Honorable George H. Sheppard Comptroller of public Accounts Austin, Texas Dear Sir: Opinion No. O-3626 Re: Effective date of Article XV, House Bill No. 5, Reg- ular Session, 47th Legisla- ture. By your letter of.May 31,'1941, you request our opinion upon the effective date of the above Act, and In connection therewithattaoh letter to you from the Legal. DeRartplent.ot~the.~&oneS$ar..CasSystem, from.whiah.we. quote HISr0ii0ws: ..I ."In line with out oonversationwith you.on 'May.27,.conqerning Article XV of House Bill No. : S; passed by the,47th.Leglslature., I advise ~t'hat we are unable to know definitelywhen Article ~~.Xk.iseffsctive; notwithstandingthe raot.that we..realizethe law; as a'whole, became effective on May 1, 1941. Our inability to understand the erfectlve date of this article grows out 0r Seo- Mon.7 thereof, whioh.rea&s as follows: U’S60 . 7. No transferor oertifidatestax- able under this~Art.iolemade after June 1, 1941, on which a 'tax is imposeU by this Article, an8 whioh tax Is not paid at the time of such trans- fer shall be'made the basis of any action or lagal proceedings,nor shall proof thereof be offered or reoeived in evidenoe in any court of this State.' %inoe the above quoted Motion has the ef- fect of prohibitingany action or legal proceed- ings or the Introductionof any proof relative th&eto where the tax,ls not pala as provided in said section, it occurs to us tbatit was appar- ently the intention of the Legislature through said section to,actually make the taring provi- sion effeotiveas of June 1. In any event, in our opinion the above quoted seotion serves to render inderiniteand uncertain the intention of the Legislatureas to when the stock transfer tax becomes effective.v As stated, House Bill No. 8, enacted by the Forty- seventh Legislature,became effectiveMay 1, 1941 in its entirety, except as otherwise expressly provided in some of the articles comprisingthe Act. As illustrativeof the latter situation,we point to Section 30 of Article XVII of the cited Act, providing that *this Article shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its final passage." tie' find no similar provision in Article XV of this Aot,,'expresslypostponingthe effeotive date thereof. . from that of the .entlredot. Hence, unless such a legis-.. lative Intent oan, by necessary lmplioation,be read into the language of Section 9 of Artiale XV, above quoted, Ar- tiole XV, and eaah seotion thereof except Section 9,,.would be governed by the effective date of the general'Act, i.e. "bay 1, 1941. ,. :'~This questibnis.purely .oneof statutory-oonstruc- tion, unassisted by any authoritbes. We think the 'declared purpose of.Seotion 7 of Article XV, was to 'affordan added enforcementreature for the administrationof the Act and the collectionof the tax levied thereby, by providing that taxable certificates,transferredafter June 1, 1941, with- out the tax stamp affixed thereon, or upon which the tax is not otherwise paid should not be offered or reeeived in evidence or made {he basis of any action or legal prooeed- ings. The legislativeIntent in Imposing such judicial or evldenciarylimitationsor conditionsupon such stock cer- tificates after June 1, 1941, rather than causing such re- strictionsto become operative on the erfective date of the general Act, to-wit, May 1, 1941, may well have been to af- ford ample time for peraons or corporations,having rights or interests in suoh stock certirioatss,to comply with the terms of the Act and pay the tax levied, thus protecting their property rights from the harsh terms of this enforoe- ment feature. But such conclusion is not inconsistentwith the accrual of a tax on such taxable certificatesin .thein- terim. Honorable George H. Sheppard, Page 3 In ehort, Seotlon 7 of Article Xv refers to an evidenoiaryor administrativematter rather than to the levy or accrual of a tar on stock transfers,antihe date Or June 1, 1941, fixed foreits effectivedate, is limited to,said Section 7, and Cannot, by implication,be extended to postpone the effective date of each and every other section of said Article XV. Had it been the legislative Intent to cause the accrual of the tax or the effeotive date of Article XV, in its entirety, to be postponed until Juneq, 1941, direct and unequivocallanguage, similar to that used for this purpose in connectionwith Article XVII of~the Aot, above adverted to, would surely have been em- ployed. Trusting the foregoing fully answers your inquiry, we are Yours very truly ATTORRRYGEWERALOFTEXAS FMN:LM APPROVED JUN 11, 1941 By S/ F& M. Neff, Jr. Assistant a/ Grover Sellers : ‘.,..., APPROVED:OI;INION COk&ITTRR FIRST'ASSISTAYT ATTORREYGENEZAL BY m Chairman