Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

681 OkFICE OFTHEAmORNN GENERALOFTEXAS AUSTIN QauoGmMn -aRma. f7\ Honorable IV. A. Morrison Orimi~l DintrIot Attorn Oamaron, T4x44 Dear Sir: opini0n HO. o-a9 orriae i44uad an opinion llouanoe by the Comalo- et aotual an4 aoousaw y *ervlng that county r air orrlof4l autf48 Thto opinion; . .~.,hblA rs* court or Fal1.r aounty oouwnot rtriot Attornoj auoh aotwl ead,aeoer- opinion is clearly a abrroot 4nmr wBut~oplnlon oannot apply to nilam Oottaty, Xilam Oountp alone oompores the 80th Judlofal Dintriet. The oti'ic4~of Orlmlnal Dlrtrfet Attorney or Mllam Qounty exile8 by rlrtue 0r the t4rm 0r Articrle 986q. As origi- 1x411~ anaoted this statute amated the offLo &bg4t& the powem, dutisr (uhloh Vopuirs thr CrimfMi Dlrtriot Attorn4r to perffw%i the dutim of both.4 Diatrlot Attorney ana 4 county miormq), and prlvilegor of the erriao. EOR. W. A. Morrison, pago t The enactment provided for the oftloer'a oompauaatlon upon a ree basis. Subsequent legielatlon of courne haa rapaaled, ii not dlreotly teen by neooasary lmpllO4tlon, the prorlslont~ of the statute with rsfarenoe to oompan84- tlon by fees; and now the Criminal Xetrict AttornSy la componaatod on 4 8alary baaia, such 8414137 baing zet by the Coamla8ioner4* Court, and paid out or the oirla0r*8 salary r-d or said aounty. *It la readily 4pparmt on the faos of the oplnlon that It ~88 not l&tended to apply to Criminal Di8triet Attorneys, but only to Dlatrlot Attorney4 in judicial diatrlota oomprlmd of more than one oounty. Az aaid In tha opinion, *t-ha atatutea do 4ot apportion tha expense8 of Diatrlet Attorneys aaumg the Countla8 in ju61c141 eistrlota oompoaed of more th4n on4 oounty, but apaolrioally provldo that auoh 4xp4naea 4hal.l bs paid by the Stats upon the aworn 4M itemized aocount of saoh Dlrtrtot ludgo or Attorney entitled therato, rhowing such expenzaa.*p “A portion of raid Artlqlo 3220~ provld~a th4t the Crlztinal Dlatrlat Attorney shall multe *at the okme OS oaoh month OS the tmire of said oftloa* the report roqulred of 411 oounty~offlolals by Art1010 8899, aa ammdod. Wald ArtiOh S899 la the &enrrsl statute allowing county oftlol4la *raaaomble expenses necessary in tha propor and 14& oonduct of* their oftioaa. Seotfon B thereof provide8 that saoh offiaer marred in the aot, where he reoslrem 4 salary a# oompenaation for his aer- oLoe8, *shall be s&powered and permitted to purohaae and have charged to his oounty 411 roaaon4ble expmao8 aeo48- aary in the proper and leg41 oonduot of hi4 offloe, auoh expenasa to be parred on, pre-doterniin~d and allowO& in kind 41~3 4nxxauta as nearly as po4albia by the ConaPiartoneral Court ono~ eaoh month for the enauiz@ aonth upon the apple- cation of eaoh officer dating the kind, probable amount of expenditures, and the neoeaalty for the expense8 oi his 0fri00 r 0fluoh ensuing month.' Hon. W. A. Morrl804, p*ge S “Aa corroatly stated In the opinion above meaitlonmd, 'Artlole SS99 provides and authorize8 oortaln expenaer only for those oiffoera wheme oalarlea arm set, or racy bo 8ot, by the Coamiaalonera~ Court.' *There OM be no queatlon but that Soetlon S of uld ArtiOle applies to the Criminal Dl8trlet Attorzay of Yll4m County ainoo hi8 salary f4 8ot by the Cozmi@- alonara~ Court. "It 8aena to us that it It appe4red to the Coamie- aionara* Court th4t such lx p a na sm were reasonable a04 n40088ary In the propar and lee1 oonduet 0r this 0rri00 then they would be permitted 48 '4 matter or law to pa88 upon and allow the Criminal Di8trlot Attorney rearooable expense8 inaurred by htm in operating ap automobile in oonneetlon with the duties 0r hi8 orriae. Vurther, yooo will note In Section A of Artlalo 3SQ9 t&t an otfloer ooapen8ated on 4 fer baa18 18 entitled to aotlul 4nd neoe8ury expenaea lngurre4 by him in the oonduot oi his orfio6 @such a8 stationary, atampa, telo- phone....... trawilng expsnaea, and other neosrsary arpenas8*, whioh would x&e it appear th4t in the emItem- platlon or the Le~ialature, traveling expen808 am neoem- 8ary lx p o n8*8 . Again In 8eotlOn B it 18 old 'if ruoh lxpuimoa be lneurred in oonneetion with 4ny partiouiar oCae auoh report 8hall naBtb auoh oaao*, wbloh phra84ology tight aontemplata traveling exponrea. Va~Zthr baaim or the above I submit for your opinion the r0li0iag pusryt *I%y the Cozzaiaalonera* Court of Mllmu County fm Its dlaoretion allow the Orlmlml Dlatriot Attorney of aaid County reasonable expmn8en lnourred by hi&in opsmtjn@ 421 automobile within or without Mlbm County dn:laOuueation with the autisa of his offiee.n Seotion8. (.a) and (b) , 0r Art1010 8599, Vernon** Aanotated civil Statutes, reaa, In part, 48 rolla-t 684 Bon. iv. A. Morrison, psge 4 =(a) At tha aloae of eaah month of his tenure of olfias aaoh ofiioer named hsrsin who Is compsnsatsd on a fee basis shall irake as part of the report now required by lar, an itsmired and sworn statement ot all the aotual and neoassary arpansas fncu.rrsd by him in tha conduot or his office, such aa stationery, stamps, telephone, prsmiums on orrloiala' bonds, ino~udii~g tha oost or surety bonds r0r his Daputies, ~retium on fire, burglsry, theft, robbery insuranoe proteotlng publio tunds, traveling axpensss and other neasssary axpsnsas.: . .* "lb) Each offiaar W in this Aot, whara he toosirs a salsry as compensation tar his ssrvioos, 8halL be smpowarsQ end permittad to purohasa sd hare ohsrgsd to hLs oounty all rassonable ~onsss neoetisary in the proper and legal oon- dwt 0r his 0rri08, prsmiuar 032 0rrioid.s~ bonds, prtirrm on fire, burglary, theft, robbery insuranos protooting publio runas and lnoludintr the oost or surety bonus Sor his Psputlas, suoh sxpadsds to be pssss4 on, pro-dstswinad and aLlowed in dad and alaounta, as nsarlr as posslblr, by the Com~&sslons~s* Court onoa each month for the ensuing month, upon the appli- aatlon by saoh oiflasr, stating the kind, probable amount 0f expenditurs md the necessity ror the axpsnses 0r hfs orfioa ror suoh ensulne month, whj.ah application shall, before presentation to said court, first be snborsed.by the County Auditor, If any, otherwise the County Tmamrer, only as to whether funds are ara1labl.a tor payment oi auoh expensea. . . ,* Saotion 1 of Artlola 39lSa, Vsrnon~s Annotated Clril Statutes, reads; In part, a.8follows: 90 aistrlot orrloer shell be pal4 by the Stats ot Texas any tees or ovmmisalon ror any ssnitm p%rfommd by hinq nar shall the State or any oounty pay to any Qounty 0rfi04r in any aounty oontalning a population 0r twenty thousand (SO,OOO) inhabitants or more according to ths last praoading Federal Census any fee or oommlssion iOr any service by hia perrormed aa auah Olriosr; ,. . .* Under the provisions of brtiole 39lS0, Ssotion 1, supra, the Criminal Dlstrlat Attornay of Nilam County fs a salaried orrloer, and It naoasssrily follows,thet Saotion (b) of Art&ole $899, aupra, is applicable to your Question. Bon. w. A. Y0rrlsOn, psgs 6 Sootions (a) and (b) of Artlole be99, supra, bsoame SrrMtiV4 on January 1, 1936, and were a part oi S4nate BiU. lo. 8, 44th ~gls14turs, 1st and Sad Called S4ssions, Ohapter 465, pago WM. It is to bs noted that Motion (a) oi mid art1014 sp4oirioally prwldre that re4 orrioers may be r&a- bursbd for trareling expenses, It 18 8igniriew the 8e0ti0n (b) of said artiol4, although 4naoted at the sarm tIma as S4otion (a), does not provld4 that salaried ofifoarr shsll be r4lmbursed for tra.rsllng 4xp4ns40 or 4xp4nscH inourmd by tham in opmating an aubom4bIls in oomection with th4lr oSSloia1 duties. Seotlon (b) or Artfole S699, suprn, protides that said otfioor Qhall be 4mpoworud and pormitt46 t0 puso~se and h474 ebarg4d to his county all nasonebl4 4xpms4s n4048- spry in the proper a06 14gal aonduot or his oftlo8, .*.." lo are u&abla, und4r any ral.Id rule ot oonstru4tlon, to say that th4 lbwe quot4d language of 84oticm (b) provldes tor th4 a11owanoe or traroling oxp4ns4s or the 4xp48844 in- ourred in opsrsting sn aatouPobile or any county or dlstriot orrioer subj44t to the prwlsions or said 84otlon Q) or ArtIol4 -99, supra. Wo think that our position 18 support4d by HOUSS I3211 Bo. 57, AOtS 4btWLegIslatur4, 18t and 8&l Ca114d &;;lons, Chapter 57, page ls19, whlah b4oama etisoti+o ?uly E, Said not was oodiiled as Seation (0) of Artiole 5899, Ver&*s Aanotated Civil Statutes, and reads as followsr *(o) Providsd thst in all oountles of thts Stat4 ' having a population of not 1ess than thirty thousand, nine hunQr4d (30,900) and not Ior4 than thlrty.thousand, nine hundrad and rlity (SOi9aO) aooordiag to the last preoedingl F4dsral C4ssus wh4rrln there is no Dlstttot AttOI%ey and th8 Crilafnal Distrlot Attorney performing the duties of a Dlstrlat Attorn4y, suoh Orilaiaal Dlstrlot Attorney psrrormlng the duties of a Dlstriat Attorney shall bs empowered and p4rmitt4d to lnour reasonable and n444sssry srg4n848 in inrsstlgatlng arilae and~s40Usmlatlng 4rldenoe in orlnilnal oasesy and shall be allowed Thrw (5) Csnts a ml14 for each mile %rclYeldl by him ln,an sutorobilr iurnleheil by hipG In the dieaharg4 or oifloial bosia488, whioh sum shall oover all expenses ot th4 mnintenanoe, d4pr4olatlon, and operation of suah automobile; 8uOh 4X- p4nses shall be reported to the Conmlasionsrs Court Or 4aoh oounty affsat4d by tbi8 Aot a8 other expense8 ar4 reported and ehall b4 paid by @aid Commi.48~on4rs Court aa suoh other srpensas are paid.* 686 Eon. w. A. MorTlson, pags 6 If the crlmlnal dlatrlat attorney of any cowt~ wlthln.fhe above population bra&at was alraady cntitld to traveling lxpermer or upearor lnourred by oporatlng Ed lutomcbllc under Saotion (b) ot rstlole S8899, there would hare boon no need or the leglslaturc cnaottg Saotion (0). which 8peolflcally provides for rrald lxpemae. T&at the loglrlature maa aware of thl8, ir borne out br the 1-0 of the omcr@noy Cba8e of Em80 Bllllo. 89, mapra, (Artio%e 5899, 8~otlon (o)), whloh 18 as r0110w8 ~otlon 8. The fact that 8hcre 18 aet am say p~~vi8hi rOrOrimbal di8triot lttOr II8Y8 p Sr iO~6 the dutler of dl8trlot lttoram~r in 8aid countie8 aUthOl’iZi~ thblll t0 inbW CXwIi8C8 in inT~8ti6atin(l OdRC .and aOctmmlat~ niaan00 in erlmhal CCD.8, and that thC?e am wny Cal08 VheN it $8 nCoC8C~zy hr mob ori8inal dlctrlct attorney8 to orpond moriiss~in order tc prcporly tnrortl@c crime ana arewulato erlduzoc~ la orlmlacl oa808 Croat0 an cmorgwoy and agi Japeratlvo public MCa8iit~ that the OO?A8titUt%OXiC~ X’d.0 TCqUiriiy bill8 to be road ior r~vCn1 day8 be, ad ,2]1e 8aw 18 hrroby 8Wpendd, and thl8 AOt ball take atie& UUI ba in for00 fMw and -eP th. Oaf0 ob it8 Q188a&&, and it i8 80 cRactod.* Our opinion No, 043lUS holao in offoot fhat thorn i8 no authority ?or the allcwanoa of trard.ling to the Uriainal ~Dirtriatkttorney of ihy8OI3 Cowtr tor wking a trip to Okra- homa City, Oklahom, in lQVe8tigting a cti~al o,alcr to br triad in ths District Cotirt of braynoon Qounty, Tua8. In our Op$UiOR SO. O-1134, it U88 hold that the Criminal Dl8trlct Attorney of Fall8 County~oould not inour maaonablc and nCOC8- 8ary expCn8C8 to be paid by the count7 In kVO8ti&dRg crime and aooumlabing eridoncc in criminal oaccc.~.~~:~Wo are oaoloclng sopie oi the two opinion8 last wntionod for your oo~7e~iulca. MUam Counta ha8 a population of SS,iS8 &&habitant8 aocording to the last pmoedinp; Federal Oencuo. Tbe~efore raid oounty does Rot ooam within the population bracket8 aa 88t out in 8aid Saotian (a) or firtloLe SSOQ, rupra. lion. Ii. A. BtOlTiaOn,pa68 7 Section 18 of ;irticle3912 (a), supr'e,provides in effect that eeoh CrircineiIjistrictAttorney in this State serving 9 District con.prinlngtwo or more counties, the po>ula- tion of wi.lchexceed6 lLiO,OOCichabltanteaooording to the last proacdir,&, Federal Census, shall be allowed a a~ not to uoeed &COG. for tho necessary expense of such office, eald mm to be paId only upor,the itemized 8worn statementof such offioer, shouing the neosssity thereforand approved by the State Auditor. From the reason8 above etated It is obvloue that the legislaturedid not i!;tend.ctoallow any expense in lnvastlgatlng orflueand aooumulatingevlderme in oriainei Oasa8 or any upenrw lnourred by the Criminal Dfstrlct Attorney in ogeratirrgan auto- mblie axoept under the prorlelonsabove mentioned whloh do not apply to Nilam County. Therefore,your question is respeottullg ~awwered in the negative. Trustlnf;thet the foregoingfully amwem your inquiry, we are Tours rory truly @&tluzl- BY kl-d.iiw11tiapD8 AII8i8tant ApVECaCT 3, 1940 ATTORNEYGEbTERAL OF TEXAS