Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ACTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable T. #. Triable Dlr6t Aesiatant State Superlr4mdent Austin, Texas Dear slrl Opinion lo. o- Ret Whether In your letter of War aplnlon as to whrther the p raw3 ir for unbartaking, ia- mad l YUI~/W h dams In miaml0, or a etipul*tea ir to be ored in matruoh diuaenta d in defrarlng general tJonaenatory~ to buy sd In eonmotion with Beotlon 8 ot ArtteLe VIII, ConrtLtutton of Tdmr provider that *the irhturr may; by general law, exempt from taxation . . . 9a~1 bulldingr used exoluriwel~ aad owned by pereona or oosaotatlaae of pertionsfar teheoL pu~poaer an6 the neaeeserr Sumiturs ct all 8ohoQ16 , . ‘ ." Honorable T. n. Trlmble, Pago 2 In your letter you a0 not advlmr urn am to the faotm oonoernlng the operation of the Conmervatory, nor for that mattmr dorm the Amarillo Who01 Dlmtrlot give you the faotm other than to mend you a oopy of an affldavlt ma60 by the Premldent o? the institution, oopy of an oplnlon o? attorney8 ,?or the Conservatory, and certain literature promulgated by lt, and all of whloh you have handed to us along vith your opinion requemt. In th elffldavlt it 18 mald: * that maid oorporatlon is engaged in the m&o~l'bumlnemm teaching the varlour fine artm, -muoh am voloe, mumlo of all kind, elooutl.onand other fox-me and type8 o? mauoatlonal teaohlngm, and that meld school 18 oparatea l trlotly wlthout profit to the mtook holaerr of maid oorporatlont and dorm not reoeive remuneration wh a tso ever lavm a nd lxorpt tultlon paid by the varioum ltudenta who attend and patronlme maid mohool." In the attorneya' opinion wo rind the ?ollowlng mtateaent of faotm: a. . . *The Conmervatory warn organlrad orlglnally about twelve ymarm ago by a group of olvlo aladad ladiem, who are well tralnea and experlenoed in the profmmmion of mumIo, with the primary thought of ultimately attalnlng for Amarl and vioInIty a munlolpelly owned, malntalnrd and operated flnm artm oonmervatorj for the advanommmnt and teaohlng of the finm arts on a bamlm mlmllar ta,the Pfno Artm Conmervatory of Clnolnn&tl. Wlth thlm thought In mind, the institution operated for a number o? years wlthout corporate entity. About June 7, 19s0, thm property in which the Conservatory warnthen carrying on itm enterprise warn mold by the owntr to the Ammrloan Loglon, thermby neommmItatlng the Conmarvatory finding othmr quarter8 nonm of whloh, mu??lolent to meet their nemam, oouid be rented In Amarillo, whloh ne0e88itdi0a the puroheme of a eultable plaoe to oarr;lon the work of the Con- mmrvatory or a dl8oontInuanoe of Its enterprime. Rather than to pox-milt thm fruits of their effort8 to go to wamte, thlm same group o? ladle8 organ- ized the present corporate entity ?or the purpome gonorable T. M. Trlrble, Pagm 3 of buylng a bulld.lngin whloh to continue the program they hsd been oarrylng on. ttelthvrbr- fore or alnoe thm incorporation of the oonoern ham it been operatea for profit to the owners or stook-holdore. On thm o o ntr er y, lln8e its oorporatlon lt ham adopted a met of by-lava mlth an lrrmvooable provision therein inhibiting the almtrlbutlon or profits among the mtook holdvrm. All mumm of aconmyrmalirma by the oonoern are used in furthmranoe a? an advanoemmnb program and to oarry on the workings of the lnmtltutlon. *The tmaohmrm in the present lnmtitutlon, mom6 of whom arm the original lnoorporatorm, are paid a pmrosntage 0s the tuition rmem 0hrrgea thm students they lnmtruot, for their mervloem rendered in lnetruotlng muoh students, and the balanoe of 6UOh tultlon firm go into t&m general fund to be used to defray the operating mxpenmem of the lnmtltutlon and in iurtherusoe 61 an ex- pansion program. The building the lnmtltatlon nor owns ham never been ana mver will be la the -future used for any uurnoae other than 8trlatU gchool D rue ee whloh under the statute in quem- tlon we Udeem*to’be the fact whloh deter!mlnem the right to tax exemption. The oourmem taught by the Conmervatory meet the requlremeatm of the National Ammooiatlon of Sohoolm of Blue18 in Awrloa, mad are aooradlted by the Texas State Department 0s Eduoatlon.a In this oplnlon we shall ammu1e the mtriot oorreot- nemm of eaoh of the Smote stated in aria a??ldavlt and attor- neJ8~ opinion. We find thm following furthmr statement in uld oplniont a We remally oonoede that the Conmerva- tori w&id-not be entitled to tu exemption if the mohool building were ured to house m #took of aer- oh8ndlme dally mubJsotma to retail trade, or were it used to house the members of the SmoultP or were rooms in thm building rented to other permonm for auf purpose. This, of oourme, is net the oame. a. . .I 630 Honorable T. II. Trlmble, Page 4 We shall assume from ths above language am well am other mtatemente made in thm oplnlon that the property 1s not only owned by the oorporatlon but that it la devoted exolu- #lvmly to the purpomea of thm lnmtltutlon ae met out in the quoted part of the affidavit csrdeby it's preeldent. I? thare la any varlanom of the aotual raotm from the above, we do not tender thlm oplnlon am neoemmarll~ oon- trolling thm question. That the Conmarvatory is a mohaol,meeam mo olear to us AI to need no dleouemlon. I? the property in quemtlon is owned and used exoluslvely for suoh mohool purpomem, the oonetltutlonal provision quoted lmi maple broad to authorlrr the Legislature to extend the exnptlon to both thm bulldlngm and neoemmar~ furniture of thm Conservatory, whether publloly or privately ownea. Bee Casslano ve. Ursullne Aoadew, 64 Tu. 675. Buoh emotion of the Constitution ~18 not mel? enaot- lng, however, but by its terms only grants the pover to the Lo lelature to allow the exemption. Worrlm vs. lfamonm 2 ",.;. %* 51 , City of Xouston vs. t%attlsh Rltm Benev. Amm*n., fi 278; Santa Rosa InflrEmry vm. 9an Antonio, 258 S.W. 951. l' Honor we must look to the ststutm. Art. 7150, Revlmed Civil Natutem, provldem In part: "The following property ohm11 be exempt fro8 taxation, to-wit: "1. Schools an& Churohem.--Pub118 mohool houses and aotual plaomm of rellgloum worship, also any property owned by a ohurah or by a mtrlot- ly rellgloum roolety, for ths exoluslvm use ae a -dwelllug plaoe for the ~lnlmtera of much ohuroh or rellgloum mooletf, the books and furniture .therelnand the grounds attaohesd to muoh bulld- lngm nmoessary for the proper oooupanoy, use and enjoyment of the same, and whloh yields no reve- nue whatever to much ohuroh or rellgloum eoolety; provided that muah exemption am to the dwelling plaoe for the mlnlmtmrm shall not extmnd to more property than is rtaeonably nmoeammr~ for a dwell- ing place and in no event more thnn one aorm 0s land, All pub118 oollmges, pub110 aoadmrlmm, and all endowaent runds o? lnmtltutlonm a? learning . Ponorabla T. II. Trimble, Page 6 8nd religion not used with a view to profit, and when the same aCe invested in bonds or mortgages, and all euoh bulldings usrd rxolualvely and owns& by persons or aarociatinnr a? persons for school purposes; provided that rhrn the land or other pro- ertf has bean, or shall hereafter bs, bought %a g y such lnstitutlons und.sr ?oreolosure sales mad0 to satisfy o'rproteot bonds or mortgages in uhioh said endowment funds ars Invested, that suoh ex- emption of suoh lam3 ma propsrty shall oontinur for two years after the purohase of the seme at suoh sale by such lnstltutlono and no longer. ThrLs provision shall not lxtsnd to leasehold es- tate of real property held undrr authorlty of aw oollege or unlverslty of 1earnlng.s Heaalng the above lt IS seen that vhile all build- lag&%s& or l88oolatlon8 SXOlUSivOly ma ovned~:by p er o o na of persons for sohool purposes*:.aregiven the exemption, it 18 not lx t8ndeQ to the furaltoro or other personal proper%F of any exoept apubllos sohools. gtudents must w tuition su?floleab to meet ths operating expanses of the lnstltution, lnoludlng teaohers' 8omjwnutlon. While the tltle to the properties 1s in thr : oorporatlon, the stoak o? that entity belongs to prbvrte in- 4ivi4ua.l~who would obtain sooh assets la Qase o? a 4issolU- tion of the eorporatloa. We 40 not believe this is a publie sohool. Poefret Sohool vs. Towu a? Pomfret, 136 Atl. 88, Coanrotlout 0upreme Court of Errars; crt14,our Opfaloa lo. Q-1641. ‘In our opinion the porromal. property of the instl- totion is not rxempt tram tax&tios. It is our iruther opinion, however, that the tillding or bulldings omr4 by and uss4 OX- oluslvsly by it for its oorporate purpones are exempt. This ~0~14 lnalutlethe neOOs8ary grounds. 8t. Ed*rrde' (lollegeve. Yorris, 17 8.3. 6112,W?.Tex. 1.