back to tbs data on
Court by the bo8brmenOR
r tiehhis
doierrsb Jud6mtmtl ~pirss, do r tb s Oourt
heve to taka the estodnnt bsak at 8 htar dsts, of
ur,z;s bondsmen llobls for the mount of rlns snd
"A furthorque8tlonis, tar&or ths luagungso?
ths bond, wm tbs tletenndnntbs surrsni3sradsfsn bsfors
ths sxplr8tioa ot ths tlu rat rorth in ths boa6 sna
sr4ds the paymentoi the fins and fmsts? It soam
to as tbst the ststutsa snU ths hngtasgs of tbs bond
bin4 the dsfsnduitam! the boadsren to ~7, snd not
&llowing the daradnnt to ~srvs hi8 tlms out ln jtil.*
Prtlola 698 or V~rnox*s aaaotatsb Cod0 o? criminal Prooo-
(Iur a p,
r o tl6a a ls fOlIo w81
"On esah verdlot of soQuitk1 er eonrlotimn,
the proper jQQm8at 8haU bo lxtsnd imwliatsly,
Ir rotuittsd the ui8n a8 at 0n08 bir-
oherW rroa further LkbiUty
all rrpon tin ohum
ior whloh'b triefi; protidod t&d;
r@s in mlmIa*
maxor 08808 w&n thora Is rsturnsd a tsralot, or
l ol*a OS @llUJ 18 mtsnd and the gwnis!laisnt
l88esa edia by f5.m oal7, tbs Court~7~ on nltton
rqus8t ot tha dsfsdmt 884 fur 6oeU satus atiowa,
dofor Juagmnntwtll sons ether 4cl7fixad.b7 w4mr
of ths Court1 but Fa no stat sbsU We ju6~snt
amy petit the dsfsndmt xbbn JuUgant is dsfsxred,
t0 at hirQ~# On hiU 0Wn rWOglli?Wee,
r85Sin Or m7
rs0ulre hi&to enter Into boti in & 8umat lenat
doubls the amxnt of tbs esrerssd ihe end aoHs,
Oonditlonsbthst the dsi~n~nt and 8UTetIe8,jS1SrCl.y
and coverally, will pay suoh $3~ 8Id oo8C8 WOW
tba adsndnnt psrsorml4 sppmws an tha d*7 8st in tbs
order urd diibobar(ge8
t&s Judm8nt in ths annnor pro-
*ided by ~hrptsr4, Title 0 or ths Oods Of firlnirU1
Pmooibe of the Stem of luas; bnd ior the enforce-
mmt of my Judmfmt enkrd, rllwrltr, ~roosasw
anb rwmbiss of the Clod0OS Crtminal Proos6urs uo
asee spplforrbas
60 far as neassasr~to osrry out the
pro?iBton# a? thir A?tidO.-
whoa tbs JiM@msnt ryinrt t asrlcrd~mt
fo r a f5.mlnb oosts ha #ho12 bs 4lsohsr~s$ tnrr
the -1
"1. ;:hsnthe laount thamf hs baa full7
by the p r o p er
"1c. Wo n r u nltt.6 lutberlty.
'8. Fihsnho IIR#rulxsd in oust067for the
tlm npulrrttb7 law Co s8tietf the smouat t&smotra
Artiola Ts8 or uib chapter sna IEitlaot haM'8 4not8tB4
aode o f a r lslx 8lIr o m4 wr e red8 l tolXow8r
Prior to tbs nsmnbsmnt of Arttola89& in MU, maI6 Arti-
elm rsuulred that the pm&w JPd&msnt ‘be oatued I*l#aistslr.a
in aoa80 awh a@ prsssntsdbf Us irot eubrfttsd, Wh#r# th0
DUUiOhwllt WBS PZTO%Y 8 fitlO. th0 68fad6U%t. uad8? btid88
iion. tte1F.h timcx, p%f,s 4
*wdrhouse, m weounty far@ or *publiclaprerclaront of the
oounty,” the various oountlob won burdonad mlth the lx~6~60
of keeping an& fesding ouoh prioon6r unti& ho bird 0tor8d in
fall for the zusber 0r Ilops rac;u;roiI t0 6iochug* the fiA6
and oo6to 4t the Tat4 r:eAtioAed.
“r’heeomrgaacy&moo or tba AOt eaaoblng Artiele 6B8 or
theC&r, of CrltinalLrooedure !WkiILo~lolsture,page 69,
Chapter30, tio4tlfon f?) n0a0 00 rollmrr I
%eo. e.
The faot that ttora io no Qrwiolon
of the hr ahoroby a psroon @tlltr8f Pi8auwawr
a~4 whose DtaAl8homAt hate been lo a o r r ba y
dltlm of&.
my harm ah opperttmlty b pay bho *ame,-•d Wt.8 %he
pr8wnt low works 6 hardohiQ09 emv oouatl88 of tK
&Cate, oro~too 911 omor:eaoy, . . +I ~un6orooorixi6 ours)
lt is OAT e~inb~, th6nfor8, that the Le~olot~rO int8&6d
b yliB llBUnbWAt to &to tb iJOUit UthOritJ tO ##il. the ~6fU¶-
aant an oppertun10~to raloo the maof and par tha fin. ln6 ooat8
ii 6b8 ootut ia It8 Qf86r6tlon ~089fit t0 do 80 ‘on nitton r6-
~uo8t of th8 dofondant 8~4 for @mbo6uro 8houArn Bold umndmnt
8hcml.b, thmrofo~, be 00 oon8trWl 60 to @lt6 it thm N'fe04in-
tub4 by tho I.alolature.
68 ue or the opinionthot, the mere not that tllojpdgment
mr paapare4nn4 oi(llred by the oeuniy )lbga,*duld not et itmrlf
~rooludothe jud:-*a-irolp uttiing *riacr ?a8 )uaipit d weaptin#
the deru(lanm*~ bond aad adoring an omlor doferrf~n6 tho jWmuit
for urf &Wiod mot to •XOW~ sir IoJtthLhl,~S’iWlbdth8 atim66At
mka8 his raquhot and lbow pepor 88uno'boIom bho Jodgmat ha8
baaa uoout@ oq$ baforo 6b, upd of the t.rP. ft f.8 l (rWIU&
r ulo #a t l jradg~ns my bo 66t 68&a* at uy tlm6 bafore Oh0
wt4 ot Plhotom at wbioh it wa8 raabro4, either upon the oourtk
wn m&ion or mtion or 8 party, 66 Tax. Jur, p. 646. 'fshother
"good cauo8" is 6h06A 10 ulthlntho acurt' di6OntiOA;. Wb jeot
to the rorqoiry ~imi~t&OAO, we umw*r par tint quoelon in
the affirmstir..
Tha loot clause of Artiole 698, eupr6, redo 66 to~ow8:
* . . . 6Ad for the OA~OFOUIOAE
of any ~uQ.pmst
saterod, 8l.l wrlta, proceobor an6 ramo41~6 or tha
Code ol Grlainal Praaoduroare made applfeablooo
tar a8 AOOe8OUT to oury out she prwlolonr 0r thto
The oa#ioa of the bill aW¶iIiq ht~l8lo 69@ (Aat 1981,
aaa I.ea ehturr, pa80 60, Qaptu a9 1 rmedo aa follows:
lion.W@BroaLr, Pa@ S
"A2lA&t OO'rPMd nrtiO18 898 Of the code
0r ~ri8iadPmoodwo of t-hafeats oi Taxa8,
provlUin& that tha propar' k acard
on VOesdietSIprovldlng %h& in riSdaW2 0aDoe
WhOW th0 WdiDt Ot #W i8 lltr and tho plan-
i&m t8 by fin. O&v, t&9 r QtArt G;r $U6@8-7
Trar~ the 1-e of the 8brtuto anb the 1-o
o f th e o a p tfea ,
wo l?0 of tbr op~on that tba ~“~m$misanos*
attU%m%l* rOferrOd to ltimid utiola won UD~Qby the Up
lolaton in tha mm0 lume am *on texm8 4za urn6 in tbo
00400for%BlMl;lPro0~ulv gulOrmal~. Iv.oonalwo, than-
fore, that 4tlelu 484-440, of tho Cob of CrlaSml Pro-
oeduu, QoalLiryritb Ohs iotieiturovf b&X boa4 and re-
OOgniwalW8 9fidAHiDl68 888-88)Oftho %d* ob Criminal
~89&lrO, kkUg WiCh th# #WO&Dr Of th6 principal are
applieahla to the bon&a aa& ~mgvtlea miatieaedin krtihe
098 Of fWllOll*D Wt*ted~,~~ Of G?Pimiad Procedure.
%M oaW.tiorwor tba boa& as stated in Article
996 8ro %hat tlm OofoMnnt a84 8ur*ties, jointly and sev-
&ra.U~, dl.l py meh finanU oooCS unless the defendant
%h& Q&y #Ot jn the Order and dis-
B bhq ~~8s provided by Chapter 4,
CT- Procedure of the State of
Tua r ;
Xt foll.ow, bhrnfbre, that if the defendant "is
m@,tn\rrsndexondk& to the court by the bondsmen on the
data OS uhloh hi8 detarped judgment expires," as stated in
hew ~eoma pw#QIm, Yhe obligation is forfeited, and the
&,&mm Maeme lbble as principal judgment debtors, Ar-
tIe1.r 4-4&O, yemon's Annotated Code of Criminal Procedure,
~r~~~ for a8 ,forfeitureof bail holds and recognizances,
.rv,*pplI&Pbl& tp the bond mentioned in Article 698.
to your second question, you are respect-
fully advise& that, under the facts stated, it is the opinion
ei this (q@r%mant that where the defendant does not personally
Hen. ElrlDhhok.Pam 'I
tb oxp5rPtiono? the detr @et in the bon4 and thofebYbe
dlmohugu3 of any furtherllabilltyon the bond.
-6saxe ono2oslngherowiththa farm of bon4 rub-
mittad with your qw8tlon.
Txwtl~ that the folwgofiw almwexs your qw8tlQan,
Very truly your8