Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE A’ITORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTlN ,: ‘;‘. -. ‘. 3 l&o detf%wr la ‘. “‘. ;tntbl.rS~ke. ,, .: 1 .. 69 LUrtkeleeTS!kWa, P6aalOodo0tIexa8,make it a mledeauor fw ~2 not duly l%oenmed01 a phamaaist to6ngagalnswh Tile + Ye Ifnd no etatut whlah author- ius uyofitaortobd.ngaatioaagalnst apharmaaistto cd- leet him arumal Uoease See, but undes 8ootZon 5, supa, a gduuwaolSt vho kilr to pay his annual renwal fee of TV0 Dollws~boiweXarahii~st, theawbyaaase~to be alioenred pllamwist., '*$. Pous the fallwu ts obtain a l,Loenm issued by the Bbpwtqunt OS Publiq SaSety upad the iSfuuth datu ot this Ast to be b efisat until July 1, lq8, and tlwsame shall b4 Punbved b;rJQly 1st o? soofi swabdlng yewi* WO bdtO+o this SObtiOa PSquirb8 the S&&a SOWtPUbtiOn au Suetion k af tho ‘+L Cut a lloonue bb issued to a& apdhaaar7 UndbP thu unlevm xwoatl4 Dmg hot nottiths~ it has aot mu8fvud a peat fsa5 tie Stat0 Board to th.lsquestion 18 to be iouad in the doti- tbA 1 OS hrtio1.e 725b, Paal code OS 2uxa8, vhuih rmdsr "~hpc&wwy~ wa&s a Uosarsdsih8mMA8tas d4sl.Audbythblavsofth.lbStata’ubd,vherefho aontost so requirus thu ovaw OS a btom w othw plaao ai buifsesc~v&u namotic &uga are oaapound- ,ad w dbpaued by a llwnsed sbmsW%st; btit aothing %lltht8h@trhellLbbhMt3'td asaoafwrlaseaa pwsoavhoisnotrq#stbWd~Uwasodaua~ ssobt any authwity, r?lght, or WxUege, that is nOO~PfittsdtO,hiab7the~larn,~thi8 . Seotian6o?th6iscimeaat8UtboZ'1Se8the 84bsndtis- po8&tiolroinsMdio8b7 apothwwios upea thu cwdftieas thwe in prwwlbudi Slaoe uudw tho definltloa above qwtod, “‘a~-- wary’ mbaas a uq4xubd vt,* lmbbl%wbthatthb~ aRat,oi~iU~~7~pat~8Susaila~6tOdiipwuS~. OOtiO8 to M k@bBW%'7, uuless he be duly llewsod by thu Sat4 Bawd of -Y* & & io n S’o ? the B(arootiomug A& b&ins with the vwdst @%xaoptas othwviss In this het apeaifi- $l~~dod,thZ8 Aat 8h&lInOt applytO the fOlbV- :* , c