Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN a- G. MANN ,rw.mIFI.=*- H~areble Buford D. Bettle state Auditor ead Eff'laleaey srpert hl5tla, Texas -83X: aaat date roquadt- abeYe erptlaaad acmpowd of the awf tkkuerelor Fl~G~hdCtyater utloa of tke r&e*. tics%for the postpaaemn toitibtrla1 rruit,me deseadmatrVltk t& 8pproYu tQaa,~tvltktke8tate. Tko apeemaat 8peUiflM t&at the txlel vi11 be poatpmml iov M lmg e tins a8 the dsiaH8nts aomply vltb the plm for the ail- pcwal of salt vetm?, vhich vet?~ submittedin oomplira