Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

. Honorablomrm8terE8noook arlmlml M8hiotAttomry 1Ecnhbohle ) Tuarn opinion IO* O-sllT Dear sir: uo, whothor dord of trurt .x0- i .OUta d’&l jo intlto mk la nd b ulk to 808ur b oo dii80uo d inr o fundlzlg funlo en b o nd8 ir rabjaot to tha 8t8mp tu lavlrd by m.9oM v#n- an'8 Aanotatod oirii at&- atom. In your.1rtt.r of Tobruary 1, 1041, you request 0~ .opinionid rrspon8r to th? foxlowfng-qwrtionr =Ulura a taint 8twk Land Bank, with a ohar- tar frorr the ?ua Ondlt Adiaiai8tratianin Wa8hfng- ton, la reWn6lng all Or ut Of its bond8 i8r~04 pursuant to titr0. P 8, 0. a6 aodo Annotated, Motfo5 ul, iTa8 8 no&gag. aa it*. . nrlem$atr (e809ueU todoftmd ameaoh Wet to 804ura the now nortgagr or bond 188~0 used 10 rriundthe old bond; am the new dead8 of trwt mubjoot to tho doowontuy or rtamp tg rovldad for ln mtlola TOM-t ltevlred ip 8t8tak8 for 1988 of ar8 the mm. oxapt anau thr tobra 6td.8 lompthg Joint st00k Lrnd Bank8 fra oort8la taxation by F'rdaral, stcrto,or xua101981 luthorlt~rrt= The fir8t paragraph in Sootion 1, Artlole 1047r, Vsr- non*8 Annotated Civil Statotar, reeds as iollower "(a) Exoept 81 herein otherwise provided there la hereby levied and asaeseed a tax of Ten (13$)