HonorableJohn D. RmB, ?a$* 8
at Big 0SiS8~tWb.r b UK%. 0Onta.h~ the
fo lr 0wIng
lta ta Qentt
Wmd I be given wiploy-
zneqtby you, ?ltherthe podtion appliedfar, or
same other,now or hemafter, I bazeby a6mo that
my be terainatebby yau at an;l
suoh sa?ploynmnt
time withoutllabllltyto mo for wager or salary
swept ewh ad my bar* been oarwd at the date of
such temi8atIon.* We therefore rare not nquired
to have any rewon ior pour termfaatfen.nirthw,
we undwetand Taxa6 Courta have dealwed a
Btatuteuueh am that nmntionedin your letter a?
We 7th unoonatltutl~nal.(6igaod)Ar*lrtaat
Oumml QuporlnOendent.~
Veur o ,inIo n b elp p r eo lste6
o nth e
QuwtlQJl - ss a Qorpwatioa require6 to & vea
bi8ohar~a4amplop a rtabaent la aitiag t&e
eawa oi hla dIrohar&e- in or6a tlmP we my
4letel!dno what pr0e*duro it My, to take an
a matter tht is a0w pen&I* beian tbir Dsgar(cL'.
mu&~*. "
. , ,
drtloie6196, Vemon*mCivil E&u&~ reds, la pax%,
au iollowut
=wlther or of the ioll0ufng a0456&balk .,
oatutl$u$o lisor !%a tien agalmmt p*mew reekln@
craplo~ul* t
Where mny 8orparatIon or rti*iwi oil
the .:; doiw bumlnem ia thii #%&a’ 8z
agent cr’arployeo Of auoh aorpontbion ir r*M
“3 tap, =.
8hall have &Imhar@ aa enpioyaean& maoh en&.oyw
baaad a 8tatementin writing of tb mm* of
hie dIuaher8r,and 8uoh sorporatlon,meelvor,
agent or emplcyee thsrsoffail8 to fur&ah a
true statuwnt oi the #une to 8uo:hdiaohargge+l
amployw, within tm daya after rush danmad,8r
where any oorporatlon or rooalvrr 0s tha oame,
or any ofrlaeror agent of azoh eorpontlon 01
raoeirershall fall, withintm dam aftsr
writtendemerdl for thr #ame, to furnishto any
employeerolmtarily learingthe 8enioe of
8uob aorp0ratioaor reoelrer a statementin
writingthat 8uoh employeedid lare moh suvlaa
voluntarfly,0s where iiny,oorporation im
reoelrerof the ilame,4oing bu8lnesa within this
etato,shall fail to show in enp statement under
the provlsloosf this tltlo the number of years
an& months duringwhIoh lush rrploysowsu in
the esrrioo0r the '&aideorporstlcmor rsoslrer
in eaoh and ovsry weparetom&moit.yor position
In rbioh he uaa aep;Loyr(L,
aa8 whetherhim
eoniou wem utiri’rotory tp roh mob oapwlty
or not, or whore wy euah ooxparation er
reoaIrsr eh4ll $ail wIthln ton &J* after writtesi
demand fortha sama to furnlrhto any mah
em loyee e tree oopy oi the 8%atemwt
ox!ginalLy&ven to fwoh employeefor hI# IPI*
In aaae he arm11 IraveLoot or Ie othermime
cl~~;~ulof the UIO of eai4 oxiJna1
The reaum for the roenaetmentoi the b&alr%htias
sktute In 1929 by the Forty4iret LsgfrlatuVe,a8 8tatottin
She amrrgenay olausa, war beoausothe ~oodlfiem vi’ Ohr
Re~lsoffQlrll Eitatutesof Text, oi 1988, omitted Frog!the
definitionof diearimlnalba ~yllyei the mterlal pPorfeian8
of the foPinerlaw on she subjeob am 8at*0tt6ifASti4Lo 894
of the fieviardCl711 Jt6tutee oi 1911, .
In 1914 the Supreme 00-t 4E Tome, In the ease of
st. Louie southwestam Ry. Co. re, CaWrfn, 171 G.Wq 705,
held Section3 of rzrtIols594 OS the HevistedCivil SMtutee
of la11 (whioh ia ia0ntioOi In lu3gwr 0 with Seotien s of
Article 5196, Vernon's CIoIl Statutes 7 ~oolaatitutiond..
Obviously,the reseon that the ooditirr6 of tke
Rerlssacivil Statutea ot Tame, of loeb, omlttd 8d.4 Art1418
594 iron the 1985 tmM.flaatfon wm due: to the Saab that
bad been doslsred unocmtI(lutionalby the
thie .Axtlel.e
BonolrbleJohn D. Rood, p 4
Trwtlng that the ‘abcwe satiafaatorily dls~tmw
or your inqulPy,wa remain
d Your8 VOPy tidy