/&-&... 8.
., , .,
Ronorable C. 0. Murdoob
County Attorney
Menard, Texaa
DGar Slrt opumu~no.+469
Il.1 Jug!at or lzix
‘hpril/6 uad my 1, 1941, ahng
d$n tit?*owe rhich you have .
t.ha.,fopmlng fact8r
the xat. OS texam and
ank L. ullroa
, Ilanard county,
8n& nuau&vllle rndopui-
~1Ma.d am ~derendaatr
l8 th 8lultseek lafo
g r e-
__. ,
Hoaorabls C. 0. Murdoch, page 2
or eny Constable of Menard County to esiro and
eel1 8uch property "a, provided by Artlclo 7328
Of thS tkW18@4 civil StatUteen iOr the purpoar
of 8atiQf’yiag arid jwlpont. llotloe baa been
given b7 the Sheriff that he uill eel1 the pro-
perty at public auotloa 8n Kay 6, 1941. It appeur
that Mr. Vllron WV derlrer to pay such part of the
ddinqUe?lt tRXe8 80 iOMIOlO#e& upon ae Vel’e &@hNIt
one lot vhloh he 01-8 aa hi8 homestead, together
111th taxer accruUg on that lot rime the date
OS forecloeurs, vlthout paying on the other tvo
You roqUe#t OUT opinion in rs~ponm to them three
qUO8tlOU8 I
1. "Can the part7 pay 0~1 the lot that ne
ORIffINAUY hl~ h-stead, and leave the resalnlng
property in the judgment aad ln the Gee6 to the
State of fexw UNPAID?”
2. "Or, runt all proparty In the do4 to the
8th Of TGXW be ptid aa, if ~¶y 18 paid?"
3. "If the t-Q aMnot nov be paid by the
former ovner on hlr ORIORAL BORESTEAD, and not the
0th~ property (a8 t-h02 year period Of redePlptiOa
ha l 8
p lr ed) and all of the property lr aglin offsred
for #ale by the 8heriff $0 tha higho8t bl&br on
Nay 6th, l8 advertlrod, OAR TEE 8BERIFFOFFRtTBE
PROIPBTT TO BIDDlnM la 88 at0 trmt8, or m TEI
Ye h a ve lx 8mlnedth eo c p ier o f th epapu8 In th 8a b o ve
p r C8WdingfOr th epurpose tiy Of fix ing M tUiti d8t.Q M d Of
detumlnlng the 8tatute uudu whloh the prooee&lng vu ha&. we
hVo mt 8tUdLd the 8m With rOfOrOMQt t0 WY po8albh QW8-
tlow o? lrregularlty of proaodure.
Theprccoedlng8 lppou to have beon had u&or S. 8.
477, R.#tiU 808#1-, 45th t(li8l&tWO, hi- AFti 7%b,
vfIrnOn'8hB0tat.d CiVil btbtUte8. It 18 80 OXJ?rOQ#ed in t.hQ
ploadlngm Of all PUtib8 plrlntllf and lnterveniy. In the udg-
ment the ~OWOIAQ&~O value of the property la fixed at 4500. d0
in WtOrCbOO Vlth the prOrl8lOW Or SOOtiOn 5, Of 8. 8. 477,
Honorable C. 0. Murdooh, pqe 3
Acta of the 45th Lwglrlrture , and redemption 18 expreraly au-
thorire b the Ju4gmont aa ret out in Seotion 12 of ml4
Artlole 73g5b. Other provlmlonm thoroln rhov quite clearly
that the oourt vu folloring t&t statute. The order of
aale dated November 1, 1938, oontlinr features identifying
it aa an order lwued la oompl1~00 vlth Section8 7 and 8 of
muubAut. The Eiherlft*r return th e r eontvnm
n a aale to tim
Stat0 for the uee ur4 benefit of~ltrelf end the other toting
unite. And, thU doe4 11&Wt18. prOfe8e.r to fOllOV Arti018
7345b. TUG above bea truu, '1e40 not believe that 8tdUt.O
ma ynewb u lb~&on04 md 8 rale be hn4 aontrary to its provl-
nlonr under Artldle 7328, hVi8ed Civil Statutoc. Ye think
it appear8 rather oleuly frm Seotlon 9 of Artlcla 7)&bb:~th8t
VhM land18 b o u& h t& th. iiF & lde by one tsldng unltin
trwt Sor rll the taxlq unltr djudged to have tu lien8 egalnmt
thU 8- the 8hOriff luJ not 8d1 the 1Uld Until 8i.XrOat.hW d-
ter the lp lr mtloofnthe purl04 of redemption. !fhlrmould be
tV0 Ud a hd.f ]nw8 &Or tha fi¶Wt Q&e. Rut period ha8 not
GX&X'Od in ttlilOIIa rrrdit 18 8\lgeGlIted-t the 8ti8 OOllt.e&
plated aot be held.
AZ'tu the lam4 VU 8014 the right of the owner to
diSUhU~0 him obllptlon by 8irp1J p=yM the tU.8 rUUrI8.d
thereon no longer lXi8td. Thuwfter he vaa relegated to ra-
duption OF lNlFoh8.. bins the per106 of rsemption bar ax-
plre4 ha oan no lolyor a8 l matter 0r right exmalcle thrt
ff dl tuiog unit8 8OWUlt, thG pWObbr8ing IUlit --
in tbl8 0888 the akt8, doed t@ b8 b;r thG AttOrWy oUWrti --
My 88u t&l8 property. Cr, r&lo say be ma40 by the Sheriff to
the highartblddu u p~orl4a4in the 8ocahd paragmphof8eo-
tion 9, w vatten r8qwrt OT op4 OS the iatm8te6 tuh#
ctoit8. &alrudy iI¶dlOat~, h8VWU the rharlff ray not 80
8eu UUtil 8iX BlXithU WV8 pU88d fOliw the U&atiaO Of the
porlod of redomptlon. Atit8 8tieth8 formu ounermrybu8
puruhwor, and lf the proparty 18 roverablo or diti8ibl8 in
k h dit UJ b .lold in pWO.18.
YOUr8 very truly