m6BbAr dk0 ha6 kAd tU6Aty (SO) or mn6 y6ar6 of sr6ditAbl8 66nioA leay be rAtircM by #AA Btatr %Ard 0r TrUlltAAs, QQt 168~ than thirty (80) and not mor6 ~&AA niaet8 (PO) days next ZOllOwigs the date Or firi= SWh AppliOAtiOA, OI1A &isabillty PStimMt AllOW- anos, provide4 that ths Pe6isal BoarU, after a rnAU$OAl 0xAIEIaAtlan of 8UohiAMMlber?,8bAl.l oar- tify that AUAh mabAr i8 mAAt&lf OF phtS%Od- l~.@OApAclitAtAd for the fUrthAr p6r%%a~AU09 ai duty, that 6u6h iAOApAAitf i8 likely t0 be par- aanent, And that AU& member Ahould b6 X6tislsd.R siwt1an 5, SubsAoticm 5 or tinal; m.ll )Lo* +'I, SAPgLel* aAaaund6d by aottdn E;, kbsiwattoa 8 Ar Hawe Bill 2x2 Huaomble Kortia~r &Own, PagA 8 NO. 1016, EUPFA, I'AAdS, iA PAZ%, AA fOliOWIt "q~noe eaoh ysar du~iag the first Sive (6) yawa followiag retirement et A mea~!;oroa A tllaabllitymtimaeat ~Uow8no0, pnd oaoe in Avsry three-ywc period themAfter, the State Borrd 0r &wtees may, and open hia Ap- $ft;;tiOn shall, tiqtirA any 4iSAbility ~AAA- rho hAs not yet attafnd the age of sixty "v 60) years to uadergo a aediealAzuaiea- tion, Auoh sxarabation Ii0b6 aAd at the plats 0r resldenoe 0r said benf4fiAiary or Any other plaaA AiuttilJ A&l'AAd UpOS, by A phySiAirn Or phyAioiAM dAAi.gMtAd by the &Ate Baird of :'rwteeA. &hould any dieability bemiloilrJ who has not yet attained tb -6 of 8ltif (60) years rarwe to vubait to at lemt oae r*4lcril eianilnatloa in any swh puiods by A physioian or ~hysloS.um dOSi@&At88 by the 8tate Bard or austaos, Us ~llwuro* oh&U be dimon- timed Wtir hf8 Witkh'aWd Or BUOh MfW(L1, and should his retusd 0ontLoru ror oat3 year, at1 his rights In aad to his ~llOw~aoa shill be revoke8 by t&o 8ktA Baud Oz TrAste8s." Seotlon 6, Subaootioa 18 or senate Bill xo. 49, supm, AA ~aAnded by Sootion 3, subsection 12 of %uso Bill Xo. 1016, Aupte, rMd8 AS folloust "'(18) 'Ihs8tAtO %Ati Of 'flll8tOW *ball dASi@lAtA o MAdiOdl be ~OmpOW& of &Ard to three (3) physiAlans aot eligible to p~rtlai- pats in ths Ratlreaant Bystcm. The phy~slei~as 60 appointed by the Stats Board or TmatAes Shdi ba 18gAny qUAiifiO& t0 prAOti~A0 Adi- oine in TOXAS and 8hall be phJ8iolsmI;fr~od 8tanaind ti the mdiall pmr98sm. quired, other physloiaaa may be employed to mport On SpOeid OAS118. The hdiml Board shall pa88 upon All mAdioA1 wm&&at5.ona m- quimd under the ~ltOVi81AAll Or this iLet, and shall invA8tigatA all sA8entiAl StAt8IWatS dad oertifloat88 by 08 ea b6hAlr of A aua&r Of AOIUWAtiQn With Aa AppZiOAtiAn rOr diSAt&&ity mtimeat, aati shall mport in writiag to th* Stat8 fj@,rd O? %uSt@‘,8 it8 AAatiwfAn rtnd rs- 0mndation upon all th8 mot&em miarmd ts It.* 233 nmorable I;;ortl.mar Brown, Paga 4 , Saation 6, SPbaaatiOll 9 of samto Bill No, 49, aupra, as amended by Seotion 9, hbsootioa 9 Of &ma8 Bfll No. 1016, supra, reads as follows: “‘(9) %bbjsot to the llmltationa Q tai8 hot, tha St&, Boar0 oi Tmatoea shall, frpm time to the,: aatabllah ~&WI and ragulatMn8 for eligibility of~romberrhlp and im tha ad- lninlatratian of tha funQ8 oav8tad bJ this &et and for the tran0aatlonet 108 buaineaa.w AII aamination 02 Section 5,~ Gubrre~atlon 5 ef Seaata Bill No. 49, as mumbd, SANTA, revaala that mS4 sootion is silent as to t&a dat8Qa oonaar~&ngtha rdiaal rroainrtion of a mmbar who iire his applioatien ibr 8 diubflity ratlxwuen6 allwama. &aid 8oation #&$ PxwSd88 *that the EmIloal Board, mr a modioal mAr4lmtlen of woh mbex, shill oortity th a t luob aoaber is mtollr 0~ phjsioally inoapaoitated. . . rad that auah ma~b8~'8hould ba retiredrm %bere appwrr te be nothing in the Tuohar Ra- tlrewnt Aot rhioh requixwa the @adtodL BoarCa to aotrully rake these maai6& axaainatian8. ?t&a Aat 8aama to nq&ra only that *lbe XeBioal Board shall uj?on au sodiml exa8i5$aptlonamaqulmd under the pr 8 Of tihhi8kOt.* (Underiw3ring .oura) It la our oplniom, ba8aU upon tho akrra pwka wctlcna & the Aat, that the Board af %uatao8 01 t& Z'kaeher Rqtirmeat Spatam ma$ ptaatigata nilas ~~oq~i~i.ag l aamber, &kkflli~@ an applioatian ior Bia d.isclhil.ity ratlrement allowame, to aoeaapany with his l pg&lortlo~ a phy6ialan~a aartiriaate or oertiflo*taa eo~taiming 8uah InrorAatlon as the Board 0r Tru8teaa say Taquire OOAMTll- ing auoh mamber*a mental or phy8ioal aoaditlon. V!ewish to point ortt that as to ahf8 parti08lar stedicdl eramlnatlon tha A& la allant as to tba authority of the hard of Trusteesto deoignate tho l roe!in%ngPBfSi- oian. %a note that Submotion 5, Section 8 of S+aattt Fit11 No. 43, aacraendad, mpra, 8peeliioally protide that, a8 to subsequent wdioal axaminatIo111, thS Beard of %aStaW ahall designate the examinbg phfaioiaM. lQ#Jrn~~, 6iAOO the ht expressly provided that the Rmrd of Tmateaa should daaignate the axacnining phfaioiror, in OM inatawa but i8 silent on this netter as to the eramination rrquind b S\rbtjeetion 5, tiO%viOn 3 Of %SltAtO Bill EBO-.491, a* AWML, lmra, wo aonolu& that tha Board of %W8taaa haa 010 aimor- &ty to deadwet% the ~,X~ni~ phpiOi8.A tS3h&m 8&6h mOdha 234 Honorable Xortimer Brown, Page 5 exaAlJJation 88 la required in 3ubsect1on 5, %otion 3 of senate Bill No. 47 air amendod, supm. Gvter*r , should tha Board of Trustees be d1ssatiail~d with the medioal report of the camber's phyeioian, the board has the authority under Seotion 6, kbseotion 12 of Senate Bill MO. 49 aa amundad, supra, to employ its own physician to make an- other med~loal examination of t&a member. ii;*rind no provision in the Act whlah oodld ba eonstrued as giving the Board of Qustees the authority to da$~rmlne the maximum amount that a physioian shall ohargaca member for a Aedioal ercrainatlon. It Is our opin- iOA, tharefora, thet the Board 0r Tmateea 15 pot empowered to determine tha aiaxinuu amount that a phyaioi0amay 4harm a narber ior the aedioal cxamlaation as reqtired in 3a&ion Sr &baeetion 3 of Senate Bill 190. 49,~ amendad, aupra. It Is alear, hawvar, that the Board oi Trustees baa tha powar to deterniine tha oompeneation of a phyaloien when suoh phyai- aian is aaploysd by Ohs Board or Tramtees. Wa trust that na have aatiafaatorily answerad your qu*atioa, Yours very trulf