Iionorablo Comally Is?5Kay
c02ntg Attornag
Vood coLulty
Quitman, Texas
vhlch vaPtlng period 5-z now Gppro-
Art. ‘1052, Code of Crlninal Procedure;
Art. 1617, Reviood Civil Statutes;
Art. 1622, Roviaed Civil Statutes;
f?P;i1074, Code OS Crl3l5.ifil procc-
: Art, 16, Section 61, Conetitution
of Feraff;
Art. 3912e, Section 17, Revioed Civil
aARGlJJ2.E2~r Art. 391%e, .Ssctlon 17, reads ln part
88 fo~lows : *In ell couuttos in this State such pre-
cinct officers shall oontFnuo to bs cozxpenseted for
their servicoa on Q foe basis until the Comissionomt
Court ehnll, hove dotormined othervtise in accorclctnco
with the provisions of Section 2 of this Act.1 *
“Sn tNe County, the Comnlsslonera~ Court hos
taken no action comeming changiug Justicao of the
Peace to a salary basis, so it thorofore follows that
they are compenscttcd wholly on a fee baolte.
“Art. 1617, Revised.CivLl Statutes, provides
that, a$ well a$ other county officials, the Justice
of the Peace who ahall collect or handle sny mouey for
tho use of the county $haSl make o. full report to the
Comlssloners’ Court, at each roS;ulau tom thereof of
all fines imposed and collected end al.1 judgments ren-
dorod and collected for ths U$Q of the couuty, end all
jury fcos co3loctod in their rcspeutive courts in
Savor of, or for the use of the countyj and bt the
mm3 tims preaant their receipts nnd vouchore, shov-
ing vhnt dSspoaStion has been nado of ths normi ;;;leot-
cd, fines Imposed, end judmeuts rmdered.
1622, R.C.9. provideo that when any officer collact~
noney balonging to, end for tho use of, esy oounty,
ha shall, excapt Vhcro otheririse provFdod in this
title, forthxlth report the ram to the proper couuty
clerk stating fully fro3 when collect&, tha a!aouut
Co3lectoG, tha tine trhsn colloctad, $.ml by virtue of
vhai mthority or procoee collected. Such zxcticlo
pPovldc$ furthor that on mklng $uob report, ouch
mount eholl bo chm(i;od to suc21 officer, end he nay
dlncherga him&f thoref??ox by pr~d~~inp, tho 3?ecoipt
of tho props county trooouror thharofor.
, .-.
&morablo Connally EScXay, page 3
“In view of the two articles mentioned above
it- ueeT53that the statuteo direct the Justice of
the Peace to turn into tho County Troaeuror all
stoiioa collected belonging to or for the UBOof the
*Art. 1052, Code of CrMnal Procedure, reads
in part RS follovsa ‘.... Two Dollars and fifty
Cents ehall be paid by the Count to the Justice
of the Poam for each Crinina
--sg Action tried and
flnal~y disposed of before him.....*
%!h%.sartidlo mema to bo based on the asSmp-
tion thet the justice has turned into the County
Treseurer all monies collected bs1ongZng to or for
the use of the County, and that the County ia then to
reinbume him in tho mount of 82.50, ee provLded in
.t.ho nbove article.
@Art. 1074, Code of Cr?lmlnal Procedure provides
for triel fee OP $$.OO 88 hereinbefore sontioned,
‘Art. 16, Sect&on 61, Constitution of Toxa8,
rends in part a8 followa: r....All fees earned by
., dietriot, county end proalnot offlcem @hall be ’
paid Into the County Treasurer vhore ssrned for
the account of the proper fund, provided that feea
incurred by the State, county and my mmicipality,
or in cam vherc a paupers oath is filed, shall be
paid into the County Trsnsury vhen co31ooted and
Provided thr.t vhore any officer is commsatcd vhol2~
on a foe basis cuo.l? rees n otalncd by such
0Sffccr or oZT3f~t~recsury ol tilf2 corrnty a3 *
the Comissionars 1 CouYt my direct.. . . *
“oons~d&hg all the namb .articles, both civil
and crinlnal, end tile provision of the constitutiion
quoted r?bove, ths log,fchl conclusion Fe that the
et&&o;ory provisions and tho constitutional provision
em in conflict.
“OPiZIOX: It is the oplnLon of the triter
that tho Conctitutional provialon io contz*olling,
and that the Comissionors~ Court in enpowrod to
direct thot~ any officer coqmxated vholly on a fee
basis nay rotaln such portion of the fees collootod
as he Is Jo~nlly entitled to racolvo.
., R.onorable C0~2ly NOUy, p~a.)r
oPROPOSITIORRO. 21 Doe3 the Comlaaionerst
Court hwa tha authority to direct the oounty treas-
ur8r to pay end apply monlao received by such trcao-
urer from fines lmpoead in Justice Court into a.uy
particular fund they see fit?
oAUTHORITIESrArt; 1709, Ravisad Civil Statutesj
Art. 1628, Roviaod Civil Stututosj
Art. 3629, Revleed Civil Statutes;
“ARGWTI .krt. 1628, Revised Civil Btat,utes
88t8 up ttiae funds into VhlCil the County treasurer
ehall plooa nonios co?dng into his hZuxk!. Art. 1629,
provides that ths Comiasionars’ Court my caune other
amount8 to be kept, creating other clae3es of funds,
a3 it nay dcen propor...,. Art. 1709, reeds a8 followsa
‘The County traasurar shall x?eooiva all Eoniea belong-
tng to the county from vhctevar 3ource they my be da-
rived, and pay and apply the 3tme ao required by law,
Iq suoh mnuor as the com.issPonars court of his county
may roqulre and dire&. )
I “OPIRIOn: In the absence of statutory requlro-
manta as to vhat particular fund them noniee ehould
bs placad, it la the opInI.on of the Vritor that the
Comiesionara~ Court does have tine authority to diraot
into which fund they shall ba put.
“I raepectfully ask for f3.u0nlnLos fro3 your
offica on tha abova propositionn,”
Wood County, Taxeo, had a population in excess of 20,000
l.!Wkbitunts according to tho 19tiO Federal Cansua, end \TOundar-’
.Dtnnd fro:~ your latter that tho procLnct officers we conpemntad
on a fee basis.
Arti& 1052, Vernonis Annotatad Toxns Cock or Crln-,
inal Proccdurs, @mda @3 follovsr
nThroa Dollars ohall be plaid by the county
to the County Judge, or Judge of tho Court ot Lzw,
and Two Dollars ond fifty oonts shall bc paid by
the cowty to the Jwtice OS tho Pozco, for each
criains.l nction tried md finnl>l dioporod of bo-
fom hII& P1*ovided, hmovor, that in all ccmtics
hapin n popubtion of 20,000 or lorrt, the Juetlco
oi" tlJf3 po2cc 3h2l.l rmoivs 0 trizc!. foe of Throo
Dol.3ars. Such .Judge, or Juatloo shall present to
tho Comlasloncrs* Court of Ns county at a regu-
2s.r tom thereof, a writton. account specifying
each orlmlnsl aotion in which he clalma such fee,
cortifioclby such Judge or Justice to bo correct,
and filed with, the County Clorl:, The Coamlasion-
ers~ Court shall approve suoh account for such
amount as they find to be correct, and ordor 8
clmf’t to be laauad upon the County Tronauror Zn
favor of such Judge or Juatico fop the amout ao
approved. Provided tho Comxlasionor~a~ Court shall
not psy any account or trial fees in any ceso
triod and in which an acquittal l.a hsd unlcas the
State of Tor.rs vaa roproacnted in the trial of
eaid muse by tho County Attorney, or hts assls-
taut, Crininpl Dintrlct Attorney or his aaalstnnt,
and thf~ ocrtZflcate of.-said Attomoy is attaohed
to aaid account oortlfytig to the fact that said
cauzo ~8 ttilod, and tho St&o of Toms vea ro-
presontod, and that in h.La jadg?xmt there vaa
rufficfent evidence in aaid csuas to.deimnd a
trdal of same.’
- Arficlo 1074, Vernoala !.motatod Texas Code of Crln-
inal Procadure, rooda aa follova:
“Xn each aaao of conviction &‘a county
COUPti Cl’O. COUty COUrt st ls~t, vhether by s
jury or by a Court, there ahnll bo taxed s@nat
tho defmdsut OP against all defendanta, when
aoveral are held 5o~~tly, a trial fee of Pivo
Dol3are , tha aam to bo collected and psid over
5.n the asm moor as in tho cam of a Jay feo,
and in the Suatlcu Couz*t the trial fee ~hal.1 ba
the emi of Pow Dollara.”
Artlolo 1628, Vernon*a Aunotated Temn Civil Statutea,
reeda as follo1ra :
“The fubda~mxoived by the county treooumr
ehallbc clasaod es follova, md ahall be appro-
priatad, rcspc~tively, to the psy~~ont of. a13 clalns
registered in tho fi?at,, eooond and third cl.asoear
Ronos+able Connally &Kay, page 6
“1. All jury feoa, all noneg received frm the
eale of eatraya, end all occupation taxear
*2. All money rooeived under eny of the provi-
eiona of the road and brid2o lax, includI.ng the penal-:
tloa roaovered f’ron rellroada for fa.ilw to repair
oroaofnga, and all fiaoa and forfelturos.
“3. All uoney received, not othortise atpro-
prlated here%n or by the oomn.M$stoners oourt.
‘. Cpinicn 30. O-3092 of tbls department holds that fines
ehould be paid to the County Trunsurer and pieced In the Road &
Rrid@ Fund of the oounty. (See Sea. 2 of Article 1628, aupra.)
Articles 950 and 951, Vemonts Amotated Code of Crim-
inal Raoccdure, provide oertaLn ccmnioaions for certaLn offiaers
and road a8 follovet
‘Art. The diatrlot
950. or county attorney
shall. be entitled to ten per cent of’ &Ill fines,
forfeiture8 o? moneys colleoted for the Stotc or
oouuty, upon jud3;lonta reooverod by hint nr,d the
clerk OS the cowt in which aaid ju~euts are xon-
.* dered ahall be entitled to five per cent of the
amount of a&id judmenta, to be paid out of tho ~,
amOwt V%on OOlleOtGd,
“Art. 951. The sheriff or other cffioer, ex-
wept a justics of the peace or his clci*k, who ool-
locts roncy for the State or county, except jury
Soed, under any provislon of this Code, shall be en-
titled to reta& five per cent thereof when colleot-
Ve quota f&m Opinion Ro, O-616 of this daparkmt a$
“Artlclo LOj2, eUp:pra,apaciflcelly provides
that the county judp, or judp3 Of t!x3 court at
lcw, cl&l be paid $5 .OO by the comty, fcr ewh
crtilnrrl actlon triad and f5.nall.y &La~osiadof before
him, such atctute furihcr prorLdca thnt the justice
of the ponoo ahall rsceivo $2.50 in al.1 colratioa
havL,,ilgG populatFon in oxceaa of 20,000 Pad $3.00
in cl1 cowtlm hsving n yopzlation cf 2S,COO OP loss
for edi.cHr.~ind E&ion tried and fiscally dispcf~od
of boford hln, euch foor? to bs paid by tix? county
vh.en such olnims era filed in oomplianoe with Arti-
ale 1052, C.C.P. Xt ia lmmterinl whether ‘the dofon-
dant uho is convicted in such crinlnal aotlon pays .
his fine 2nd ooota or vorke his fine and co&s out
on the county f&m, pUb1t.C PO3.dS Or OtheT public
vorlse of the county, or eatiePi%a such fins end
coete by atzyizg in j&U a aui'ficient length of tim
to diaohmge Ns fine md coots. Tha judge or $ua-
tica 16 eatltlod to the fall fee az grov~dr;r! bx
Article 1052, cuprn, for eech crininal nctlcn tried
andTinnllg GIGcored of bvfora hlz."
we cncloso hormlth c copy of said opinlon.for your informs- 9
Opinion Ho, 0-634 of tW.8 Gqmtzmt bolik~ thet the
~omlesl,onars~ court does not have aothcrity to take trial fees
collected under ArtLcle~lO71;, C.C.P., and place the3 in a eep-
orate fund for the purpose of paying the foes due the~.?uetiao
' under Articla 1052, C.C.P. Ye.ewlose bsreuith a cogy of said
opinion for* YGOl informtfon.
We havo carefully conoidered tho CcnstltutionaZl gues-
t&on raised by you and have reached tho opFnlon that there ia
no conetitutioml gilcrstion Fwolv~d bsomse tho $4.00 tr,ial fee
la Justice Courts unAor*&~ticlo IWIt, CiC.P., 8v.p%, belarip; to
anrl is pr;able to the county and not to the Juctico of the Peace
and that t&r&we tho Suetico coilld not retnin any portZ.on of
t.ho fee due the county. The fee duo thj Juotico under AHxLcle
1052, c. C.?., supr2, :.a payable to h31 57 tho Cmaty, ?rior to
the e.mp,fi@ont of Article 1052, C,C.P.,.Jueticeo colloctcd fees
from doPGn&nta upon comictim; such pi?ozGdu?e XLS hsld invalid
In the case of Ezc Partc lie21y, 10 S.W. (26.) 723, on the (growd
tbot the Ju3U.cG hsd a p;ecuninrj intG??est in t>G defcn&mk's
ccnvlct.I.on a;ld wis Gi~pGll.iIlC?d -alJarAFtlcls5, SG3tion 11 Of
OUrState Conatittition. IIcncc the ~g~G&nent of ArtPcl.8 1052,
C.C.P., proviclhg that the cowiy shouli: pay the trid. fe0E of
Xt ia our fwthcr opinion'that the fines (less legal
cotieZ310n3) ~holl~d bc ~JhxX 3 in the Ro:d E IJridgjo Fmcl of the
,. .
soonorabls Conmlly McKay, paae 8
It is our furthor opinion that t&iI feee collected
tmaer Artiolo 1074, C.C.P., should bs plmod In thc$ General
Fund of the county anil that the fooe duo the Justlco undop
&tlOlo 1052, C.C.P., ~f’romtho aounty, ehould be piid fros the
Goner81 Fund of the county.