zonerable John R. Shook
Crlmlnal Dlatrlot Attornsy
sariAntonio, Texae
Deer sira
nty at the Aormbbs~,
mrel election?
upon the above
ners* Court of Berm
the oon6truotlon of
whlah bond6 in the
thorlzsd to bs Issued
the county et tha flovembar,
oh hospital, alldis such tax
8 Constitution?
"(3) ?i;hatprooeUurs i6 rmorsaary to hake
such a tuberoular hoqdtml tax lsg61PW
On liaroh(?9,1941, this departmmt mot6 you a lat-
ter regusstlnrrturthar Lnformatlon r6latlYe to the ebws ~&se-
fions propou&d to thi6 office Uoposrning.----..A.,
the byildiw of a
Honorable John B, Shook, page 3
tubsroular ho8pltel in 8eld C0Unty for whloh hoe?ital bonde
were-Toted In th6 general lleotlon in Rwcmhsr, 1940. In
reply to ous abora mentionad letter, on April 5, 1941, you
wrote w in part a6 follows~
"we aoknowledge receipt a&o of your
oplalon Boa 04599. I fisllsvethir opinion
amwers 6atistaotorlly the question6 Ho. 3
end 3 propounded to you, end it dll not be
mOeS6al'$' to 80 further into these Ql66tiOn6.
We do dwirr, however, en opinion on
&motion 80, 1; aa propounded in our reque6t,
ths 66El6 being, 'Is the Comaisaimsre~ Court
of Berar C~ounty,Texee, ooqelled to direct
the conotruotlon of a tuberoular hospital,
for whloh bonds in the 6~6 of $;t85,OGO.G0,
were euthodxed to bs lseued by the people
of the Countyat the Nommber lQt0 General
"For your intormtlon, this pro~~~osel to
build a hospital W66 eubxltted at our Eiovcun-
bar Caneral Zleotlon and at thet tfae the
Comi6eioner6~ Court submitted the 6ame, imow-
in& in their own minds thnt there wad not any
mthod by whio::they might iso tarso to
support the said proposed hoep ftal, The
twenty-r%vs osnt ra for county purjsose6,
em provid6d by the Conatltutlon, hsrine been
already l~lod and allotted to Ot&et y.QO666,
1~1066 E. B. No, tit, ml&t provide tar aadf-
tlonal tax lery for the support of said
hO6pital. %