HonorableErnest Guinn
El Paso, Texas
Dear Sir:
opinionNo o-3552
Re: DelinquentTE?%eson schools
land BE&
of whichxas forfeited~1$wZllohw66
respurch66e8. .,
We have from the GeneralIand Officea certificateshowing~thefoLIowing
That Section 32, Bbck 80, Tqwnship1, Certificate6961, T. EkP.
Ry. Co., 640acre6 in El Paso County,wB6 awerdedOctober4, 1924to
Sam 0. Miller on 6ppliCEtiOD:flb2a
in thrkia Off* Septhkar 2g19!?4
to purchsseda Sectionat$2.06 jperacre without 6edhlemmt, 66ms
ana Grezlngand appraise8~at.$2.00
having t&en CbSEified a6 Mineral.
per acre;.
That Sam 0. MZller.conveydsaid %ctioti32, with~%th&"lana,to
FelixP. Miller by instrumentdatedApril 6, 19251
That .theaale coveringsaid Section 32 ws6 forfeitedJuly 1, 1927
for non-paymentof interest;
That upon requestana psymsntof the requiredfee ida Sectionj3Z&
as containing640,acree,was reappraiiedSeptember18, 1927 by the
Commissionerof the GeneralIana Office at $2,&O per acre;.;and time
ws6 awardedDscem'ber 30, 1927td FelixP.Mlller,on apaication filed
in the Iand Office December9, 1927to repuSqbasesaid Secti& 6t
$2.00 par acre under the provisionsof Ch6pt&.:94of En Ad amoved
March lp;l925;
TMI da Seoticm 32, as mmtsining 640 acres of ma in ~1 Paso
County,now standson the rec0rd.s of the Lend Office in the hems of
Felix P. Miller.
Taxes assesseaa&.n6tthis land.for the years 1926 to 1929 became delin9uent
and have never been paid. You requestour opinion in your letterof May 12,
1941, as to whether the presentowner of mu& psy the taxes
assessedagainstsaid land prior to its repurchasein December , 1927. The
taxes cuzxernedsre those accruingfor the year .1&and 1927. It WII.I
be r.oYcadlthat taxes for both of those years had been aesesfied
prior to the forfeitureon July 1,1927.
Article 5326,Revisea Civil Statutes,reaas d psrt a6 follows:
If sx:;port533of the icterest03 any sale 6hdd not be pia when
am, the land shall be 6UbjeCtto forfeitureby the Commies~rf.m&er-
ing on the wrapper containingthe papers %ed Forfeit&," or words :
of similarwrt, with tl;edate of a-uchaction an3 sign it officially,
ara Zereum the land ax3 all peyfcents skull be forfeitedto the
St&$,sr‘:+;>filands sixli be dfferedfor sale on a subsequentsale date.
Ir axy "sse where lads hgvlvbbeen forfeitedto theState for the non-
p3yv:r.tof interest,the pwchaserp,or their vendees,'mayhsve their
~23s rsiastrtedcm theirwritten~regue'sti by paying Into tha Treasury
the %il amount of interestsue on such claim up to the dste of rejnd
ststemect,providedthat no r%ghts of third pe$sonsmay h6ve~lnterven@d~
In all such cases,the originalobligationsand penaltiesshall thereby
become as bi@ing as if no forfeiturehad ever occurrd. . . .,?
r .
In the case of GerlechMercantileCompanyv. State, 10 S. W. (26) 1035,
Writ of error refused,it was held that where state landswere forfeited
for failme to pay interestand later repurchasedunder Article 5326s;
Revised Civil Statutes,the tax liens due the State at the date of forfeiture
would rem-k unimpairedand in full force and effect.
Our opinionfollowsthat your questionmust be answereain the affiruetive.
Yours very truly
s/GlemR. Iewls
Glenn R. Iewis