Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

. OFFICE OF THE A’HORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN T&we h8s been lcindlysuhmltted to us, for ammlaa- t1on ln cmnlBut1m vith the instMt quest2rm, 8 oopy of sm- tract lmp4ogo betvean the Bureau or Ycrrdrand ma8 of ths u. 3. uavy and the Brrnm-Bellovrr-Columbla Camtruotlaa COJE- psny, for the cclrrtrwtiapof & Amfal Nr Bara at corpus Chrtitl,MdflwmM cl-tionMd oons:beMtioa &all partltlaltprovlslcmaMd featuws thereoi,w &TO rewhed the aawlu#IaL, upal the pwlo~ples aad md*r tbo lIthor1- ties dlwuswd in our opinlm Ro. O-3049,thst ths SPafIt- Bellows-Oolumbla CowtrwtlaD Ccqsny Is thereby oarcrt1tut.d UI lJldepeodantOaitractor vlth the Federal CowrnlAat for the cmstr+ca of the dmorlbti projeot~1 a *ooot-plus- 7sitssll~ izirglz% &rxY3as,m therefore,\nder the lithorltlsecited snd dlaoussedla the oplnlm advertedto, that f&e tu 1Wled by APtlA.e7047, Seotian4U, Subsectlaa(a), RevisedCivil Statutesof Texas, aould ocurrtitutlamllybs Ilisposed upm and oolleatsdfPcm the Ims star Cmt corpmtiaa, &a rrell*r of ruoh omt, ova thou&suehtushouldbeps&wdm~ part oftlmpw- oimnprioe, tosuohlnba~~teap~to u&dultUmtely to the Fedor Qovmwmnt, so 8s to lnamsse, pm3 tmto, the oalstruotioacosts or this pro$Bat. As la opipianIlo.O-5049,our omolusiop kero U to the tuaMlfty of the traaswtiar fads addlfi~ rup- port ia tlabexpressupdm? by the oov~rnmeat,irrt&o rme oithe oultlwt (Art * mabdlvlslcn0). to rebl- burseths ganmlomtrrotor,8Favn-&ll~~olrrrMlC~~- tim ckmp8lq, to the followingexte@itr '(0) The net aml?ultof My u. s. soala Becurltytaxes and artystate or 1QMl tuss, fees, orahwgesuhlch the amtrsatormyks uind aiaecrountoftblsamtraatto~yaxOr "4maax plant, equlpMat, prooess,0r~tlcm, mbtwiAls, or perscnaelwider my applloabla alld IAV or regulatlms issued by aoqmtont ruthorlty." '&apo8slble&8iu1o~tb@ taoa,ShrCbnuatBorpO=- tlcmr~tB*awrr-Bellar8-Col~~abisCmrtrwtioaO~y,rsd, lntum, ofsuuh lstterroapsaxa~8ttbe FederU Oar-t, for fd~smt, under the above quotedprovl8lanof the mm- Ealorabl.Oe0rg.H. shsggyd, -3 treat, ofcenwnttaxes prlcltoth0 Stste,is l crantrotsray betwan ths partiesarising out o? ax&rsot nthor tbm the tax measux'~hero tiVolv~d,sad huoe M the ~XW@OP aoope of this oplnian. Howwr, ve do sky tbt suoh tex me8sura1s applloabloto salor of emtby the frQo 8tU cmt Corpo.retlon,ueopltethe dwmlw&ms oantalne6sn Its lettertmnsmittiog bids snd in p-o mder oovor- lag shipmentsoioemsnt, toths ltrwtthatsuahawtorials "are for the axeluslv6use a? the Unltod 8tatessad tit10 to the w vests in the United SWter upar thoil,d@liV.~y to the custodyof Bswm mid Root, tie.,U. S. Bellovs,aa& co1umb$aCanrt~tlmCornpaag,ceatrrotfOy~090,x~~ AlrT~ingS~tim,Corpu8 cmi8tl,Toxa8,"~& "Fede~l sxclw tu, statesnclloerltams avenotappUacrbl6to thl8 purehue ior tbs sole Waount o? the UnitedSt8tu." &a EY GENEHAT. BI