OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSWN Honorable D. C. Oreer wate Elghv4y mgineer 2esas Hlghwgy De)epartment Au@tIln,‘POxa@ Dew Sirr who operate8 ifs are mtwnllq rrerpondeaoovhloh %o y a w r ep uu y o ulttr 6hed 1942, on the above quertien. that the inditfdual ln Qlertlon ia operator oi “mite aadBluoWbQ ed to rwh anl8Prhlp on at 1eut on he ovner of the vahlolem ment loned. luthoritier in Peu8 on tha authoritiorfrcm other pew to be rimllrr regir- olopedia of Automobile Law (9th Rd.), Vol. 371, it ir 8ridr *Inarmuoh aI a oorporation, ilam or krdirldu8l MJ a traae-name under vhioh bwlmrr adopt PUT be trazuaoted,a regiatratlon in the n&m 80 adapted may be proper, UOept that, Of QOWSO, 4 fiOtitbN# mma mnnot be a&opted by an lndirldua~, under tho gui8e of a tr4d?hDUU), for the purpore of ocmeeal- iq his identitr. So a plaintiff vho bu thw sop isterod hia autorpoblle war ~444~4~ tw tiJurler dw Hoaorablo Di C. Oreo)?,page P to the n4gllg4noo of mothmr, and him right to re- oover will not be defeated b the faot that the plaintiff hmm failed to o-PI 7 with 4 statute re- quiring m oertifioateof oertain faotm to be filed by muoh a trmder, the ltatute being Intended solely for the Informationmnd the groteotlon of oredltorm vlth whom he ml&t oontraot. In Berry on hutomobllem,(6th Ed.) Vol. 1, Seation 295. page 266, it lm fwther maid: Wd4r a ot4tute providing th4t 4n applloa- tlon for the reglmtrmtionof a motor vehlole mmy be made by the owner, and requiring the appllmmtlon to oontaln a lt4toment oi th4 name, plaoe of reml- denoe, and mddremm of thm lpplloant, an applloation by au ovnor giving m fiotltioumpmrtnermhipname, under vhioh ho had been oondwtlng budnsrr for mmny pax-8 mnd vam well-known,warnheld to be auffl- oient oompllwAi54*.It mm furthmr held lmimatorlml that lumh owner had not oomplled with 4 mt4tute re- quiring t&t lndlrldualm4ng$4g4d in bumlnemm mnder nammm other than their own mhall file with the olerk of the oity or town ln vhioh the plaoe of bumS.nnemm18 lltumted, 4 aertlflorte stating the full name mnd r4mldenoe of eaoh pmrmoti by vhom it 18 aonduoted, 'She oowtdeolued, hoverer, thmt regtmtra- tion uuder 4 fiotitioum nmae mdoptod for thm pw- pore of aonoeallng identity would not ba a ooni- pllanoe vith the ltmtute ~b404u44 the ceoord would not lhov, nor the oertifiomte oontmia, a demarlp- tive mtmtement by which the true owner oould bm mma4rtrlned.t Co-ton V. uilli4n8, 216 #tams, 184, 3.03,?i.E. 298. See also ;ikenev. Wmhmm, 100 Irti.938, PuPted V. Hutmpkwey,188 B. x. 391; Brewer v. Ilhyem,188 U. E. 600." We call yew attention to the f'aatthat the statutes oonaerningthe regl8tretionof automobile8 (6675a, R.C.S.) and the Certifloateof Title A0t (1436-1, P.C.) require the lndlrl- dual owner of a motor wehiole to dl8olo8e hi8 identity ln the folloving lengumge: J.’ Honorable D. 0. fkmer, pago 3 Artlale 66754-3 provider; "Applloatlonfor the registrationof a motmr vehlale . . . shall bm sign- md by the ouner of the vehicle, end ah411 give him name end pddremrrln full. . . ." Article 1436-1, Section 94, provl&mr "The term fCertiflasteof Title( . . . mumt glveg "(i) A epace for th8 migllatwe o? the owner and the Owner 8h4u writ9 him nmme . . . in 811ch mpaoe. . . ." Art1010 X436-1, Beotlon 33, provl&mm: "Ilo motor,vehIolenurybe dimporod of . . . aalrmm the owner demlgnated . ) . shall tr4n8fer the aertlfl- eate of title on form . . . vhlmh follnlhmll in- mlude . . . 4n rffldavlt to the effoot that the signer 18 the owner of the sotop vehicle. . . .# Blnoe the suthorities clted hold that ths identity of the ovner la the lllaln purpose Involved In motor registration statutes 4nd minae the Texa8 strtute8 dealing with registration md the oortlfioateof title to motor vehicles roqulre that the actwl ounermhlp of much vehIalem be dlmolomed In the fom PO- qulr@ wader e4oh, we belleve that the lndivldtlal ia question naryreglata and obtsin a certlfioateof title to motw vehlrlsm operated in him buminemm under the trade pupe by uhich much bumi- nemm 18 kamwn.