aaQora8leDenv . J8aksm
Dletrlot Attorney
Youmton, Tex8m
Dear Mr. Jaakmn: Attentloa -
Bent on tbe ques
OS10 8nd tbe lN?sm&nem or the new mu?P
dirldm. me mever8z p8reels, oi oaorre,
aonstitate 8 new rrubdivioion ,of+Ibe uomen
property bat no more so fhrn the OrdinarJr
p8rtitioa de-?!&between Co-ewnera.
*In soake l.n&usee tbs 18t prwldem
Sor 8 nes road dsdiaated to e, e pblle bat
not all of t&a 60 and tbio %nquey re1etee
to 80th typee or partition deeds,”
Vhe iolloring inetrwaents of tritlng
ohich shall hae beon aokuowledgad OT proved
acoording to law, IWe8utbWlstXitaber8-
corded, vie: all deeds, mar cis, cwm-
ancee, deeds ol trust, bonds F or title, owe-
Iaante, ~eel%sanOea or othsr lumms of
wri~ePw~sagls*0r teltamm,
*r g;oeBerao GbattelB, or movable propclrft
g =u-p-&~gy~e&t$
ofrealpropertynemup orplatotaay mmb
suMlvlmlon or re-suMlwldou sh8ll be flld
been authoruea 8y thm CBlllsdmsLensn* conrt
0fthem~~tyiawhbh thePeale~HUOi#
mltuatsd Dy order duly 4Mltmral lu the au-
otemofm&lcalrt,5o t%n6aaemofp8r-
tl.tlo8korothrmaMlwl 3 oathroug8ruourt
ei raoord~ provided, that wlthla i
eed altles ma torn8 the gwmralng
thereof Ln Ueu o? the Chmk%mei
*me. 1. mat mroatter wmry ewnmr ot
any tract ot lead situated rttbia the 0erpoF
rfe limlte er 8lfhin fire ridlea of the oar-
porate limita o? anj city kn the Wt8to of
Texa s * * l who amaybaredi&? auE&v&~e tlm
same in two or mareparts for
tha purpsms, of
1ayyLng out ally suMlTlslon of alw madI tom,
or oity, or ~irayddltl.on thOF8+to, or 0aq
part ttmreor, ccrolsarboaloti3akdlatrqF
lots, OF any loto, and etreetoI allepa, parka
or other portions intended for ptbl%cp iaee, or
for the use of purckbaeert3or ewners of lots
fiontlng thereon or ad jaaeat thspeto, sh811
muse a lat to be laid whicah s&all w@uraCe-
ly deacr f:
be all of the subdWleionf# of mmh
tract or paraels of land, gtrlng +ilmWonm
thereef, and the dlmen~ons of all the sfCeettb,
%?3 i..
leaomble &II Il.Jaolrson - page a
alleym,8qnarel,park@,or ot5arpolltioM of
same lnteoded tqbe dedioated te prbUo use,
or for tba use of ptrehaeers or wnew 0S
lots Sronting thereon or adjaoent thereto.
'SOG. 3. Tbatft shall be unlmfulfor
$heCounty Clerkot any county inwhich au&
hnd i.hm to reoeiwn or record any such plan,
plat or replot, unltlsrand until the same
ahall hare beea apprwed b;r the f3%tr plrnaibg
aa6nidMlon af any arty aersoted by thts Lat,
1S said elty hare a City Plamlng CoPPdraion
andirithavarw city marmiqg acraaltd-,
uale8s and until the srid plan, plet, 01?rb
lat8b8ll h8rewsaappmvsBby thO&Wem-
P ng body of much aity . ffePahlanalimcma-
aide of ord within tits pdles af lDQc0 than one
GitJ 8StMted br WI%@ &t &XI the FOq&dte
apprwal ehallbcr~ tbej?it,mmn(sru0)
mlmslon or gwernlng body, as the 88me may Ike,
of much of oaid oities hrvi~ the lar@Nt poaa-
1atZim. 0 l l
*h o . 4 . xi such plan or pbt, or replrt
shall 80ldOrm to t&O g@nSral plm Or e&d oity
iaeaid city andwithin PitO dlee of t&OCw-
porateliudts therW,regardb~had?crcp-
oemm to aal extension of SrnC and water rrimcr
artd the Lnstruiwmtalities of public utilftiee,
and If aaw aballeoafomto such p3mwalmlcM
tlrrlrogulatioxwd, if any, gwaming plate and
oubdirlmiona of land falling w&thin its jurie-
diction as the $wsrPrLng body of IHWA city my
adopt and promlgato to proaote the hbrrlth,
safety, morale or genaral welfare of tho sow
mnity,and tbe safe,ordwlp and he8lthful
dwelopimnt of spid eoePPmi8.y a * *, them it
shall be the C%uty Of W&id City plannia(g @-
Blfsaton or of the $ow~niep; body of snob nitp,
as the case muy be, to tmdome appwal apam
the plan, plat or rIL)Blatsmabadttad t0 it,'
(S.Ye no. 2TIt #fh Leg. p. SW.
nouorable hk W. Jaakmon - page 4
BJaemthee~ &8tut~ 8mou~ideredtogethsr
US they should be - releted ae th6y 0re - it la our
ccin~lu8ion that partition daods W-ted by ao-temsnte
Sor tho purpose of efpeuting a partition of 18nd does
notoosrerithintheirm8ning. Whether thep8rtition
Peed ir or is not executed by iaoluding in the inetru-
mont 8 aurp, plat Or delinsatfon wbataoever 0P the Iand
thus grrtitAW3d, ~111 not obange OUT hOld%ng.
The olw&oua pwpoae of the sit*tutea wat3to '
i-U@l~8tO the ookkaxlnprmtlce of laying out arrbdiri8iOnrl
Or 8dditiOU6 Of WbUFb8Zl 18lldfl80 US to bZ%q about 8
ooniliotrith the pla~rd~g,plrrtf&g tanddelineakioa
OS the etreeto alleys, parka, lots and the like of
theoity tow hi ob au4B aibdWlsifm oc addktionis a&
jaatut . SUCh 8 -ttW' iUWO&WM 8 &X&u0 bt4WSt, ThW6-
ae8wrepaPt%t&OUin$oflaDia betweanormngee-
teaantm imolwem eolely a matte of prroml right aau
not of publia Oou6exl.